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4 weeks ago

Frank Stella, Towering Artist and Master of Reinvention, Dies at 87

Frank Stella was a dominant figure in postwar American art known for his innovative black paintings that steered art towards minimalism. [ more ]
The Art Newspaper - International art news and events
1 month ago

A brush with... Alex Katz

Katz focuses on distilling fleeting visual experiences into timeless art.
He aims to match the 'muscularity' of Abstract Expressionists while holding onto observed reality. [ more ]
Berlin Art Link
4 months ago

Review of Anselm Reyle Exhibition at TICK TACK | Berlin Art Link

Anselm Reyle's exhibition 'Disorder' at TICK TACK in Antwerp is a playfully sincere retrospective of his work from 2008 to the present.
Reyle revisits Abstract Expressionism and creates an immersive, chaotic environment with splatters of paint and reflective surfaces. [ more ]
Portland Monthly
4 months ago

Helen Frankenthaler Had a Better Way

Helen Frankenthaler's exhibition at the Oregon Jewish Museum showcases her innovative approach to printmaking.
Frankenthaler saw printmaking as a distinct art form and worked to challenge the idea that it was inherently lesser than other art forms. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago

Vera Klement, noted Chicago artist, dies at 93

Vera Klement was a Chicago-based painter known for her abstract expressionist and representational works.
Klement passed away at the age of 93 due to complications from cancer and COVID-19. [ more ]
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