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Harvard Business Review
3 days ago
Information security

AI Will Increase the Quantity - and Quality - of Phishing Scams

The importance of top experts in computer science, cybersecurity, and AI in addressing cyber threats. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

10 Lucrative Career Paths in Computer Science

There are 10 lucrative career paths in computer science
These paths are shaping the digital landscape and defining the future of technology [ more ]
1 year ago
Data science

Media Mix Modeling, ML Safety Concerns with LLMs, and Data Engineering Cloud Options

Unlock the Power of Media Mix Modeling for Effective Advertising In this blog, we will provide a quick overview of media mix modeling and how you can get started with it.5 Concerns for ML Safety in the Era of LLMs and Generative AI The growth of large language models and generative AI has spurred new concerns for ML safety and cybersecurity.
2 weeks ago
Data science

Improving cardiac health through machine learning

Mostafa Al-Alusi is a cardiologist combining his passion for computer science to advance heart health through machine learning. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google's Chess Experiments Reveal How to Boost the Power of AI

Chess puzzles can reveal limitations of chess programs.
Computers struggle with complex, contrived chess puzzles. [ more ]
11 months ago
Data science

All of the Free Virtual Sessions Coming to ODSC Europe 2023

ODSC Europe is next week, coming up June 14th-15th, and we can't wait to bring the data science community together, both in-person and virtually, to reconnect, learn, and grow.Our in-person passes are almost sold out, but don't worry.If you are unable to join us at the Tobacco Dock this June, we'll be hosting lots of engaging training sessions, workshops, and talks on our virtual platform.
1 year ago
UK news

A-level students still learning about floppy disks but not AI, Parliament told

A-level computer science students are still learning about floppy disks, but not artificial intelligence (AI), Parliament was told.Labour peer Lord Knight of Weymouth, chief education adviser at TES Global Ltd, a digital education company, told peers he met an A-level student at the weekend who revealed this.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

PyDev of the Week: Steven Diamond - Mouse Vs Python

This week we welcome Steven Diamond as our PyDev of the Week!Steven is a core developer of CVXPY, a convex optimization package for Python.Steven has also been an instructor at Stanford.You can see what else Steven has been up to by checking out Steven's website.Let's spend some time getting to know Steven better!
1 year ago
Data science

Top Data Analytics Skills and Platforms for 2023, PyTorch 2.0

Top Data Analytics Skills and Platforms for 2023 We looked at over 25,000 job descriptions, and these are the data analytics platforms, tools, and skills that employers are looking for in 2023.PyTorch 2.0 Officially Released PyTorch 2.0 is official at last, and this update brings a multitude of changes designed to make PyTorch more powerful, versatile, and stable.
1 month ago
Digital life

IBM's quantum computer heads to college

Quantum computers on college campuses could lead to innovation and economic opportunities like the early internet hubs.
IBM Quantum System One available for RPI researchers, students, and partners. [ more ]
The Atlantic
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The Wrong Way to Study AI in College

Computer science programs becoming distinct colleges
Concerns about computer science students' education in liberal arts [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Niklaus Wirth, Visionary Software Architect, Dies at 89

Kent Beck, a software engineer, took the chance to sit next to computer scientist Niklaus Wirth on a flight, leading to a valuable conversation.
Dr. Niklaus Wirth, a pioneer in computer science who created Pascal, passed away at the age of 89. [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

Scientists Find Optimal Balance of Data Storage and Time

Hash tables are a key data structure for accessing and altering information in databases.
There has been a long-standing challenge to find the best balance between time and space in hash tables. [ more ]
UX Magazine
4 months ago
Web design

A Pattern Language

Architecture, Computer Science, Agile, and Design Systems are all fields related to technology and software development.
They all involve problem-solving and designing solutions for complex systems. [ more ]
UX Magazine
4 months ago

A Pattern Language

Architecture, Computer Science, Agile, and Design Systems are all fields related to technology and software development.
They all involve problem-solving and designing solutions for complex systems. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Where innovation meets expertise: Pace University's Seidenberg School at the forefront of the AI revolution | amNewYork

Pace University's Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems has been teaching AI for decades and is known for its expertise in the field.
The school is developing new AI-related masters' degrees to further expand its teachings in AI. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

My take on 2024 UX trends

AI will have a significant impact on the field of computer science in 2024.
Current state of UX design in relation to AI is limited, but companies will still explore AI to stay current. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

My take on 2024 UX trends

AI will have a significant impact on the field of computer science in 2024.
Current state of UX design in relation to AI is limited, but companies will still explore AI to stay current. [ more ]
5 months ago
UX design

My take on 2024 UX trends

AI will have a significant impact on the field of computer science in 2024.
Current state of UX design in relation to AI is limited, but companies will still explore AI to stay current. [ more ]
Quanta Magazine
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Google DeepMind Trains 'Artificial Brainstorming' in Chess AI | Quanta Magazine

Chess puzzles have revealed the limitations of chess programs in solving complex problems.
Chess has been a testing ground for artificial intelligence.
Research scientists are exploring creative problem-solving approaches for AI systems. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
11 months ago

Sheldon Jacobson: Dad, you were right

When I was a boy, my father was my hero.He could do nothing wrong.What he said was always right, and what he did had no fault.At night, when my father would make his nightly rounds, saying good night to each of his children, I, the only boy of three, was the last to be visited by him and received the most time and attention.
Eater Chicago
11 months ago

An Upscale Wicker Park Restaurant Boosts True Mediterranean Fusion

The owner of Turquoise in Roscoe Village, one of Chicago's most popular Turkish restaurants, is trying something new in Wicker Park.The city has a variety of Mediterranean restaurants, but the team behind Elia feels theirs is genuinely unique - a modern space with a bar and a fusion menu.To understand what Elia is vying to accomplish, it's nice to have a basic understanding of what "Mediterranean" has come to mean in describing food around town: a clumsy term that refers to several nations without any clarity.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Car-Sharing Company Turo Lets Data-Driven Personalization Take The Wheel | AdExchanger

You might call Andrew Mok an accidental CMO."I never thought I would do marketing," Mok said.Although Mok is now CMO of peer-to-peer car-sharing company Turo, which bills itself as "Airbnb for cars," he was "more of a left-brain person growing up."Mok's Taiwanese immigrant parents encouraged him to focus on hard skills, so he majored in computer science and business administration at UC Berkeley and, in 2012, started at Turo in a business intelligence role.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Opinion: Hype about AI is overblown

By Dave Price Daily Post Editor
I wonder whether the artificial intelligence craze, popularized by the new app ChatGPT, is just another gimmick that will fade away in the coming year.I'm not saying AI is unimportant, but it's been a part of computer science since the 1960s.In popular culture, AI was introduced to the public in the 1968 masterpiece "2001: A Space Odyssey."
1 year ago
Media industry

The secret nap room in Swedish workplaces you didn't know about

Muthuswamy who was born and raised in Chennai, India, originally moved to Sweden to study computer science in 2009.He became interested in data journalism after ten years working as a programmer.I was just saturated, he says.I wanted some purpose with work, and in the last couple of years, tech has been sort of destroying journalism, to be honest, like with Facebook, and all the Cambridge Analytics stuff, and fake news and so on.
Speckyboy Design Magazine
1 year ago
Graphic design

AI Tools Are Scraping Your Website. Is That a Good Thing?

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has been disruptive.Things are changing rapidly.And it seems like this technology is posing new moral, ethical, and existential questions each day.There are plenty of stories and opinions to choose from.But one recent incident caught my eye.A website owner claimed that their site was being " hammered" by a content scraping bot.
Chicago Tribune
11 months ago

Man in custody for throwing Naperville woman to her death in Germany

A woman killed in Germany this week after a man reportedly threw her and a friend down a ravine near the famed Neuschwanstein Castle was from Naperville, according to media reports.The two women, identified as Eva Liu, 21, and Kelsey Chang, 22, of Bloomington, by the Daily Mail, were walking on a trail in Schwangau Wednesday when they were approached by a 30-year-old American man who offered to show them a hidden scenic lookout near the Marienbrücke, a pedestrian bridge that offers a view of the castle, Bavarian police said.
11 months ago
Information security

Hiring kit: Cryptographer

Hiring a cryptographer requires a comprehensive understanding of the role, its responsibilities, and the qualifications needed for success.
When recruiting for the position, it is important to create a job description that outlines the specific qualifications and experience in cryptography that are required for the role. [ more ]
1 year ago
UK news

Andy Burnham plans overhaul of education with MBacc

Young people will get the option of studying job-friendly technical subjects instead of taking on debt to go to university under new plans by Andy Burnham.The Mayor of Greater Manchester wants to launch a Manchester Baccalaureate, or MBacc, to help the two-thirds of local students who do not go down the traditional academic route to get a degree.
New York Daily News
1 year ago

16-year-old high school senior with 186 college acceptances, $10M in scholarship offers is headed to NY

A 16-year-old high school senior with nearly 150 colleges offering a total of $10 million in scholarship money is headed to Ithaca, N.Y."I have committed to attend Cornell University and intend to pursue computer science and to later move on to practice software development," Louisiana wiz-kid Dennis "Maliq" Barnes announced Friday.
1 year ago
Digital life

Creating More Opportunities for Women in Technology Sector and STEM Education in India

The low metrics of women in engineering as a discipline is a matter of grave concern.According to an AISHE survey, only 11% of engineering graduates in India are women.The percentage of women studying computer science in Indian universities has remained stagnant at around 15% for the past decade.The number is even lower in the hardware domain which is the bedrock of semiconductor industry and is predominantly male-dominated.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Will County judge dismisses election fraud lawsuit from November county clerk race

A Will County judge dismissed an election fraud case Thursday filed by the losing candidate in the 2022 race for Will County clerk that claimed mathematic formulas showed the final vote count was fraudulent.Republican Gretchen Fritz filed the lawsuit Dec. 28, claiming she believes "mistakes and fraud have been committed in the casting and counting of ballots" in the race because her opponent, Democratic Will County Clerk Lauren Staley Ferry, received more votes than Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker.
1 year ago
Digital life

AI Expert Weighs In on the Rise of Chatbots

What if a chatbot comes across as a friend?What if a chatbot extended what could be perceived as intimate feelings for another?Could chatbots, if used maliciously, pose a real threat to society?In an interview, Santu Karmaker, an assistant professor in computer science and software engineering in the Samuel Ginn College of Engineering at Auburn University, takes a deep dive into the subject.
11 months ago
Digital life

What Does AI-Powered Microsoft Bing Say?

1. AI-powered search engine Microsoft Bing is an effective tool for personalizing search results and helping users find relevant information.
2. Microsoft Bing’s AI-powered search capabilities are used to analyze user behavior and provide more targeted results.
3. Microsoft Bing’s AI-powered search features help to reduce bias in results, making them more accurate and fair for all users. [ more ]
1 year ago

Congrats, You Made the French Open. You Get to Play Djokovic and Alcaraz.

Aleksandar Kovacevic did plenty of tossing and turning Sunday night before finally settling in for what he thought was about six hours of restless sleep.He had good reason to be nervous.Kovacevic, who is 24 years old and the world's 114th-ranked player, had a noon tennis date in the first round of the French Open with Novak Djokovic, the winner of 22 Grand Slam singles titles.
1 year ago
Data science

Generative NLP Models in Customer Service: Evaluating Them, Challenges, and Lessons Learned in...

Editor's note: The authors are speakers for ODSC Europe this June.Be sure to check out their talk, "Generative NLP models in customer service.How to evaluate them?Challenges and lessons learned in a real use case in bankingThe challenge of evaluation: the need for human criteria ," there!With the increasing use of digital communication, daily interactions between customer service agents and clients have shifted from traditional phone calls to chat and text messages.
Eater Atlanta
1 year ago

Andy Tan Embraces the Term 'Fusion' at His Asian Brewpub Hopstix in Chamblee

Tucked away on Pierce Drive just off of Peachtree Road in Chamblee, Andy Tan brought something truly unique to Atlanta's Asian food scene when he opened brewpub Hopstix six years ago.Hopstix isn't your average brewery, nor is it your typical Asian fusion restaurant.It combines the best of both.At Hopstix, Tan embraces the term "fusion" to describe his Chamblee brewpub, where dishes from China, Malaysia, Indonesia, and India fill the menu and the flavors and ingredients from these countries infuse beer styles from America, England, Belgium, and Germany.
1 year ago
World politics

Gordon Lightfoot's Death Is a Loss That Feels Personal

When I was growing up, Gordon Lightfoot songs played on the living room stereo, on the radio in the kitchen and in the family car and on my dad's guitar so continuously that it felt like the Canadian singer-songwriter, who died in a Toronto hospital on Monday at 84, lived with us.[Read: Gordon Lightfoot, Hitmaking Singer-Songwriter, Is Dead at 84] Image Nature and wilderness were central themes of Gordon Lightfoot's music.Credit...Reuters I talked this week with my mom and dad, who are 82, about the musician who made the soundtrack to our lives.
TNW | Deep-Tech
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

When will AGI arrive? Here's what our tech lords predict

Story by Senior reporter
Thomas is a senior reporter at TNW.He covers European tech, with a focus on deeptech, startups, and government policy.Every tech baron worth their Patagonia vest is talking about AGI these days - albeit with mixed feelings.Some await our robot overlords with rapturous excitement; others anticipate a digital apocalypse.
1 year ago
Digital life

The Promise of Holographic Displays

The next generation of computer screens could incorporate holographic displays, allowing us to interact with images and videos that appear to be presented in three dimensions.Instead of interacting with real-time videos of colleagues during videoconferences, they could be represented as holograms.Medical professionals could be presented with three-dimensional (3D) views of organs and scans to help diagnose conditions and plan surgeries.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

PyDev of the Week: Draga Doncila Pop - Mouse Vs Python

This week we welcome Draga Doncila Pop as our PyDev of the Week!Draga is a core developer of the napari package, which is a multi-dimensional image viewer for Python.Draga also speaks at Python conferences about Python and data visualization.You can see what else Draga is up to by visiting Draga's GitHub profile.
1 year ago

Family of teen who died after reaction to Byron burger call for law change

T he family of a teenager who died in London after an allergic reaction to a burger is calling for the law to be changed so restaurants must display allergens on menus.Owen Carey fell ill as he walked by the London Eye with his girlfriend on April 22, 2017, during a trip to the capital to celebrate his 18th birthday.
1 year ago

These Are the Most Bizarre Numbers in the Universe

What is the most bizarre real number that you can imagine?Probably many people think of an irrational number such as pi () or Euler's number.And indeed, such values can be considered wild.After all, their decimal representation is infinite, with no digits ever repeating.Even such bonkers-looking numbers, however, together with all the rational numbers, make up only a tiny fraction of the real numbers, or numbers that can appear along a number line.
1 year ago

Opinion | The Most Common Graduation Advice Tends to Backfire

As American high school and college students graduate and embark on the next phases of their lives, one piece of advice they will undoubtedly receive is to follow your passions or some equivalent sentiment.It seems like fine guidance, however cliched: Do something that feels true to yourself, rather than conforming to expectations.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Sheldon Jacobson: America's health care system benefits the insurance industry, not patients or doctors

Could this be the year when America starts to shift away from the employer-sponsored health insurance model?To be sure, health care is an issue that concerns most people.Whether it is accessing care or paying for health care services, few people are free of the anxiety that comes when they or a loved one must undergo treatment for an acute life-threatening or debilitating chronic condition.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Microsoft Says New A.I. Shows Signs of Human Reasoning

When computer scientists at Microsoft started to experiment with a new artificial intelligence system last year, they asked it to solve a puzzle that should have required an intuitive understanding of the physical world.Here we have a book, nine eggs, a laptop, a bottle and a nail, they asked.Please tell me how to stack them onto each other in a stable manner.
1 year ago

Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems By Winshen Liu - The Rumpus.net

Rumpus Original Poetry: Three Poems by Winshen Liu
樹葬 (shù zàng) You always flossed and wore collared shirts.Did you know the ash would be white?I expected the gray of attic labels and alley cats,
that the urn would open and pour out
the earth like shavings -
but it was lustrous.
Mouse Vs Python
1 year ago

PyDev of the Week: James Bednar - Mouse Vs Python

This week we welcome James Bednar (@JamesABednar) as our PyDev of the Week! James works at Anaconda as a manager of the Holoviz, a popular data visualization package for Python.If you'd like to see what else James is working on, you should check out his GitHub profile.Let's spend some time getting to know James better!
Can you tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, education, etc):
I've always wanted to figure out how things work, mainly to fix them or make them work better.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Neuroscientists Trained An AI To Read Our Minds - Here's How It Could Go Terribly Wrong

In an episode of Netflix's Black Mirror, an insurance agent uses a machine - outfitted with a visual monitor and brain sensors - to read people's memories to help her investigate an accidental death.While mind-reading machines aren't real, brain-computer interfaces, which are in various stages of development, establish a communication pathway between the brain and a computer, enabling individuals with neurological or other disorders to regain motor function, talk to their loved ones, or potentially reverse blindness, though they often involve some sort of implantable device.
1 year ago
Data science

New Deep Learning Algorithm Can Tell if You're Above the Legal Drinking Limit

A new deep learning algorithm just needs 12 seconds to determine if you're above the legal drinking limit.This comes to us from a paper published in Science Direct which states that La Trobe University researchers developed an algorithm that only needs about 12 seconds of audio to make a determination on blood alcohol count levels.
1 year ago

High schooler who won record $10m in scholarship offers heads to Ivy League

The 16-year-old American high schooler who set what is believed to be a US record after collecting more than $10m in college scholarship offers is bound for the Ivy League.Dennis Maliq Barnes announced on Friday that he plans to enroll at Cornell University for the fall semester to study computer science after his 24 May graduation from New Orleans's International high school.
1 year ago

Chess's Governing Body Delays Report on Cheating Scandal

In September, when the five-time world chess champion Magnus Carlsen accused a 19-year-old American player named Hans Niemann of cheating at a tournament in St. Louis, an uproar ensued.Carlsen implied that his opponent was surreptitiously playing moves relayed from an outside source, something Niemann strenuously denied.
Newly discovered 'einstein' shape can do something no other tile can do | CNN
1 year ago

Newly discovered 'einstein' shape can do something no other tile can do | CNN

Sign up for CNN's Wonder Theory science newsletter.Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more.A geometry problem that has been puzzling scientists for 60 years has likely just been solved by an amateur mathematician with a newly discovered 13-sided shape.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

5 Essential Tips for Writers to Succeed in the Age of AI Content

If you're a writer, you've probably wondered if an AI tool like ChatGPT will soon replace you.However, you don't need to give in to defeat.Instead, take charge of your career and use these new tools to your advantage.With more businesses turning to AI, there are effective ways you can stay relevant in the job market as a writer.
1 year ago

Newly Formed ZeroSync Association Brings Zero-Knowledge Proofs to Bitcoin

Head of Firmwide Research

Hear Alex Thorn share his take on "Bitcoin and Inflation: It's Complicated" at Consensus 2023.Head of Firmwide Research

Hear Alex Thorn share his take on "Bitcoin and Inflation: It's Complicated" at Consensus 2023.Frederick Munawa is a Technology Reporter for Coindesk.
1 year ago

What's inside a programming language | Codementor

A programming language is a set of rules and syntax used to create software programs.The creation of a programming language involves several stages and is a complex process that requires a deep understanding of computer science and human language.The first stage in creating a programming language is to determine its purpose and target audience.
1 year ago
Digital life

Lack of Computer Science Teachers Holding Irish Students Back, says Report

Ireland's efforts to create a new generation with digital skills is stagnating due to the lack of computer science in schools, a new report has found.The report is by University of Galway's School of Education and was commissioned by Google.In general, the researchers involved in compiling the report found that there was a low level of understanding of the importance of computer science in schools.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft Researchers Claim GPT-4 Is Showing "Sparks" of AGI

Fresh on the heels of GPT-4's public release, a team of Microsoft AI scientists published a research paper claiming the OpenAI language model - which powers Microsoft's now somewhat lobotomized Bing AI - shows "sparks" of human-level intelligence, or artificial general intelligence (AGI).Emphasis on the "sparks."
1 year ago
OMG science

These Ancient Pseudo-Diamonds Contain Secrets About the Origin of Life

Dustin Trail began his academic career in computer science, but he quickly realized he had a more specific interest: the geology of the early Earth and the mysterious origins of life."We're at this exciting time in human exploration and searching for life on other planets and moons," with Mars rovers and [the] James Webb Space Telescope," Trail tells Inverse.
1 year ago
Higher education

Digital community lends academic support

Accommodating online or self-paced learning requires thinking outside the box.College of Information Technology leaders at Western Governors University created digital support communities for students to receive real-time assistance from peers and faculty while engaging in self-paced learning.What's the problem: WGU's College of IT offers competency-based education programs, allowing learners to work at their own pace.
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Sheldon Jacobson: It's time for the NHL to put an end to fighting among professional athletes

The NHL has a culture problem.It oversees the only professional sport that condones fighting during games among its players, so much so that extracurricular fights are part of the game's identity, its DNA.Case in point: It has a designated major penalty for fighting because fighting has always been prevalent.
1 year ago
Higher education

Colleges start new programs

American International College is starting a bachelor's of public administration.Regent University is starting a Ph.D. program in government.Spartanburg Methodist College is adding a bachelor of arts in psychology.University of Hartford is starting an M.S. in computer science.
We forget that we all started talking about ChatBot AIs last year when we were worked up into a tizzy about Google creating the next Exmachina - how the winds have changed now that we're all obsessed with ChatGPT. Google has experienced misstep after misstep with their ChatBot and now has to live in the GPT shadow, which is super unfortunate because I would expect that they have the stronger training set, and as we have seen with ChatGPT's performance, that really matters.
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1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Google poised to release chatbot technology after ChatGPT success

LaMDA shot to prominence last year when Google suspended and then dismissed an engineer after he went public with claims that LaMDA was sentient.
Analysts estimate that ChatGPT, developed by the San Francisco-based company OpenAI, has reached 100 million users since its launch on 30 November.
1 year ago
Data science

Josh Tobin of Gantry on Continual Learning Benefits and Challenges

As newer fields emerge within data science and the research is still hard to grasp, sometimes it's best to talk to the experts and pioneers of the field.Recently, we spoke with Josh Tobin, CEO & Founder of Gantry, about the concept of continual learning and how allowing models to learn & evolve with a continuous flow of data while retaining previously-learned knowledge can allow models to adapt and scale.
1 year ago

C Programming in 2023 ? | Codementor

Below points will tell wether its good to learn this language now or not:
C is a widely-used programming language that is known for its efficiency and flexibility.It is considered a foundational language and is often taught in computer science and engineering programs.There are several reasons why someone might want to learn C:
C is a low-level language, which means that it provides more direct control over the computer's hardware.
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