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1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Some military experts are wary of generative AI

Large language models could potentially trigger nuclear war due to lack of control over their decision-making processes. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Questions mount about firm investigating Hockey Canada abuse claims

Lack of regulation and accountability in independent third parties managing abuse claims for Hockey Canada.
Concerns over sensitive data handling by unregulated third parties in the sports industry. [ more ]
4 months ago

Simplifying Real-Time ML Pipelines with Quix Streams

Real-time ML pipelines require streaming architectures
Kafka is a popular choice for streaming data [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust

Data provenance standards have been developed by the Data & Trust Alliance, a consortium of companies, to provide information about the origin, history, and legal rights of data used in AI programs.
The labeling system for data is similar to food safety standards, providing transparency and clarity about where the data came from and how it was handled.
Executives believe that these standards will increase corporate confidence in AI technology. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust

Data provenance standards have been developed by the Data & Trust Alliance, a consortium of companies, to provide information about the origin, history, and legal rights of data used in AI programs.
The labeling system for data is similar to food safety standards, providing transparency and clarity about where the data came from and how it was handled.
Executives believe that these standards will increase corporate confidence in AI technology. [ more ]
6 months ago
Data science

Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust

Data provenance standards have been developed by the Data & Trust Alliance, a consortium of companies, to provide information about the origin, history, and legal rights of data used in AI programs.
The labeling system for data is similar to food safety standards, providing transparency and clarity about where the data came from and how it was handled.
Executives believe that these standards will increase corporate confidence in AI technology. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust

Data provenance standards have been developed by the Data & Trust Alliance, a consortium of companies, to provide information about the origin, history, and legal rights of data used in AI programs.
The labeling system for data is similar to food safety standards, providing transparency and clarity about where the data came from and how it was handled.
Executives believe that these standards will increase corporate confidence in AI technology. [ more ]
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Big Companies Find a Way to Identify A.I. Data They Can Trust

Data provenance standards have been developed by the Data & Trust Alliance, a consortium of companies, to provide information about the origin, history, and legal rights of data used in AI programs.
The labeling system for data is similar to food safety standards, providing transparency and clarity about where the data came from and how it was handled.
Executives believe that these standards will increase corporate confidence in AI technology. [ more ]
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