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2 weeks ago

Top economists give clues on what's next for global inflation

To achieve the 'last mile' of lowering inflation, understanding its rapid increase is critical, as recent shocks came from factors like disrupted supply chains and geopolitical events. [ more ]
1 month ago

Global Growth Forecast Is Lifted but Risks Loom, O.E.C.D. Says

Global inflation is starting to cool and economies are recovering, but risks lie ahead due to uneven speed of rebound and geopolitical tensions. [ more ]
1 month ago

Oil price could exceed $100 a barrel if Middle East conflict worsens, World Bank warns

A serious escalation of tensions in the Middle East could lead to oil prices above $100/barrel, reversing the recent global inflation decrease. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

The Soft Landing Is Global, but It's Cushiest in America

Inflation is receding globally without causing recessions.
The United States economy is showing surprising strength compared to other developed economies. [ more ]
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