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3 days ago

Geek Girl review this joyful adaptation is non-stop fun

The Netflix adaptation of Holly Smale's 'Geek Girl' preserves the charm and strength of the books while highlighting the unique female protagonist, Harriet Manners. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Netflix's One Hundred Years of Solitude brings fame to Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Colombian hometown

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's hometown Aracataca is the inspiration for Macondo, a town in his novel, 'One Hundred Years of Solitude'. Netflix is adapting the novel into a TV series. [ more ]
1 month ago

Netflix's Flimsy A Man in Full Makes Tom Wolfe's Epic Novel Feel Small

The Netflix adaptation of Tom Wolfe's A Man in Full fails to capture the depth and complexity of the original novel despite a talented cast and crew. [ more ]
2 months ago

11 Books That Scratch the 3 Body Itch

Chinese hard science fiction by Liu Cixin has gained immense popularity in the West despite perceived cultural and genre barriers. [ more ]
The Verge
2 months ago

Netflix's 3 Body Problem adaptation channels the book's spirit but not its brilliance

The Netflix adaptation of 'The Three-Body Problem' diverges from the book to create a different type of story.
The show attempts to market itself as the next 'Game of Thrones' but is seen as a simplified version of the complex source material. [ more ]
The Ringer
2 months ago

'The Three-Body Problem' Is Brilliant. '3 Body Problem' Is Better.

Science fiction should focus on the ramifications of technological advances on humanity, not just the advances themselves.
Liu Cixin's Three-Body Problem trilogy has been highly influential in the sci-fi genre and won prestigious awards. [ more ]
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