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New York Post
1 month ago

Outraged over Harvey Weinstein ruling? Blame Mike Gianaris & NY progressives

Harvey Weinstein's sex-crimes conviction overturned due to New York court ruling. [ more ]
2 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle Declares Its City Can No Longer' Be Called Progressive' After Voters Reject Agenda

The San Francisco Chronicle declared the city no longer progressive after passing ballot measures loosening restrictions on police and welfare screening.
Voters backed moderates shifting the local Democratic leadership away from progressives. [ more ]
3 months ago

Thailand's former PM candidate Pita Limjaroenrat handed suspended sentence in latest legal blow

A Thai court has handed suspended sentences to former prime ministerial hopeful Pita Limjaroenrat and seven other political figures for holding an unlawful rally in 2019.
The opposition Move Forward Party, which won the most votes and seats in last year's election, is facing legal trouble and challenges from the establishment due to its progressive agenda and popularity among young and urban voters. [ more ]
#City Hall controversy
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Mayor Brandon Johnson deflects over Chicago homeless tent removal request

Mayor Brandon Johnson deflects questions about City Hall controversy involving tying votes to removing homeless camps.
Johnson denies allegations of inappropriate quid pro quo, defends his push for anti-homelessness services.
Conflict between Ald. Conway and Johnson's administration stems from efforts to remove a troubled encampment. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
6 months ago

Mayor Brandon Johnson deflects over Chicago homeless tent removal request

Mayor Brandon Johnson deflected questions about a City Hall controversy involving a top adviser and an alderman.
Johnson denied allegations of a quid pro quo and emphasized his commitment to addressing homelessness in Chicago. [ more ]
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