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Miami Herald
1 week ago

F.D. Flam: Why we're so exhausted if we're spending more time in bed

Americans are sleeping more overall, but stress levels and quality of sleep have worsened for many.
The pandemic led to more sleep for some who work from home, while overall sleep quality and quantity have decreased.
The American Time Use Survey shows an increase in sleep, while the Gallup poll reveals heightened stress and decreased satisfaction with sleep post-pandemic. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

A Study Says There Are 4 Different Sleep Types, Including "Weekend Catch-Up Sleepers"

Insomnia and excessive napping can lead to health issues, emphasizing the importance of optimal sleep habits. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 weeks ago

Having a lie-in can keep you happy and stave off depression

Getting catch-up sleep on weekends may reduce depressive symptoms, especially for those who sleep six hours or less on weekdays. [ more ]
2 months ago

Less than seven hours of sleep linked to greater risk of high blood pressure

Lack of sleep increases high blood pressure risk
Women have higher risk of developing condition than men [ more ]
2 months ago

Enough regular sleep helps to prevent dementia

Lack of sleep leads to mental fatigue and cognitive impairment.
Consistent sleep patterns are crucial for cognitive health. [ more ]
2 months ago

This Odd Yet Common Nighttime Habit Has Stumped Sleep Researchers

Waking up at night is normal during sleep cycles.
Punctuated wake-ups become more common with age. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Women feel more ANGRY in days leading up to their period, study finds

Women report heightened feelings of anger before their period
Increased likelihood of sleep disruptions during premenstrual phase [ more ]
2 months ago

People Hate Daylight Saving. Science Tells Us Why.

The study found higher fatal motor-vehicle accidents rates in areas where the sun sets an hour later, affecting people's sleep patterns.
Research in chronobiology highlights the impact of daylight and darkness cycles on human behavior and safety. [ more ]
The New Yorker
2 months ago
Mental health

My Anxiety

Wondering about normalcy and disturbances in behavior
Struggling with doubts about one's own actions and experiences [ more ]
3 months ago

Do dogs dream? What about?

Dogs go through REM phase similar to humans.
Dreams often include experiences from when they are awake. [ more ]
3 months ago

Study reveals why bad sleep can make you vulnerable to future stress

Fragmented sleep patterns can predict susceptibility to future stress.
Abnormal sleep patterns may decrease resilience to stress. [ more ]
4 months ago

Crack on! How to become a morning person and feel like a winner

Being a morning person can have benefits for productivity and health.
There is some evidence that exercising in the morning may be more beneficial for weight management. [ more ]
4 months ago

7 Morning Activities That Are Definitely Bad For Your Anxiety

Morning stress is common due to the cortisol awakening response
Inconsistent sleep patterns can contribute to morning stress and anxiety [ more ]
5 months ago
Mental health

French bulldogs' head shape makes sleeping difficult, study finds

Flat-faced dogs like French bulldogs have difficulty sleeping due to their head shape and suffer from increased daytime sleepiness.
Sleep deprivation in flat-faced dogs is a major cause of suffering, and they also have shorter night-time sleep and are more prone to snoring. [ more ]
5 months ago
OMG science

Morning Person? You Might Have Neanderthal Genes to Thank.

Neanderthals carried clock-related genetic variants associated with being early risers, which some humans today may have inherited.
Genes passed on from Neanderthals and Denisovans may have provided survival advantages, including protection against new pathogens. [ more ]
5 months ago

A Good Night's Sleep May Help Control Blood Sugar

Slow waves of electrical activity during deep sleep can serve as early warning signs of diabetes.
Getting a restful sleep may help control high blood sugar and manage type 2 diabetes. [ more ]
6 months ago
OMG science

Penguins Take Thousands of Naps Every Day

Penguins have a highly fragmented sleeping pattern, falling asleep thousands of times a day for a few seconds each.
The study highlights that sleep patterns in animals can vary significantly from what is commonly known.
Research on sleep patterns in animals is challenging due to differences between captive and wild animals. [ more ]
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