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2 days ago

Conflict: Cheerful About (a few) Seat Post Size Choices

The evolution of dropper posts in mountain bikes has led to a reduction in seat post sizes, with four standard options now prevalent. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

5 Reasons Why An LMS For Business Is Necessary

An LMS is crucial for businesses to efficiently deliver training materials, saving time and standardizing learning processes. [ more ]
The Verge
1 month ago

Tesla layoffs hit Supercharger team just as it's poised to take over EV charging

Tesla faces layoffs after significant progress in EV charging standardization with other automakers. [ more ]
The Verge
11 months ago

All the news about EV charging in the US

The North American electric vehicle charging infrastructure is evolving towards a standardized system, with Tesla leading the charge to establish the North American Charging Standard (NACS) as a new industry norm. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Make product design great again

Digital product design is becoming predictable and lacking creativity, with a standardized and templated approach. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Researchers want a 'nutrition label' for academic-paper facts

Encouraging transparency in academic publishing with standardized publication-facts labels can help readers assess scholarly standards quickly and improve research integrity. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Briefing: Tech giants adopt AI content standards, but will it be enough to curb fakes?

AI providers are taking steps to bolster internet defenses against AI-generated misinformation.
Major players like Meta, OpenAI, and Google are implementing transparency and detection tools for AI content. [ more ]
1 year ago
Canada news

So you want to be a climate-conscious investor. Here's how to avoid greenwashing | CBC News

During a recent rally outside the University of Toronto, Saarthak Singh and Achint Singh joined the crowd urging the government to take action against climate change.But it's not the only way they advocate for a greener future.Both students also plan to make financial investments that will benefit the environment.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Defining The Role Of Data Clean Rooms | AdExchanger

Data clean rooms dominated many conversations around privacy in the digital ad industry throughout 2022.But the absence of standardization meant there was also a lot of ambiguity around clean rooms and how they should be used.Even today, a variety of solutions bill themselves as data clean rooms, further contributing to questions and confusion.
2 years ago

How CTV marketers are being impacted by the state of data privacy

CTV is now a go-to marketing channel driving conversions and awareness for brands of all kinds.
1 month ago
Data science

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Graduation of CloudEvents: Q&A with Clemens Vasters

CloudEvents specification by CNCF aids in standardizing event metadata for enhanced interoperability. [ more ]
App Developer Magazine
4 months ago
Web development

Red Hat Developer Hub is available now| App Developer Magazine

Red Hat announces the general availability of Red Hat Developer Hub, an enterprise-grade internal developer platform based on Backstage.
Red Hat Developer Hub provides tools and capabilities to address issues like complexity, lack of standardization, and cognitive load in software development. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Opinion: Will AI usher in real estate's "Model T" moment?

The mortgage industry is on the cusp of its own Model T moment
There is a need for more standardization in the mortgage and real estate industries [ more ]
2 months ago

A local government GDS might work - but only on top of standard technology | Computer Weekly

GDS value for public services
Need for standardization in local government technology delivery model [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

NIST's new AI safety institute to focus on synthetic content, international outreach

The U.S. AI Safety Institute focuses on standardizing AI tools, monitoring synthetically generated content, and international collaboration.
Three pillars guide the USAISI's work: testing and evaluation, safety and security protocols, and developing guidance for AI-generated content. [ more ]
2 months ago

Puppet's devops report plumbs the benefits of platform engineering

Increased developer productivity
Platform engineering empowers more people to take responsibility for security [ more ]
2 months ago
Web design

The universal color palette

The Global Design System should handle 80% or more of common UI needs and have standards for token naming conventions.
Standardization in design systems, specifically color palettes, is crucial for a Global Design System to succeed. [ more ]
4 months ago

The Web's Next Transition

HTML 1.0 was never standardized until HTML 2.0 in 1995, followed by JavaScript and then HTTP, which came even later.
XMLHttpRequest, a commonly used approach to build web applications, wasn't standardized until 2016, a decade after it was being used. [ more ]
4 months ago

At VA, cloud is still emerging tech

Kurt DelBene, the top tech official at the Department of Veterans Affairs, believes the shift to the cloud is still a big trend with huge potential.
The agency wants to move every system to the cloud, shutting down data centers for more scalability and resiliency. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

China issues draft guidelines for standardising AI industry

China issues draft guidelines for standardizing AI industry
Aims to form over 50 national and industry-wide standards for AI by 2026 [ more ]
The Drum
4 months ago

GroupM on streaming standardization push: 'We're not limited to what works in TV'

GroupM plans to test new video ad formats across streaming and CTV platforms with clients.
Standardizing streaming ad formats can make campaign production and measurement more efficient, encouraging higher investment. [ more ]
6 months ago
Online marketing

What a universal metadata vocabulary means for the future of video advertising

Ad ID was a standardized identifier used in the linear advertising era, but it is now ineffective in the fragmented multiplatform marketplace.
The lack of a common identifier and consistent metadata severely limits the effectiveness of ads and hinders ad serving.
Publishers and broadcasters are working towards establishing a standard set of metadata and ID for better ad serving. [ more ]
6 months ago
Online marketing

What a universal metadata vocabulary means for the future of video advertising

Ad ID was a standardized identifier used in the linear advertising era, but it is now ineffective in the fragmented multiplatform marketplace.
The lack of a common identifier and consistent metadata severely limits the effectiveness of ads and hinders ad serving.
Publishers and broadcasters are working towards establishing a standard set of metadata and ID for better ad serving. [ more ]
6 months ago
Online marketing

What a universal metadata vocabulary means for the future of video advertising

Ad ID was a standardized identifier used in the linear advertising era, but it is now ineffective in the fragmented multiplatform marketplace.
The lack of a common identifier and consistent metadata severely limits the effectiveness of ads and hinders ad serving.
Publishers and broadcasters are working towards establishing a standard set of metadata and ID for better ad serving. [ more ]
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Bread Bowl Value Exchange; Pacvue's PE-Backed Booster Pack | AdExchanger

Here's today's AdExchanger.comnews round-up... Want it by email?Sign up Palm Readers here.Panera is an early adopter of a palm-scanning biometric data collection product created by Amazon that allows customers to "sign in" with their palms.Doing so links their purchases to Panera's loyalty program so they can collect rewards.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Winning By Lowering The Quality Bar; I Can't Make Heads Or Retails Of This | AdExchanger

Must Read

Here's today's AdExchanger.comnews round-up... Want it by email?Sign up Long Story Short here.But although there's little doubt that YouTube and TikTok will eventually drink TV's milkshake, Shapiro cites one major weakness of short-form video, which is that studio execs equate quality with high production values, special effects, well-known IP, big-name stars, producers and, well, with being ad-free.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Inside Bidstack's Plan To Build An SSP For In-Game Ads | AdExchanger

Must Read

Brands are starting to look at video games as an inventory source, but there's no scaled programmatic infrastructure to help aggregate supply in video games.And so that's where in-game ad platform Bidstack is focusing its road map." We're moving toward being a gaming SSP, a pure tech play," Bidstack Founder and CEO James Draper told AdExchanger.
6 months ago
Marketing tech

What a universal metadata vocabulary means for the future of video advertising

Ad ID was a standardized identifier used in the linear advertising era, but it is now ineffective in the fragmented multiplatform marketplace.
The lack of a common identifier and consistent metadata severely limits the effectiveness of ads and hinders ad serving.
Publishers and broadcasters are working towards establishing a standard set of metadata and ID for better ad serving. [ more ]
6 months ago

What a universal metadata vocabulary means for the future of video advertising

Ad ID was a standardized identifier used in the linear advertising era, but it is now ineffective in the fragmented multiplatform marketplace.
The lack of a common identifier and consistent metadata severely limits the effectiveness of ads and hinders ad serving.
Publishers and broadcasters are working towards establishing a standard set of metadata and ID for better ad serving. [ more ]
New Relic
6 months ago

7 steps to building reliable infrastructure from the get-go with fintech Pomelo

Standardizing processes and tools is crucial for efficient deployment and maintenance of applications.
Using a single monitoring tool helps streamline incident investigation and maintain consistent practices.
Mapping critical paths for each business model allows for tailored metrics and service level monitoring. [ more ]
11 months ago

Germany marks 70th anniversary of uprising against Communist dictatorship in east

Germany's parliament on Friday commemorated the 70th anniversary of a popular uprising in the Communist east that was brutally crushed by its Soviet-backed dictatorship.Worsening economic conditions and political repression in East Germany had prompted months of protests, starting in rural areas, that culminated in a call on June 16, 1953, for a general strike.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

The chemistry of fermented coffee

Hardcore coffee aficionados are always on the lookout for the next big twist on the world's favorite caffeinated beverage, and these days it's fermented coffee that is turning heads and tickling taste buds with its distinctive fruity notes.Scientists in Switzerland conducted experiments with fermented coffee in hopes of identifying the specific chemical compounds behind the beverage's unusual flavor profile.
San Jose Spotlight
1 year ago
San Francisco

San Jose won't meet homeless housing goal - San Jose Spotlight

One of San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan's main goals is to finish his predecessor's promise and complete 1,000 interim homes for the unhoused by the end of this year-but city staff said that's impossible.Interim homes are quick-build temporary shelters designed to be a fast and cheap solution to getting homeless residents off the streets and on the path to permanent housing.
1 year ago

Pricing for the Creator Economy Is All Over the Map

In the rapidly growing creator economy space, even the creators themselves struggle to price their wares.U.S. advertisers are anticipated to spend over $6 billion on influencer marketing this year, per Insider Intelligence.But creators still aren't sure how big a piece to claim from this pie, a new report from social media management platform Later and influencer marketing platform Mavrck finds.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

As Retail Media Grows, How Will The Advertising Ecosystem Evolve? | AdExchanger

2023 is firmly underway, and one advertising trend is clearly emerging: the inexorable growth of retail media.Perhaps this is unsurprising: in the U.S., the 10 largest retailers all operate their own retail media networks.According to eMarketer, the advertising revenues of retailers are nearly double that of radio and print combined, and the market is continuing to grow at pace.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

IAB Tech Lab: First Data Clean Room Standard Open For Comment

The question "How do you define a data clean room?" no longer has a subjective answer.On Thursday, the IAB Tech Lab released the first of what will eventually become a portfolio of technical specs to support the standard operation of data clean rooms for digital advertising.The Tech Lab also created a primer of recommended practices for how to use data clean rooms.
1 year ago

The Hidden Configuration Tax Affecting Uptime SLO

By: Greg Arnette on
This article is a preview of a talk by Greg Arnette for SLOconf 2023 on May 15 - 18.To watch this talk and many more like it, register for free at sloconf.com .Tax season was just a few weeks ago, and that got me thinking about how frustrating it is to get hit with a surprise tax bill and how that can relate to uptime: Configuration sprawl.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

TV Programmers And YouTube Spar Over Measurement | AdExchanger

If I had to name the TV industry's current conversation about measurement after a movie, I would call it "Everything Everywhere All At Once." (Great movie, by the way.)Now that short-form video giant YouTube is entering the TV measurement debacle, fresh debate is afoot.Last week, a band of TV broadcasters finally agreed on a bare minimum for what currencies need to have in order to be called a currency.
1 year ago


Imperative versus declarative deployment - which one is better?The answer: it depends.Development teams may prefer one over the other based on their workload capacity, infrastructure and desire for control.However, we are on the precipice of change.In the coming years, we will see a rapid shift to declarative automation in deployment.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Third-Party, Direct Or In-House: Which Clean Room Is Right For You? | AdExchanger

With more eyes on consumer privacy than ever before, data clean rooms have become one of the hottest technologies in marketing when it comes to secure, modern data collection.
2 years ago

Cloud Native Computing Foundation Hits 800 Member Milestone at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2022

By: Veronica Haggar on
1 year ago

Opinion: For teachers, revolution promised by ChatGPT isn't new

Last month, Ezra Klein wrote that ChatGPT changes everything.Judging by the frequent outcries in education circles, that certainly seems the fear.As professors of education in Silicon Valley, we have found ourselves immersed within these conversations and the attendant anxieties.But the educational revolution that ChatGPT promises, or threatens, is nothing new.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

How Coca-Cola activated their enterprise CDP | MarTech

This data overhaul required a reconfiguration of marketing and technology teams, as the company's intelligence got more centralized.As a result, Coca-Cola is better positioned to match customers with over 250 products in the company's portfolio.Another goal was to use the data to have more engaging conversations with customers.
1 year ago

Ignacio Rojas Hirigoyen designs prototype tackling global housing crisis

Ignacio Rojas Hirigoyen Architects and The Andes House have designed a modular prototype that can be configured to construct low-cost housing.The Industrialized Building System Prototype was designed by Ignacio Rojas Hirigoyen Architects and The Andes House and fabricated by Cromolux in Santiago, before being assembled in the nearby town of Casablanca, Chile.
1 year ago

The Future Perfect presents Gaetano Pesce's first-ever Los Angeles solo show

Italian designer Gaetano Pesce has launched Dear Future, an exhibition at gallery The Future Perfect's Los Angeles location that presents a range of works created from the 1960s to the present.On show in the Goldwyn House, The Future Perfect's LA mansion-cum-gallery, the Dear Future exhibition showcases Pesce's early designs for brands such as B&B Italia alongside contemporary pieces.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

How Incrementality Can Help Solve Retail Media's Measurement Problem | AdExchanger

The entire ad industry is obsessed with retail media right now.But the channel's got a bit of a measurement problem.( Sound familiar?)Retail media networks (RMNs) give brands that don't have much first-party data a way to target their customers.But buyers can't justify spending on RMNs without solid, cross-platform measurement in place.
Ars Technica
1 year ago

Sonos replaces the Sonos One with new Era 300 and 100 speakers

After months of detailed leaks, Sonos has finally announced its next generation of wireless speakers.Dubbed the Era 300 and Era 100, they replace the longstanding Sonos One and emphasize spatial audio or stereo sound, respectively.Let's start with a look at the Era 100, which directly replaces the Sonos One in the lineup with a slight $20 price hike to $249.
1 year ago
Real estate

New or perfect later: Improving the appraisal process

Have you heard this phrase before - "perfect is the enemy of good"?Or "perfect is the enemy of done"?I hear these phrases quite often when it comes to product and software development, but I think they apply very well to solving complex problems like transforming the property appraisal process to work better for every stakeholder.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

BMW Motorrad x NVIDIA electric bike has swappable modules for flexibility of use - Yanko Design

While BMW Motorrad is cooking up interesting bike designs of the current generation, NVIDIA is at the pinnacle of microchip technology delivering class-leading Graphics Processing Units.Do they have anything in common, well, presumably not?This is where the realms of the design world make us believe in things unfathomable and outrightly defying logic.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Updated OpenRTB Standards Are Simplifying Programmatic Digital Out Of Home | AdExchanger

Must Read

Given the sheer variety of digital out-of-home (DOOH) inventory up for grabs, building programmatic pipelines for the DOOH market is a daunting task.More standardization is needed for DOOH programmatic to enter the next phase of growth.With inventory spanning giant video walls in downtown districts to smaller-format screens on top of taxi cabs, real-time bidding (RTB) needed a spec that could communicate those nuances.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Big Story: Data Clean Rooms And Misleading Claims | AdExchanger

By now, you've likely heard the term "data clean room."In fact, you're probably sick of it.
The Verge
1 year ago

Apple confirms the iPhone is getting USB-C, but isn't happy about the reason why

Apple has given its most direct confirmation yet that a USB-C-equipped iPhone is coming now that the European Union is mandating that all phones sold in its member countries use the connector if they have a physical charger.When asked by The Wall Street Journal 's Joanna Stern if the company would be replacing Lighting, Apple marketing lead Greg Joswiak answered by saying: "obviously we'll have to comply, we have no choice."
1 year ago
Business intelligence

Cloudingo: Data quality solution review

Data quality software is designed to identify incorrect, incomplete or poorly formatted data and then correct that data based on predetermined guidelines.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Publishers feel the crunch of cookieless browsers like Apple's Safari

| By Tim Peterson
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The W3C Becomes A Real Thing At Last; Netflix Shakes Up Its Stand-Up | AdExchanger

Perhaps something in the Netflix data shows that, unlike a hit TV series that may be watched for years after it's done producing new episodes, a comedy special drives viewership for a moment in time and has less durable ROI.Why Meta is skeptical of data clean rooms.Last Laugh The new board includes reps from four host universities, as well as seven elected members: Robin Berjon (soon-to-be former VP of data governance at The New York Times; he leaves the job this week, actually), Eric Siow (Intel Corp.'s director of web standards), Koichi Moriyama (chief security architect at the Japanese mobile provider NTT Docomo), David Singer (Apple's manager of software standards), Mark Nottingham (Cloudflare's standards lead), Hongru Zhu (GM of standardization at Alibaba) and Léonie Watson (a long-time W3C leader and also director of consultancy TetraLogical).
1 year ago
Public health

CommonSpirit Health IT still suffering after cyberattack

Computer systems are still down at CommonSpirit Health - America's second-largest nonprofit hospital network - more than a week after it was hit by a somewhat mystery cyberattack.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

The Big Story: Why Netflix Picked Microsoft | AdExchanger

Stranger things have happened than Netflix going AVOD.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

TikTok Intros Subscription Comedy Show; And TikTok Is The New Music Chart-Topper | AdExchanger

Last week, TikTok announced a new comedy docuseries you'll have to pay to watch.
2 years ago
Data science

Which ODSC Europe 2022 Ticket is Right For You?

ODSC Europe is just a few short weeks away, and if you haven't gotten your pass yet, now's the time.However, with several different passes available, it can be difficult to know which one to choose.
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