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1 day ago
Left-wing politics

Hush money trial: Biden says Trump 'threatening' democracy DW 05/31/2024

Former US President Trump convicted of hush money charges, vows to appeal, labeled as threat to democracy by President Biden. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Muses About Staying In Power For More Than Two Terms

President Trump hints at serving three terms, compares himself to FDR, and questions Biden's energy levels. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Opinion | Trump Embraces Lawlessness, but in the Name of a Higher Law

Mr. Trump is viewed as a threat to democracy, but some see him as embodying the outlaw hero persona, exposing injustices in the system. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Bluntly Answers Donald Trump' When Asked What's The Biggest Threat to U.S. Democracy Right Now

President Biden names Donald Trump as primary threat to freedom and democracy in the US.
Biden references Trump's past statements and behavior as evidence of threat to democracy. [ more ]
1 month ago
Germany news

Germany probes over 400 police due to far-right views DW 04/04/2024

Over 400 investigations into far-right extremist attitudes or beliefs in German state police forces.
Right-wing extremists are actively trying to recruit police officers to destabilize the force. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

They Cut My Quote': RFK, Jr. Claims He Didn't Say Biden Is a Worse Threat Than Trump But Here's What He Said

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. received backlash for comparing Biden and Trump's threat to democracy.
Kennedy clarified his statement, emphasizing both presidents' limitations in destroying democracy. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

RFK Jr. Refuses to See the Threat He Poses to the 2024 Election

Kennedy denounces Nader as a spoiler in 2000, but applies similar tactics in current discourse.
Kennedy argues falsely that Biden is a greater threat to democracy than Trump, showing inconsistency and narcissism. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

RFK Jr. Suggests Biden a Worse Threat to Democracy' Than Trump: He's Weaponizing the Federal Agencies'

President Biden accused of being a worse threat to democracy than Trump by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Biden criticized for using federal agencies to censor political speech and deny protection to opponents. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Opinion | Biden Is Trying to Jolt Us Out of Learned Helplessness About Trump

Mitt Romney is unimpressed with Biden's focus on the threat to democracy as a campaign theme.
There is concern that the American public is cynical and exhausted and may not care about the existential danger of another Trump presidency. [ more ]
Washingtonian - The website that Washington lives by.
5 months ago
US politics

GOP Lawmakers Willing to Admit Trump Lost in 2020-as Long as They Have Nothing to Lose Themselves - Washingtonian

Former GOP members of Congress are more likely than Republican voters to view President Biden's victory as legitimate and the events of January 6th as an insurrection
There is a disconnect between ex-GOP lawmakers and Republican voters on key questions related to the 2020 election [ more ]
5 months ago
US politics

Trump calls Biden the destroyer' of democracy despite his own efforts to overturn 2020 election

Former President Donald Trump accuses President Joe Biden of being the destroyer of American democracy, echoing allegations made by Biden against Trump.
Trump claims that Biden is misusing the federal justice system against him, comparing him to a Third World political tyrant. [ more ]
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