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1 year ago

Three Teams Drop Out of Tour de Suisse After Cyclist's Death

Organizers of the Tour de Suisse cycling race said they would resume the multistage competition on Saturday, one day after a rider died from the injuries that he sustained in a crash during a high-speed mountain descent.The rider, Gino Mader, was a member of the Bahrain-Victorious team, which announced on Saturday morning that it was withdrawing from the race.
1 year ago
World politics

Nuclear Plant in Ukraine, Occupied by Russia, Faces a New Risk

This week, the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog, Rafael Mariano Grossi, was so concerned about a new risk at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant that he flew to Ukraine and crossed the front line in the country's war with Russia to see the situation for himself.Mr. Grossi had been to the plant before and had also expressed grave concerns about the potential for nuclear catastrophe, but this threat was different: the recent destruction of a dam on the Dnipro River deprived the plant of the main source of water used for the critical task of cooling its six reactors and spent fuel rods.
1 year ago
World politics

Hundreds Dead, 9 Arrested, and Many Questions in Migrant Wreck

At the end of a long stretch of sandy beach, a weathered warehouse in the port of Kalamata held the survivors of one of the worst shipwrecks in Europe in a decade.Inside, dazed men from Syria, Egypt and Pakistan, all with numbered badges around their necks, languished on tightly packed corridors of thin mattresses.
1 year ago
World politics

Donald Trump Has a Polling Problem

The 50 percent threshold in a poll can sometimes be distracting.When more than half of people give a certain answer, it often becomes the dominant message to emerge from the poll question.It is the answer that appears to have won.Yet the most important information may nonetheless be lurking elsewhere.
1 year ago
World politics

Brutal Killing of Governor Heralds New Round of Violence in Darfur

The killing of a powerful governor in Darfur, in western Sudan, has heightened worries that fighting between the country's warring military factions is pushing a region blighted by genocide two decades ago into a new ethnic civil war.Since April, Sudan's military has been battling the Rapid Support Forces, a well-armed paramilitary group that until recently was part of the national armed forces.
1 year ago
World politics

Greece Continues Search for Migrants After Crowded Ship Capsizes

The grim search by Greek authorities for migrants after the country's deadliest shipwreck in years moved into a second day on Thursday, though the prospects of finding survivors was slim and hundreds were feared to be missing after their fishing ship capsized about 50 miles off the coast.Scores of bodies were recovered from the sea and 104 people were rescued on Wednesday, after their vessel foundered in the Aegean Sea, off the southern coast of Greece, five days after setting sail from Libya bound for Italy.
1 year ago

Three Teams Drop Out of Tour de Suisse After Cyclist's Death

Organizers of the Tour de Suisse cycling race said they would resume the multistage competition on Saturday, one day after a rider died from the injuries that he sustained in a crash during a high-speed mountain descent.The rider, Gino Mader, was a member of the Bahrain-Victorious team, which announced on Saturday morning that it was withdrawing from the race.
1 year ago
World politics

Nuclear Plant in Ukraine, Occupied by Russia, Faces a New Risk

This week, the head of the United Nations atomic watchdog, Rafael Mariano Grossi, was so concerned about a new risk at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant that he flew to Ukraine and crossed the front line in the country's war with Russia to see the situation for himself.Mr. Grossi had been to the plant before and had also expressed grave concerns about the potential for nuclear catastrophe, but this threat was different: the recent destruction of a dam on the Dnipro River deprived the plant of the main source of water used for the critical task of cooling its six reactors and spent fuel rods.
1 year ago
World politics

Hundreds Dead, 9 Arrested, and Many Questions in Migrant Wreck

At the end of a long stretch of sandy beach, a weathered warehouse in the port of Kalamata held the survivors of one of the worst shipwrecks in Europe in a decade.Inside, dazed men from Syria, Egypt and Pakistan, all with numbered badges around their necks, languished on tightly packed corridors of thin mattresses.
1 year ago
World politics

Donald Trump Has a Polling Problem

The 50 percent threshold in a poll can sometimes be distracting.When more than half of people give a certain answer, it often becomes the dominant message to emerge from the poll question.It is the answer that appears to have won.Yet the most important information may nonetheless be lurking elsewhere.
1 year ago
World politics

Brutal Killing of Governor Heralds New Round of Violence in Darfur

The killing of a powerful governor in Darfur, in western Sudan, has heightened worries that fighting between the country's warring military factions is pushing a region blighted by genocide two decades ago into a new ethnic civil war.Since April, Sudan's military has been battling the Rapid Support Forces, a well-armed paramilitary group that until recently was part of the national armed forces.
1 year ago
World politics

Greece Continues Search for Migrants After Crowded Ship Capsizes

The grim search by Greek authorities for migrants after the country's deadliest shipwreck in years moved into a second day on Thursday, though the prospects of finding survivors was slim and hundreds were feared to be missing after their fishing ship capsized about 50 miles off the coast.Scores of bodies were recovered from the sea and 104 people were rescued on Wednesday, after their vessel foundered in the Aegean Sea, off the southern coast of Greece, five days after setting sail from Libya bound for Italy.
1 year ago
World politics

Putin Asserts Ukraine's Counteroffensive Has No Chance' at Economic Forum

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wrapped up what was for him an extraordinary and sometimes rambling week of upbeat commentary on the Ukraine war by asserting on Friday that Russia was so assured of prevailing against the Ukrainian counteroffensive that he had ruled out using nuclear weapons.Dropping what had been a strict avoidance of discussing the war in any detail, Mr. Putin told an audience of Russia's business elite, gathered for the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, that Ukraine had no chance against Russian forces and indicated that its Western backers would tire of the conflict and stop supplying weapons, ending Kyiv's war effort.
1 year ago
US politics

Bipartisan Bills Look to Change Import Law Seen as Boon to E-Commerce Companies

Two bipartisan bills were introduced in Congress this week seeking to change a nearly 100-year-old trade law that allows imported packages that fall under a certain price threshold to receive less oversight while moving through the United States customs process.The trade rule is called de minimis and critics say it gives an unfair advantage to e-commerce companies from other countries, including some where forced labor is an issue.
1 year ago

Test Cricket's Last Stand

Not many international sporting contests predate the countries that play them, but few contests are as old as the Ashes.The cricket series between England and Australia was first played in 1882, before Australia was even founded as a nation.On Friday, its 73rd edition will begin in Edgbaston, a suburb of Birmingham, England.
1 year ago

Why Saudi Arabia Came for Golf and Why the PGA Let Them In

Last week, golf's premier circuit, the PGA Tour, announced it was partnering with its rival circuit LIV Golf, an upstart league backed by Saudi Arabia, giving the country a powerful new seat at the table of international sports.Alan Blinder, who covers golf for The New York Times, explains what was behind the deal and what it means for the business of sports.
1 year ago

Why Saudi Arabia Came for Golf and Why the PGA Let Them In

Last week, golf's premier circuit, the PGA Tour, announced it was partnering with its rival circuit LIV Golf, an upstart league backed by Saudi Arabia, giving the country a powerful new seat at the table of international sports.Alan Blinder, who covers golf for The New York Times, explains what was behind the deal and what it means for the business of sports.
1 year ago
Europe news

Berlusconi Seizes Italy's Attention Even in Death

Not even death could keep Silvio Berlusconi from center stage.The post-Berlusconi era was inevitable, but it arrived on Tuesday with a shock given the leader's aura of plastic-parts immortality and his own energetic insistence, well into his 80s, that he was as young as ever.And Mr. Berlusconi, who loomed over Italian politics as prime minister and power broker for decades, still dominated the country a day after his death on Monday at 86. Mourners brought flowers to his palatial villa.
1 year ago
World politics

Putin Asserts Ukraine's Counteroffensive Has No Chance' at Economic Forum

President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia wrapped up what was for him an extraordinary and sometimes rambling week of upbeat commentary on the Ukraine war by asserting on Friday that Russia was so assured of prevailing against the Ukrainian counteroffensive that he had ruled out using nuclear weapons.Dropping what had been a strict avoidance of discussing the war in any detail, Mr. Putin told an audience of Russia's business elite, gathered for the annual St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, that Ukraine had no chance against Russian forces and indicated that its Western backers would tire of the conflict and stop supplying weapons, ending Kyiv's war effort.
1 year ago
US politics

Bipartisan Bills Look to Change Import Law Seen as Boon to E-Commerce Companies

Two bipartisan bills were introduced in Congress this week seeking to change a nearly 100-year-old trade law that allows imported packages that fall under a certain price threshold to receive less oversight while moving through the United States customs process.The trade rule is called de minimis and critics say it gives an unfair advantage to e-commerce companies from other countries, including some where forced labor is an issue.
1 year ago

Test Cricket's Last Stand

Not many international sporting contests predate the countries that play them, but few contests are as old as the Ashes.The cricket series between England and Australia was first played in 1882, before Australia was even founded as a nation.On Friday, its 73rd edition will begin in Edgbaston, a suburb of Birmingham, England.
1 year ago

Why Saudi Arabia Came for Golf and Why the PGA Let Them In

Last week, golf's premier circuit, the PGA Tour, announced it was partnering with its rival circuit LIV Golf, an upstart league backed by Saudi Arabia, giving the country a powerful new seat at the table of international sports.Alan Blinder, who covers golf for The New York Times, explains what was behind the deal and what it means for the business of sports.
1 year ago

Why Saudi Arabia Came for Golf and Why the PGA Let Them In

Last week, golf's premier circuit, the PGA Tour, announced it was partnering with its rival circuit LIV Golf, an upstart league backed by Saudi Arabia, giving the country a powerful new seat at the table of international sports.Alan Blinder, who covers golf for The New York Times, explains what was behind the deal and what it means for the business of sports.
1 year ago
Europe news

Berlusconi Seizes Italy's Attention Even in Death

Not even death could keep Silvio Berlusconi from center stage.The post-Berlusconi era was inevitable, but it arrived on Tuesday with a shock given the leader's aura of plastic-parts immortality and his own energetic insistence, well into his 80s, that he was as young as ever.And Mr. Berlusconi, who loomed over Italian politics as prime minister and power broker for decades, still dominated the country a day after his death on Monday at 86. Mourners brought flowers to his palatial villa.
1 year ago
World politics

Germany Adopts a More Muscular Security Plan. Critics Call It Weak.'

Haunted by its responsibility for World War II and Nazi tyranny, Germany embraced the pursuit of peace with the fervor of a convert.But on Wednesday, its government took an important step toward shedding that legacy as war once again transforms the European continent.For the first time since the world war ended, the government unveiled a comprehensive national security strategy meant to confront Germany's vulnerability to new military, economic and geopolitical threats, including climate change.
1 year ago
World politics

Four Australian Shows and Movies for Your Watchlist

The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau.Sign up to get it by email.My media diet is admittedly pretty U.S.-centric.But as much as I love dissecting the ending of Succession or watching one juror participate in an off-the-walls trial while unaware that everyone around him is an actor, there's something unique about watching an Australian show or movie and getting a little jolt of recognition each time I see a recognizable location or hear a familiar slang word.
1 year ago
World politics

Germany Adopts a More Muscular Security Plan. Critics Call It Weak.'

Haunted by its responsibility for World War II and Nazi tyranny, Germany embraced the pursuit of peace with the fervor of a convert.But on Wednesday, its government took an important step toward shedding that legacy as war once again transforms the European continent.For the first time since the world war ended, the government unveiled a comprehensive national security strategy meant to confront Germany's vulnerability to new military, economic and geopolitical threats, including climate change.
1 year ago
World politics

Four Australian Shows and Movies for Your Watchlist

The Australia Letter is a weekly newsletter from our Australia bureau.Sign up to get it by email.My media diet is admittedly pretty U.S.-centric.But as much as I love dissecting the ending of Succession or watching one juror participate in an off-the-walls trial while unaware that everyone around him is an actor, there's something unique about watching an Australian show or movie and getting a little jolt of recognition each time I see a recognizable location or hear a familiar slang word.
1 year ago
World politics

Your Tuesday Briefing

Image Twenty-five nations took part in the exercises in Germany.Credit...Ronny Hartmann/Agence France-Presse Getty Images The largest military air exercises in Europe since the end of the Cold War began yesterday, as more than 250 aircraft took to the air in a pointed demonstration to Russia of how NATO would respond if the alliance was attacked.
1 year ago

Silvio Berlusconi, empresario del espectaculo que cambio la politica y la cultura de Italia, muere a los 86 anos

ROMA Silvio Berlusconi, el impetuoso magnate de los medios de comunicacion que revoluciono la television italiana con canales de propiedad privada que utilizo para convertirse en el primer ministro mas polarizador y procesado del pais a lo largo de varios mandatos y de un cuarto de siglo de influencia politica y cultural a menudo escandaloso, fallecio el lunes en el Hospital San Raffaele de Milan.
1 year ago
NYC music

La reina ha muerto, viva la reina: Brasil pierde a Rita Lee

Rita Lee, una gigante de la musica brasilena que despreciaba las convenciones, surgio con la influyente banda experimental Os Mutantes y se convirtio en una estrella en solitario mejor conocida como la Reina del Rock de su pais, murio el lunes en su casa de Sao Paulo.Tenia 75 anos.Su muerte se anuncio en un comunicado que se publico en su cuenta de Instagram.
1 year ago

Silvio Berlusconi, empresario del espectaculo que cambio la politica y la cultura de Italia, muere a los 86 anos

ROMA Silvio Berlusconi, el impetuoso magnate de los medios de comunicacion que revoluciono la television italiana con canales de propiedad privada que utilizo para convertirse en el primer ministro mas polarizador y procesado del pais a lo largo de varios mandatos y de un cuarto de siglo de influencia politica y cultural a menudo escandaloso, fallecio el lunes en el Hospital San Raffaele de Milan.
1 year ago
NYC music

La reina ha muerto, viva la reina: Brasil pierde a Rita Lee

Rita Lee, una gigante de la musica brasilena que despreciaba las convenciones, surgio con la influyente banda experimental Os Mutantes y se convirtio en una estrella en solitario mejor conocida como la Reina del Rock de su pais, murio el lunes en su casa de Sao Paulo.Tenia 75 anos.Su muerte se anuncio en un comunicado que se publico en su cuenta de Instagram.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Apple's Face Computer, Crypto Chaos and How Teens Really Feel About Social Media

Apple kicked off the week with the announcement of a mixed-reality headset: the Apple Vision Pro.Putting a computer on your face may seem weird, but if there's one company that knows how to make nerdy stuff into the thing that everyone wants, it's Apple.Will these fancy goggles be the next Apple revolution?
1 year ago
World politics

Zelensky Signals Next Phase of War Will Have Grim Consequences

After giving the strongest indication yet that Ukraine's counteroffensive is imminent, President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday urged his compatriots to personally thank the volunteers and soldiers fighting Russian troops, in a sign of how grim the next phase of the war could be.Mr. Zelensky singled out more than a dozen soldiers by name, noting that in his nightly speeches he usually thanks specific units or brigades.
1 year ago
World politics

Berlin Police Investigate Roger Waters After He Wore Nazi-Style Costumes at Concerts

The German police are investigating Roger Waters, a founder of the band Pink Floyd, who has long been critical of Israel, after he performed in Berlin last week wearing a Nazi-style costume like the one he used to critique fascism in The Wall.Mr. Waters, who has made anti-Israel statements in the past that many have said cross a line into antisemitism, has successfully fought two attempts by German courts to block him from German concert venues in the past.
1 year ago
World politics

This Runner Finished Last, but Her Perseverance Won Over a Nation

Runner number 401 was dead tired and suffering from low blood pressure.She was also last by a wide margin in the 5,000 meters and plodding alone, through a raucous rainstorm, around the track of a near-empty stadium.Bou Samnang, 20, finished the race anyway.Her rain-soaked performance at the Southeast Asian Games this year's edition was hosted this month by her home country, Cambodia would have been a footnote in a tournament that is unknown to most sporting fans outside the region.
1 year ago
World politics

Wagner Chief Says Bakhmut Is Taken; Ukraine Rejects Claim

The head of Russia's Wagner paramilitary group said his mercenaries had captured Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, a claim the Ukrainian military denied even as their soldiers have been forced into an ever shrinking patch of land inside the ruined city.Senior Ukrainian military officials acknowledged that the situation inside the city was critical, with soldiers facing an unrelenting barrage of artillery fire and powerful aerial bombardments.
1 year ago
Europe news

Live: Ukraine claims advances of up to 2 kilometres around embattled Bakhmut

Hour by hour Ukrainian servicemen of the Adam tactical group ride a T-64 tank towards a front line near the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on May 7, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Sergey Shestak, AFP Ukraine said Friday that its forces had made significant advances around the embattled city of Bakhmut in the eastern Donetsk region, which has been the epicentre of fighting with Russia for months.
1 year ago
Tech industry

Apple's Face Computer, Crypto Chaos and How Teens Really Feel About Social Media

Apple kicked off the week with the announcement of a mixed-reality headset: the Apple Vision Pro.Putting a computer on your face may seem weird, but if there's one company that knows how to make nerdy stuff into the thing that everyone wants, it's Apple.Will these fancy goggles be the next Apple revolution?
1 year ago
World politics

Zelensky Signals Next Phase of War Will Have Grim Consequences

After giving the strongest indication yet that Ukraine's counteroffensive is imminent, President Volodymyr Zelensky on Saturday urged his compatriots to personally thank the volunteers and soldiers fighting Russian troops, in a sign of how grim the next phase of the war could be.Mr. Zelensky singled out more than a dozen soldiers by name, noting that in his nightly speeches he usually thanks specific units or brigades.
1 year ago
World politics

Berlin Police Investigate Roger Waters After He Wore Nazi-Style Costumes at Concerts

The German police are investigating Roger Waters, a founder of the band Pink Floyd, who has long been critical of Israel, after he performed in Berlin last week wearing a Nazi-style costume like the one he used to critique fascism in The Wall.Mr. Waters, who has made anti-Israel statements in the past that many have said cross a line into antisemitism, has successfully fought two attempts by German courts to block him from German concert venues in the past.
1 year ago
World politics

This Runner Finished Last, but Her Perseverance Won Over a Nation

Runner number 401 was dead tired and suffering from low blood pressure.She was also last by a wide margin in the 5,000 meters and plodding alone, through a raucous rainstorm, around the track of a near-empty stadium.Bou Samnang, 20, finished the race anyway.Her rain-soaked performance at the Southeast Asian Games this year's edition was hosted this month by her home country, Cambodia would have been a footnote in a tournament that is unknown to most sporting fans outside the region.
1 year ago
World politics

Wagner Chief Says Bakhmut Is Taken; Ukraine Rejects Claim

The head of Russia's Wagner paramilitary group said his mercenaries had captured Bakhmut in eastern Ukraine on Saturday, a claim the Ukrainian military denied even as their soldiers have been forced into an ever shrinking patch of land inside the ruined city.Senior Ukrainian military officials acknowledged that the situation inside the city was critical, with soldiers facing an unrelenting barrage of artillery fire and powerful aerial bombardments.
1 year ago
Europe news

Live: Ukraine claims advances of up to 2 kilometres around embattled Bakhmut

Hour by hour Ukrainian servicemen of the Adam tactical group ride a T-64 tank towards a front line near the town of Bakhmut, Donetsk region, on May 7, 2023, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine.Sergey Shestak, AFP Ukraine said Friday that its forces had made significant advances around the embattled city of Bakhmut in the eastern Donetsk region, which has been the epicentre of fighting with Russia for months.
1 year ago
World politics

A Dystopian Nightmare' Unfolds in Sudan's Battered Darfur Region

The gunmen arrived at dawn on motorcycles, horses and in cars.For hours afterward, they fired into houses, rampaged through shops and razed clinics, witnesses said, in a frenzied attack that upended life in El Geneina, a city in the Darfur region of Sudan.The violence in mid-May, which killed at least 280 people in two days, came just hours after two military factions that have been battling for control of Sudan signed a commitment to protect civilians and allow the flow of humanitarian aid.
1 year ago
France news

France opposed to opening of Nato liaison office in Japan, official says

France is unenthusiastic about a proposal for Nato to open a liaison office in Japan, an official has said, days after the French president, Emmanuel Macron, said the move would be a big mistake.There have been suggestions, alluded to most recently by the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, that the organisation would open an office in Tokyo its first in Asia in response to the growing challenge posed by China and Russia.
1 year ago
US politics

Blinken to Talk to Saudis About Normalizing Ties With Israel

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said Monday that he planned to talk to Saudi leaders and other Gulf state officials this week during a visit to Saudi Arabia about the possibility of the kingdom normalizing ties with Israel.The Biden administration supports such a move, but it should not come at the expense of progress between Israelis and Palestinians and a two-state solution, he said.
1 year ago
France news

France opposed to opening of Nato liaison office in Japan, official says

France is unenthusiastic about a proposal for Nato to open a liaison office in Japan, an official has said, days after the French president, Emmanuel Macron, said the move would be a big mistake.There have been suggestions, alluded to most recently by the Nato secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, that the organisation would open an office in Tokyo its first in Asia in response to the growing challenge posed by China and Russia.
1 year ago
US politics

Blinken to Talk to Saudis About Normalizing Ties With Israel

Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said Monday that he planned to talk to Saudi leaders and other Gulf state officials this week during a visit to Saudi Arabia about the possibility of the kingdom normalizing ties with Israel.The Biden administration supports such a move, but it should not come at the expense of progress between Israelis and Palestinians and a two-state solution, he said.
1 year ago
Europe news

Peter Simonischek, Beloved Austrian Actor, Is Dead at 76

Peter Simonischek, an eminent Austrian theater actor who found international fame as the shambolic prankster and adoring father in Maren Ade's Oscar-nominated 2016 German film Toni Erdmann, died on May 29 at his home in Vienna.He was 76.The cause was lung cancer, his wife, Brigitte Karner, said.Mr. Simonischek was a member of the Burgtheater, the venerable Viennese institution otherwise known as the Burg, one of the oldest and largest ensemble theaters in the world.
1 year ago

An Unstoppable Verstappen Wins Again

Lewis Hamilton drove aggressively and overtook rivals, sometimes with apparent ease.George Russell gained several places by zipping up the pit lane at the start and held off a late challenge from Sergio Perez.It was a great day for Mercedes.And they finished 2-3.Once again, Max Verstappen of Red Bull raced away from the Formula One field in the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona on Sunday, winning the pole, and then on race day never holding any position but first.
1 year ago

Can Red Bull Run the Table? Verstappen Won't Rule It Out

Red Bull produced six wins in six races to start the Formula 1 season, so it was not really a surprise that talk at the Spanish Grand Prix this week turned to the elephant in the room: Can Red Bull become the first Formula 1 team to win every race in a season?I think we can, but that's very unlikely to happen, the driver Max Verstappen said Thursday, trying to be diplomatic in a season in which he has been dominant.
1 year ago

A Barcelona Star Chases Trophies and Answers

Aitana Bonmati always asks the same question.Every game Barcelona Femeni plays generates a flood of performance data.The team's fitness coaches know how far each player ran, how fast, how long.There is so much information, in fact, that they need two days to download it and tabulate it and parse it.
1 year ago

Capes, Couture and Prince William at the Royal Wedding in Jordan

It was the greatest gathering of royals outside of a major coronation: the wedding of Hussein, the crown prince of Jordan, to Rajwa Al Saif.It was also a striking display of the power of modest fashion, as guests including Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Princess Beatrice of Britain and various other attendees wore long gowns with airy capes flying off their shoulders, or draped, fluted sleeves, in recognition of Jordanian mores.
1 year ago
World politics

A Big Day for the Debt Ceiling

Can House Republicans behave as the members of a well-functioning political party would?Or are they still the same party that has cycled through one House leader after another over the past decade, unable to find one who can unite various factions?The past few days of debt-ceiling talks have brought conflicting signals.
1 year ago
World politics

Iran Releases 2 French Citizens From Detention

Two French citizens detained by Iran were released on Friday on humanitarian grounds and were on their way back to France, according to French and Iranian authorities.One of the men, Benjamin Briere, a 38-year-old French tourist, had been held for three years.The other, Bernard Phelan, a 64-year-old French-Irish travel consultant, was arrested in October 2022.
1 year ago

An Unstoppable Verstappen Wins Again

Lewis Hamilton drove aggressively and overtook rivals, sometimes with apparent ease.George Russell gained several places by zipping up the pit lane at the start and held off a late challenge from Sergio Perez.It was a great day for Mercedes.And they finished 2-3.Once again, Max Verstappen of Red Bull raced away from the Formula One field in the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona on Sunday, winning the pole, and then on race day never holding any position but first.
1 year ago

Can Red Bull Run the Table? Verstappen Won't Rule It Out

Red Bull produced six wins in six races to start the Formula 1 season, so it was not really a surprise that talk at the Spanish Grand Prix this week turned to the elephant in the room: Can Red Bull become the first Formula 1 team to win every race in a season?I think we can, but that's very unlikely to happen, the driver Max Verstappen said Thursday, trying to be diplomatic in a season in which he has been dominant.
1 year ago

A Barcelona Star Chases Trophies and Answers

Aitana Bonmati always asks the same question.Every game Barcelona Femeni plays generates a flood of performance data.The team's fitness coaches know how far each player ran, how fast, how long.There is so much information, in fact, that they need two days to download it and tabulate it and parse it.
1 year ago

Capes, Couture and Prince William at the Royal Wedding in Jordan

It was the greatest gathering of royals outside of a major coronation: the wedding of Hussein, the crown prince of Jordan, to Rajwa Al Saif.It was also a striking display of the power of modest fashion, as guests including Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, Princess Beatrice of Britain and various other attendees wore long gowns with airy capes flying off their shoulders, or draped, fluted sleeves, in recognition of Jordanian mores.
1 year ago
World politics

A Big Day for the Debt Ceiling

Can House Republicans behave as the members of a well-functioning political party would?Or are they still the same party that has cycled through one House leader after another over the past decade, unable to find one who can unite various factions?The past few days of debt-ceiling talks have brought conflicting signals.
1 year ago
World politics

Iran Releases 2 French Citizens From Detention

Two French citizens detained by Iran were released on Friday on humanitarian grounds and were on their way back to France, according to French and Iranian authorities.One of the men, Benjamin Briere, a 38-year-old French tourist, had been held for three years.The other, Bernard Phelan, a 64-year-old French-Irish travel consultant, was arrested in October 2022.
1 year ago
World politics

Your Friday Briefing

Image President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine said that his country was ready to join NATO.Credit...Dumitru Doru/EPA, via Shutterstock At meetings yesterday in Oslo and Bulboaca, Moldova, top world officials discussed Ukraine's application for membership in NATO.The talks demonstrated how Russia's invasion has forged closer ties among Western nations, expanding and strengthening the military alliance precisely what the Kremlin wanted to prevent.
1 year ago
World politics

Drone Strike in Moscow Brings Ukraine War Home to Russians

A barrage of attack drones were downed over Moscow on Tuesday, the first time civilian areas of the Russian capital have been touched directly by the Ukrainian conflict and a signal that a distant war may soon begin to feel somewhat less so for ordinary Russians.The physical damage was minimal, limited to shattered apartment windows and some minor injuries in an upscale neighborhood, but the psychological impact may prove far bigger for a citizenry that to date has been able to go about daily life with little thought for the bloodshed taking place over the border.
1 year ago
World politics

Will Erdogan's Victory Soften Turkey's Opposition to Sweden in NATO?

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, invoking themes of Turkish nationalism and counterterrorism, has been the main obstacle toward Sweden joining the NATO alliance after Russia's invasion of Ukraine.His fierce public opposition played well in his re-election campaign.So did his role as an indispensable power broker, vital to NATO but also as an intermediary, able to maintain good relations with both Russia and Ukraine.
1 year ago
World politics

Russians Hit Ukrainian Hospital as Both Sides Step Up Long-Range Strikes

KYIV, Ukraine Explosions far behind the front lines shook Ukraine on Friday, as a Russian missile demolished part of a hospital complex and apparent Ukrainian strikes hit Russian-occupied cities, in their escalating, long-range aerial war.The attack on a medical center in the central city of Dnipro killed at least two people, left three more missing and injured at least 30, Ukrainian officials said.
1 year ago
World politics

On the Run for Decades, a Fugitive of Rwanda's Genocide Is Finally Caught

For more than 20 years, Fulgence Kayishema, one of the world's most wanted fugitives of the Rwandan genocide, evaded authorities who say he orchestrated the killing of more than 2,000 Tutsis during the massacre.He remained at large, hiding among refugees in several countries, and masking himself behind various aliases.
1 year ago
World politics

Gary Prado Salmon, Bolivian Captor of Che Guevara, Dies at 84

Gen. Gary Prado Salmon, who as a Bolivian Army captain led the operation that captured the Argentine revolutionary Che Guevara, a critical ally of Fidel Castro's in the Cuban revolution, in 1967, died on May 6 in a hospital in Santa Cruz, Bolivia.He was 84.His son Gary Prado Arauz announced the death on Facebook but did not give a cause.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine Arrests a Top Judge as Crackdown on Corruption Expands

The chief of Ukraine's Supreme Court was formally arrested Thursday, as prosecutors indicated in a second day of hearings that a high-level corruption case was expanding to include a wider circle of judges.Prosecutors also accused a lawyer of acting as an intermediary in paying a bribe to the chief justice, and said that at least three other judges of the court had been found holding thousands of dollars in currency marked by investigators.
1 year ago
Europe news

French club hold emotional tribute for slain AFP reporter

Journalists and staff of Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Paris and across the world held a minute of silence on Thursday to remember their colleague Arman Soldin who was killed earlier this week in Ukraine.Published: 12 May 2023 08:47 CEST Soldin, AFP's video coordinator in Ukraine, was killed on Tuesday when an AFP team came under fire by Grad rockets while they were with a group of Ukrainian soldiers near Bakhmut, the epicentre of the fighting for months.
1 year ago
Europe news

Ukraine Arrests a Top Judge as Crackdown on Corruption Expands

The chief of Ukraine's Supreme Court was formally arrested Thursday, as prosecutors indicated in a second day of hearings that a high-level corruption case was expanding to include a wider circle of judges.Prosecutors also accused a lawyer of acting as an intermediary in paying a bribe to the chief justice, and said that at least three other judges of the court had been found holding thousands of dollars in currency marked by investigators.
1 year ago
Europe news

French club hold emotional tribute for slain AFP reporter

Journalists and staff of Agence France-Presse (AFP) in Paris and across the world held a minute of silence on Thursday to remember their colleague Arman Soldin who was killed earlier this week in Ukraine.Published: 12 May 2023 08:47 CEST Soldin, AFP's video coordinator in Ukraine, was killed on Tuesday when an AFP team came under fire by Grad rockets while they were with a group of Ukrainian soldiers near Bakhmut, the epicentre of the fighting for months.
1 year ago
World politics

Battered by War, Sudan Faces Many Possible Paths None Good

NAIROBI, Kenya The fighting that erupted in Sudan's capital one month ago surprised few, the culmination of soaring tensions between rival military leaders.But what has shocked many is the scale and ferocity of the war engulfing Africa's third-largest country, a conflict that has killed about 1,000 people and prompted one million more to flee their homes.
1 year ago
World politics

Mysterious Killing of Chinese Gold Miners Puts New Pressure on Beijing

The Chinese embassy in the Central African Republic had a stark warning for its compatriots in the landlocked nation: Do not leave the capital city of Bangui.Kidnappings of foreigners were on the rise, and any Chinese person outside of Bangui was to leave those areas immediately.Less than a week later, on March 19, a group of gunmen stormed a remote gold mine far away from Bangui and killed nine Chinese workers.
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