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4 months ago

Chemical assaults: how common are they and what's the law?

Corrosive substance attacks involve throwing acid or corrosive substances on someone with the intent to harm or kill.
Corrosive substance attacks in the UK have risen in recent years, with 710 attacks recorded in 2022 and 82 hospital admissions for acid attacks in 2022-2023. [ more ]
4 months ago

What does alkaline mean? Corrosive substance used in Clapham attack

The number of corrosive substance attacks in the UK has been increasing in recent years.
The alleged attacker in this incident is still at large and considered dangerous. [ more ]
4 months ago

Chemical assaults: how common are they and what's the law?

Corrosive substance attacks involve throwing acid or corrosive substances on someone with the intent to harm or kill.
Corrosive substance attacks in the UK have risen in recent years, with 710 attacks recorded in 2022 and 82 hospital admissions for acid attacks in 2022-2023. [ more ]
4 months ago

What does alkaline mean? Corrosive substance used in Clapham attack

The number of corrosive substance attacks in the UK has been increasing in recent years.
The alleged attacker in this incident is still at large and considered dangerous. [ more ]
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