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2 days ago
Europe news

As U.S. Shifts Policy on Striking Into Russia, Kharkiv Is Hit Again

The US government has granted Ukraine permission to use American-made weaponry to defend itself against Russian attacks, allowing strikes into Russia only along the northeastern border near Kharkiv. [ more ]
2 days ago
Europe news

Biden changes stance to allow Ukraine to fire US-supplied weapons into Russia

Biden allows Ukraine to use US-made weapons near Russian border for defense [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

David Miliband condemns absurd' lack of cooperation between EU and UK

David Miliband criticizes the lack of cooperation between the UK and EU on foreign and defense issues. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
France politics

Europe needs to be stronger, not a U.S. 'vassal,' says France's Macron

Macron advocates for a stronger, more independent European Union with a credible defense policy against Russia and economic superpowers. [ more ]
4 months ago
Europe news

Voters are looking for a mini-Niinisto': Finland braces for new president

Finland's relationship with Russia has become unpredictable and the country is now looking to the US for foreign and defense policy.
Relations with China are strained and there are suspicions of Russian-Chinese collusion. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Lords split over UK government approach to autonomous weapons | Computer Weekly

Lords are split on the UK government's approach to autonomous weapons - caution vs. advancement. [ more ]
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