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London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
3 weeks ago

Six tips for empowering your law firm for success

Success in the legal field requires adapting to the digital era with legal tech, continuous training, and data security as essential strategies. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

The Kendrick-Drake feud shows how technology is changing rap battles | TechCrunch

Kendrick Lamar emerged victorious in a tech-savvy rap battle against Drake, showcasing the use of AI in music disputes. [ more ]
Daily Mom magazine
1 month ago
Digital life

Cell Phone Safety Tips For Parents: A Kids First Use Guide

The decision to give a child their first phone is a complex mix of balancing connectivity and risks.
Consider age, maturity, and need for a child's first phone to ensure responsible usage. [ more ]
TalentLMS Blog
4 months ago
Software development

Mastering the craft: A comprehensive guide to technical skills training

Being skill-proficient is an ongoing journey, as technology is constantly evolving
Technical skills are not limited to coding and software development, they encompass a wide range of abilities [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago

The Podcast Revolution: Audio Learning In The Digital Age

The term 'podcast' originated from 'iPod' and 'cast', designed for online distribution with easy accessibility.
Podcasts are popular and beneficial for students of all demographics, offering diverse educational opportunities. [ more ]
2 months ago

Social Media Can Be Used Against You - Here's How to Ensure Your Online Reputation Stays Safe | Entrepreneur

Your personal brand is crucial in the digital age for CEOs and entrepreneurs.
Authentic personal branding attracts opportunities and builds trust with audiences. [ more ]
2 months ago
Marketing tech

The zero-sum game of social media: When going viral spells disaster | MarTech

The main character effect on X can lead to job loss when going viral.
The rise of algorithmic influence has transformed social media and entertainment industry. [ more ]
3 months ago

We've Reached Peak Fakery in Celebrity Marketing Stunts

Fake user-generated content (UGC) is a growing trend in the digital era.
Celebrities and influencers are using UGC to create viral marketing ploys. [ more ]
The Jerusalem Post | JPost.com
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Strategic insights: The evolution of data-driven advertising through AI

The adoption of AI technologies has become a strategic necessity for companies in various industries.
Alison.AI provides AI-powered analytics for video analysis and optimization, resulting in a 300% surge in ROI for clients. [ more ]
4 months ago

Green Dot by Madeleine Gray review witty tale of obsessive love

Smart women expecting their lovers to leave their wives is a common theme in literature.
Green Dot stands out for its narrator's distinctive voice and droll observations on young adult life. [ more ]
4 months ago
Media industry

The news business faces a reckoning in 2024

Billionaire Patrick Soon-Shiong has invested hundreds of millions of his own money into the unprofitable Los Angeles Times, highlighting the struggles of the news industry in the digital era.
The L.A. Times is estimated to be losing $50 million a year, while The Washington Post was set to lose $100 million last year.
News companies, even those that are still making money, are trying to find ways to adapt to the changing media landscape and innovate. [ more ]
6 months ago

The power of curated content in B2B marketing | MarTech

Content curation involves carefully selecting and promoting valuable content for your audience.
Good curation saves time, boosts your authority and helps you reach a wider audience.
Create a consistent content curation strategy and schedule that provides actionable benefits for your audience. [ more ]
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