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Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 days ago

Massachusetts moves toward free community college for all

Massachusetts is considering extending the successful MassReconnect program to offer universal free community college to all residents without degrees. [ more ]
New York Post
3 days ago

NYC schools could use gyms, other spaces to comply with class-size mandate as critics blast 'disaster in the making'

As many as 500 schools in NYC may repurpose spaces to meet class size mandates, impacting facilities and curriculum diversity. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago

Albany's powers hold NYC kids hostage again in yet another mayoral-control drama

Lawmakers are considering ending mayoral control of NYC schools.
Governor Hochul proposed a four-year extension of mayoral control to end political games. [ more ]
3 days ago

State Assembly approves streamlining West Valley College tuition waiver

Automatic tuition waivers for West Valley students simplify the process using address and financial aid applications, removing barriers and benefiting 15,000 enrolled students. [ more ]
1 month ago

The botched FAFSA rollout leaves students in limbo. Some wonder if their college dreams will survive.

The delayed FAFSA application process is causing significant stress for high school seniors, hindering college enrollment decisions and financial planning. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 months ago

Congress passes FAFSA formula fix

Congress moved to fix an error in Pell Grant legislation, preventing loss of access for students.
Formula change in Pell Grant legislation created eligibility issues for millions of students. [ more ]
3 days ago

Tech startup Odyssey goes on journey to help states implement school choice programs | TechCrunch

Odyssey provides an end-to-end public fund disbursement platform for educational offerings. [ more ]
1 week ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Administration Canceling Student Loans for Another 160,000 Borrowers

The Biden administration is canceling student loans for 160,000 borrowers, totaling $7.7 billion, part of a broader effort to alleviate student debt. [ more ]
1 month ago

South Carolina education leader: schools should ignore LGBTQ-inclusive Title IX rule

Opposition to Biden administration's LGBTQ-inclusive Title IX interpretation. [ more ]
4 days ago
EU data protection

Brexit wrecks Reform's legal challenge to Labour's private school tax raid - expert

Labour's plans to end tax exemptions for independent schools face a legal challenge hurdle due to Brexit implications. [ more ]
6 days ago
Left-wing politics

Republican Tim Scott falsely claims Biden policy resegregates public schools

Trump's inner circle attempts to woo Black voters by making false claims about Biden's education policies. [ more ]
New York Post
2 weeks ago
Left-wing politics

First lady Jill Biden claims Trump would 'destroy' public education if president in speech to teachers union

Jill Biden advocates for husband's re-election as she highlights the stark difference in education policy between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. [ more ]
1 week ago
EU data protection

Smartphone ban for kids 'worth considering' - MPs

The Education Select Committee proposes banning smartphones for under-16s due to serious dangers online, urging government action and parent control. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
1 week ago

LAUSD caves to public outcry: No more timed testing for 4-year-olds

Los Angeles Unified School District made timed reading tests optional for transitional kindergarten students. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 week ago

Influential MAGA hate pastor uses social media target LGBTQ+ kids & teachers - LGBTQ Nation

Family members and associates of former President Donald Trump are connecting with Pastor Tim Thompson, who opposes LGBTQ+ rights and leads a political action committee against public education. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

Reformed KKK member comes out as trans & slams Ron DeSantis's crusade against liberalism

R. Derek Black, son of a prominent Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, transformed their worldview after attending a liberal, LGBTQ+-friendly college. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago

Teachers in Tennessee now have to out transgender students but can secretly carry guns to class

Tennessee signed bills changing teacher roles involving transgender students. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

Parent arrested at state meeting after calling GOP education head a "bigot & a bully"

Parent arrested after calling anti-LGBTQ+ head of schools an 'obnoxious bigot and bully' during board meeting. [ more ]
1 month ago

Maryland Governor Signs "Freedom to Read Act" Into Law

Maryland's law safeguards libraries from banning books, promoting inclusivity for LGBTQ+ individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago

4 States Tell Schools to Ignore New Title IX Rules That Protect LGBTQ Students

The challenges could set up a federal showdown that might end up in a protracted court battle ahead of the elections. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

Virginia Foxx's Focus on Antisemitism on College Campuses Has Raised Her Profile

Virginia Foxx has focused on combatting antisemitism on college campuses, driven by her personal values and upbringing. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 week ago

Colorado bill to improve credit transfer becomes law

Colorado requires public colleges to report transfer credits to enhance students' educational outcomes. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 weeks ago

Colorado bill could be a model for improving credit transfer

Legislation in Colorado aims to refine transfer policies, potentially serving as a model for other states and improving degree attainment. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

States bristle at federal plea to push financial aid deadlines

The rocky FAFSA rollout has led to many states pushing back local scholarship application deadlines.
Education Secretary urges states to move aid deadlines and budget for potential increases in state grant aid due to FAFSA changes. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
3 months ago

Free college can spread in states without federal legislation

Michigan is becoming a leader in providing free college opportunities through programs like Michigan Reconnect and Futures for Frontliners.
Governor Whitmer's gradual approach to implementing free college offers valuable lessons for other states looking to increase college accessibility. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Teachers could get protection against blasphemy claims under new laws

Teachers may receive protection from blasphemy claims through government proposals, aiming to safeguard freedom of expression and prevent unnecessary suspensions. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
2 weeks ago
London politics

Rishi Sunak parrots false '72 genders' teaching claim on Loose Women

Misinformation about 72 gender identities used for fear-mongering by UK government officials. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Suburban schools becoming less white, more Latino 70 years after Brown decision

The resegregation of America's public schools in suburbs has increased significantly over the past three decades, with Black and Latino families facing patterns of racial and economic segregation. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

School segregation surging 70 years after landmark Brown v. Board ruling

America's public schools have become more racially and economically segregated over the years. [ more ]
New York Post
2 months ago
NYC politics

Lawmakers reject NYC Mayor Eric Adams' bid for mayoral control extension

Albany lawmakers exclude extension of mayoral control from budget proposals, opposing Mayor Adams.
NYC teachers' union opposes mayoral control, emphasizing the importance of teachers in education decisions. [ more ]
2 months ago

Billionaires Yass and DeVos Are on a Crusade to Destroy US Public Schools

The extreme right wing in the US is pushing to abolish the Department of Education, aligning with figures like Betsy DeVos and Jeff Yass.
Billionaires like DeVos and grassroots groups are working together to promote the 'education freedom' movement through demonizing and defunding public schools. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
2 weeks ago

The Education Department's $50 million FAFSA completion push

Funding is crucial for organizations assisting with FAFSA submissions to support students during challenging times. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

NY state will require students to complete FAFSA or waiver

New York State will require high school seniors to complete FAFSA, a similar aid form, or opt-out waiver, part of the 2024-25 budget. [ more ]
Brooklyn Eagle
2 weeks ago
New York City

Report: Adams administration 'abandoned' NYC school integration efforts

NYU report criticizes Adams administration's education policies as regressive. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 weeks ago

Donald Trump promises to repeal Joe Biden's protections for trans students "on day one"

Donald Trump plans to roll back transgender student protections on day one if re-elected. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Tennessee Law Will Force Schools to Out Trans Students to Their Parents

Schools in Tennessee must now out transgender students to parents, posing risks to students. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago

NYC civic leader ousted from community board for questioning whether trans girls should be banned from school sports

A community board member was not reappointed after supporting a controversial resolution regarding transgender girls in school sports. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

As States Resist Federal Gender Rules, Schools Are Caught in the Middle

Biden administration's new civil rights regulations require transgender accommodations in schools under Title IX, sparking conflicts in Republican-led states. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 month ago

UK primary school jumps to defend 'well-regarded' trans teacher after complaints

The primary school in Southampton defended a transgender supply teacher after parental complaints, emphasizing tolerance and respect for all staff members. [ more ]
1 month ago

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott: 'We want to end' trans and gender nonconforming teachers

Republican-controlled states targeting transgender teachers with discriminatory legislation. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 weeks ago

The Biden administration is cracking down on horrific discrimination in two Texas school districts

Discrimination investigations ongoing in two Texas school districts due to racist and anti-LGBTQ+ incidents. [ more ]
2 months ago

Sarah Huckabee Sanders was just slapped with a lawsuit over her extreme, anti-woke agenda

Arkansas governor facing lawsuit over ban on 'indoctrination' in public schools
Arkansas LEARNS Act bans critical race theory, classroom discussion on sexual orientation and gender identity [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 weeks ago

Thousands rally over expected school cuts, a rebuke to LAUSD's pledge to protect workers

Budget cuts in L.A. schools may lead to job loss and program cuts despite efforts to avoid layoffs. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

From arming teachers to corporate tax breaks: Tennessee's new, extreme laws

Tennessee's legislature faced a strong conservative pushback against government-funded vouchers for private schools, revealing opposition from both Democratic and Republican lawmakers. [ more ]
New York Post
4 weeks ago

Make parents pay for kids who miss school to curb chronic school absenteeism

Chronic school absenteeism persists post-pandemic, affecting learning outcomes, especially among low-income students. [ more ]
1 month ago

Court Allows Case Challenging Segregation in N.Y.C. Schools to Advance

A lawsuit challenging racial segregation in NYC schools progresses, potentially leading to changes in admissions at selective schools. [ more ]
1 month ago

Schools should bond communities: faith schools divide them. Why are ministers making that worse? | Simon Jenkins

Ending the faith-based school admissions cap proposed to encourage the creation of exclusive faith schools, despite opposition and concerns about promoting religious discrimination. [ more ]
1 month ago

More public colleges admit high schoolers even before they've applied

Public universities are adopting direct admission programs to automatically admit high school students based on academic criteria, aiming to increase diversity and ease the college application process. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

Bridget Ziegler's gay colleague isn't afraid of her. He uses her hate as fuel to make change.

Tom Edwards is a Sarasota County School Board member actively fighting against anti-LGBTQ+ initiatives and far-right agendas in Florida. [ more ]
2 months ago

Navy vet opposes Moms for Liberty-backed homeschool advocate for Florida school board seat

Travis Akers emphasizes inclusivity and safety in education, opposes 'don't say gay' law and book bans.
Melody Bolduc, linked to far-right group Moms for Liberty, supports Florida's anti-trans law and defends book bans. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Biden forgives more than $6 billion in loans for 317,000 Art Institutes students

President Biden announced $6.1 billion student loan forgiveness for 317,000 borrowers from The Art Institutes due to false data and misleading practices. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

When policy fails, bribe voters with student loan forgiveness - it's the Biden way!

Student loan forgiveness plan announced by President Biden includes wiping out interest debt, automatic debt cancellation for eligible individuals, and potential beneficiaries totaling around 30 million.
The student loan forgiveness plan is seen as a strategy to gain support from younger voters and follows previous giveaways totaling $146 billion. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

What to know about Biden's new student loan forgiveness plan

President Biden is introducing a new plan to reduce or eliminate federal student loan balances for millions of borrowers.
The plan includes forgiving accrued interest, targeted debt cancellation, and automatic loan forgiveness for eligible borrowers. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden to Forgive $6 Billion in Student Debt for 78,000 Public Service Workers

$6 billion in loan forgiveness for 78,000 public service workers announced by President Biden.
Total loan forgiveness under Biden administration is $144 billion for 4 million borrowers. [ more ]
1 month ago

The case for mixed education: We don't separate men and women in adult life, so why do it in school?

Enrollment of boys at St Joseph of Cluny in Killiney with no academic advantage to single-sex schools. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
1 month ago

Maryland's governor just signed a law to protect the freedom to read

Maryland's 'Freedom to Read Act' protects LGBTQ+ books in schools, preventing exclusion based on creators' identity and ensuring availability during review process. [ more ]
The Atlantic
1 month ago

The College Financial-Aid Scramble

Students are facing challenges due to the delays and glitches in the simplified FAFSA form, impacting their college enrollment decisions. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

FAFSA completion down 40 percent

40% fewer high school students completed FAFSA by March 29 in 2023 compared to 2022 due to the new form's disastrous rollout.
FAFSA submissions are down 27% year-over-year, highlighting significant errors in the new form that can't be corrected until mid-April processing. [ more ]
1 month ago

After contentious strike in Newton, half of polled state residents say they support legalizing teacher strikes

Public opinion leans towards legalizing teacher strikes. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

Biden administration finalizes Title IX overhaul

Colleges have until Aug. 1 to comply with the final Title IX rule, which expands protections for students and simplifies reporting processes. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Joe Biden's new student loan relief, explained

Biden unveils new plan to relieve student debt, aiming to assist millions of borrowers.
The plan targets reducing payments for 25 million borrowers, eliminating debt for over four million, and providing relief of $5,000 or more to 10 million borrowers. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden, at Culver City stop, announces $1.2 billion in student debt forgiveness

President Biden canceled $1.2 billion in student loan debt for over 150,000 borrowers to support economic growth.
Biden's executive actions have now canceled $138 billion in student debt for almost 3.9 million individuals. [ more ]
1 month ago

Experts divided over implications of prayer ban ruling at London school

The ruling on a prayer ban at a London school may lead to more schools banning organized prayers, sparking debates on religious freedom and inclusivity. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago

NYC parents give failing grade to public school class size law that could see 12K new teachers

Parents group criticizes law limiting classroom sizes in NYC public schools, potentially requiring 12,000 new teachers. [ more ]
1 month ago

'Pause the academisation process' - Councillor's plea for future of primary school

Byron Court Primary School in North Wembley was ordered to become an academy despite opposition from various stakeholders. [ more ]
1 month ago

'This does not halt our campaign' - Council says hands tied over academy plans

Byron Court Primary School ordered to become an academy after dropping from 'outstanding' to 'inadequate'.
Campaigners fighting against academisation, claiming it takes choice away from parents and children. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
NYC politics

It's time to end Albany's destructive micromanagement of NYC schools

Legislature leaders rejected the renewal of mayoral control in state budget negotiations.
State Education Department undermined mayoral control through a report influenced by teachers unions. [ more ]
Irish Independent
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Integrity of Leaving and Junior Cert exams to be protected from AI threat, Minister Norma Foley vows

AI should support, not replace teachers in the classroom.
Ireland emphasizes harnessing AI benefits while addressing challenges. [ more ]
1 month ago

NYC's literacy overhaul has earned wide support. Now parents (and kids) are pushing back.

Students critical of new literacy curriculum, feel bored and frustrated with short passages.
Resistance growing against city's mandate for new reading programs, may disrupt unique teaching approaches. [ more ]
The New Yorker
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

The Attack on Black History, with Nikole Hannah-Jones and Jelani Cobb

Republican officials are imposing restrictions on teaching historical facts about race and racism in schools and universities.
There is a surge in book challenges and bans, with political meddling in tenure processes at public universities. [ more ]
The Ringer
1 month ago

Why School Absences Have "Exploded" Across America

Chronic absenteeism rates have exploded across the country, with one-quarter of public school students now chronically absent.
Crises of learning and behavior are fundamentally linked to the problem of students not attending school regularly post-pandemic. [ more ]
1 month ago

Conservative school board candidates handed humiliating loss in St. Louis area

Right-wing school board candidates in St. Louis faced significant defeats in recent elections.
Conservative candidates endorsed by local right-wing figures lost to those supported by teachers' unions and community groups. [ more ]
1 month ago

Indiana lawmakers ban cellphones in class. Now it's up to schools to figure out how

Schools in Indiana are required to ban wireless devices like cellphones during class time.
Similar laws in other states aim to reduce distractions, bullying, and encourage in-person interaction. [ more ]
2 months ago

Ontario may see non-tech teachers in new mandatory tech-ed classes | CBC News

Ontario is proposing to allow teachers without tech credentials to teach tech courses.
Shortage of teachers, especially tech-specific teachers, is a concern in Ontario. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago

Salary change after teaching abroad pitched to help fix teaching crisis

Recognition of work abroad for salary upon return is sought by Irish teachers.
Shortage of teachers in Ireland due to unfilled vacancies and recruitment challenges. [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago

Two in every three Irish secondary schools now have unfilled vacancies, teachers pitch solutions to fix crisis

Teachers working abroad should have their experience count towards their home country salary
Irish secondary schools are facing unprecedented difficulty in hiring staff [ more ]
Irish Independent
2 months ago

Two in every three Irish secondary schools now have unfilled vacancies

Teachers returning to Ireland should have work abroad count towards salary.
Irish secondary schools facing unprecedented difficulty in hiring staff. [ more ]
The Nation
2 months ago

After Texas's DEI Ban, College Students Are Reconsidering State Schools

Texas Legislature passed SB 16 banning critical race theory at universities
SB 17 targets diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Texas college system [ more ]
2 months ago

High school teacher, students sue Arkansas over CRT ban

Arkansas sued over ban on critical race theory
Lawsuit argues restrictions violate free speech and equal protection [ more ]
2 months ago

Indiana bans cell phones in class

Bipartisan support for a law banning cell phones in Indiana schools during class hours.
Exceptions to the cell phone ban allow usage with teacher's permission or for emergencies. [ more ]
2 months ago

Children get lessons to help for awkward chats with the boss

Teaching children how to speak to adults they find overawing for better communication skills and future career success.
Importance of oracy skills in education highlighted by top private schools and political leaders. [ more ]
PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
2 months ago

Chasten Buttigieg says Nex Benedict 'failed' by Libs of TikTok's government role

Chasten Buttigieg criticizes Oklahoma superintendent for appointing anti-LGBTQ personnel to school board.
Activists call for resignation of Oklahoma's superintendent over anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. [ more ]
2 months ago

Florida settles lawsuit after challenge to don't say gay' law

Florida settlement allows free discussion on LGBTQ+ in classrooms without instructional restrictions.
Settlement clarifies Florida law on LGBTQ+ discussions in classrooms, ensuring freedom to discuss sexual orientation and gender identity. [ more ]
2 months ago

It's an absolute mess': building work seriously delayed on 33 new special schools in England

Slow progress in delivering new special school places by 2026
Chancellor's commitment of 105m towards 15 special schools questioned [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 months ago

Election will reshape L.A. Unified leadership as campaign turbulence hits two candidates

Al-Alim and Ortiz face challenges but could still be successful in the Los Angeles school board election.
Financial and personal issues are influencing the Los Angeles Board of Education election. [ more ]
Hindustan Times
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

CBSE considers policy on use of AI to prepare students for future jobs

CBSE planning comprehensive AI policy for students' future jobs
Committee to include representatives from IITs, NITs, AI startups, and global industry stakeholders [ more ]
Miami Herald
3 months ago

At South Florida's only HBCU, Black history is taught with no censorship

HBCUs provide safe spaces for honest discussions on Black history
Challenges faced by Black history education in Florida [ more ]
3 months ago

Phones are distracting students in class. More states are pressing schools to ban them

Educators across the US report widespread distractions caused by student smartphone use in classrooms.
Increasing support for cellphone bans in schools leads to calls for removing phones to improve learning and decrease distractions. [ more ]
3 months ago

School uniforms return to French town in pilot scheme to tackle inequality

School uniforms reintroduced in Beziers to reduce inequality and improve behavior
Government pilot scheme could lead to nationwide uniform policy if successful [ more ]
3 months ago

Smartphones to be banned in Italian classrooms

Phones and tablets ban in Italian classrooms even for teaching purposes
UNESCO recommended banning smartphones from schools worldwide due to distraction and negative impact on learning outcomes [ more ]
3 months ago

Washington state is pushing back on book bans

Banning books reached a record high in 2022 with 17 attempts in Washington.
California and Illinois have laws to limit book bans, while other states are considering similar measures. [ more ]
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