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PinkNews | Latest lesbian, gay, bi and trans news | LGBTQ+ news
1 week ago

Rape crisis centre worker wins tribunal over 'gender-critical' views

A woman was unfairly dismissed due to her 'gender-critical' beliefs at Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre. [ more ]
4 weeks ago

Tribunal Refuses Female BBC Journalists Equal Pay Claim As Date Set For Discrimination Complaint Hearing

The London Central Employment Tribunal ruled against four female BBC journalists including Martine Croxall in their equal pay claims. [ more ]
1 month ago

BBC Accused of Rigging Recruitment, Unfair Pay As Four News Presenters Bring Discrimination Complaint

News presenters accuse BBC of rigging recruitment processes and discrimination. [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

Police officer forced to strip down wins 800,000 in discrimination case

Detective Inspector Rebecca Kalam has won over 800,000 in a sex discrimination case against West Midlands Police.
Kalam was subject to sexual harassment and discrimination, including being forced to strip down to her underwear during a training exercise. [ more ]
1 month ago

Martine Croxall begins legal action against BBC at tribunal

Martine Croxall and three other presenters have taken legal action against the BBC for sex and age discrimination, claiming they were unfairly demoted and paid unequally. [ more ]
1 month ago

Sainsbury's worker in East London sacked after 20 years for taking bags for life without paying

Employment judges deemed firing reasonable due to employee theft at a Sainsbury's store. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 months ago

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Hawai'i Supreme Court upholds state gun laws and criticizes U.S. Supreme Court's interpretation
A club dancer awarded £28k after being referred to as 'obedient little slave creature' [ more ]
6 months ago
UK news

Migrant worker sues UK farm after being underpaid and struggling to buy food'

A migrant fruit picker from Nepal is suing a British farm for underpayment and poor working conditions.
She is the first person on a seasonal worker visa to take legal action against a farm. [ more ]
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