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Fast Company
2 days ago
Privacy professionals

Philadelphia's 7,000-camera surveillance system: What are the risks?

Philadelphia is using a vast surveillance camera system with inadequate regulations, raising privacy concerns. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

New rules from Microsoft ban use of AI for facial recognition by law enforcement

Microsoft prohibits law enforcement from using Azure OpenAI for facial recognition, aligning with Amazon and IBM. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

A Face Recognition Firm That Scans Faces for Bars Got Hacked-and That's Just the Start

Privacy concerns escalate with the breach of data tied to a facial recognition system in Australia, emphasizing risks of widespread AI-powered surveillance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Decoding distinctions in biometrics

Facial recognition and facial analysis distinctions are crucial for privacy and regulation. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

Data watchdog stops staff face recog by outsourcing giant

The Information Commissioner's Office found Serco unlawfully processed biometric data of staff.
The ICO instructed Serco to destroy biometric data not legally required to retain within three months. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

I tried the 'most disturbing site' where AI searches for your face

PimEyes is a facial recognition search engine that can find images of a person online within seconds.
The use of PimEyes raises concerns about privacy as it can uncover images even from private social media accounts. [ more ]
The Economic Times
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

Can we rid artificial intelligence of bias?

AI can automate discrimination due to biased information and must be re-educated to reflect human diversity. [ more ]
TNW | Deep-Tech
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

EU nears ban on predictive policing and facial recognition

Story by Senior reporter
Thomas is a senior reporter at TNW.He covers European tech, with a focus on deeptech, startups, and government policy.The EU is edging closer to a landmark ban on predictive policing and facial recognition.At a crunch vote today on the bloc's flagship AI Act, two committees of MEPs overwhelmingly endorsed sweeping new rules on artificial intelligence.
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

AI expert Meredith Broussard: Racism, sexism and ableism are systemic problems'

Meredith Broussard is a data journalist and academic whose research focuses on bias in artificial intelligence (AI).She has been in the vanguard of raising awareness and sounding the alarm about unchecked AI.Her previous book, Artificial Unintelligence (2018), coined the term technochauvinism to describe the blind belief in the superiority of tech solutions to solve our problems.
Towleroad Gay News
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

White House Guidelines For AI Aim To Mitigate Harm - Towleroad Gay News

By Paresh Dave and Nandita Bose
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon F DW 05/17/2024

Facial recognition technology has evolved significantly in the past 10-15 years, impacting digital security, privacy, and surveillance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy technologies

Catching up on IAPP GPS 2024 keynote speeches

Key takeaway: Analysis of digital regulatory models in China, EU, and U.S. and their impact on liberal democracy. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

TSA is quietly adding facial recognition tech to 400 US airports

Facial recognition screening is being quietly rolled out to 400 locations across the US, with full operation expected by 2030 or 2040.
The program has raised concerns about privacy and the potential for a national surveillance state. [ more ]
The Hill
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

Senators introduce bipartisan legislation ending involuntary facial recognition screening

Senators introduce bipartisan legislation to end involuntary facial recognition screening at airports.
Legislation aims to repeal authorization for TSA to use facial recognition screening and require congressional authorization for future use.
Critics argue that the TSA program is a precursor to a national surveillance state. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon B DW 05/17/2024

Big data is crucial for accurate predictive AI algorithms. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
European startups

Startups Weekly: Trouble in EV land and Peloton is circling the drain | TechCrunch

Apple unveiled new products in a short event, emphasizing iPad upgrades.
TechCrunch's Haje joins the TechCrunch Equity podcast as a co-host for some exciting news.
Newchip's startup accelerator leads companies to bankruptcy, showcasing potential risks in the startup ecosystem.
Microsoft makes a bold move by restricting U.S. police using its facial recognition service.
The article highlights a range of updates and stories from the world of startups. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft to law enforcement: No using Azure OpenAI for facial recognition

Microsoft prohibits police departments from using AI models for facial recognition purposes or data collection. [ more ]
1 month ago

Microsoft bans U.S. police departments from using enterprise AI tool | TechCrunch

Microsoft has banned U.S. police from using generative AI through Azure OpenAI Service. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Data science

Netherlands' DPA releases facial recognition guidance

Facial recognition can be used for authentication or security purposes only. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Privacy professionals

Law enforcement use of facial recognition, social media looms over campus protests

It often takes time for the public to fully understand the extent of surveillance technologies used by law enforcement and universities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Takeo Kanade, engineer: Artificial vision will bring teleportation, but without decomposing your body and shipping it another place'

Robotic vision may surpass human vision in certain areas like facial recognition. Humans have an advantage in understanding complex situations and unexpected environments. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Leisure centres scrap biometric systems to keep tabs on staff amid UK data watchdog clampdown

Companies are reevaluating or discontinuing facial recognition and fingerprint scanning for staff attendance due to UK data watchdog's crackdown. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Spring Budget risks funding legally questionable police tech | Computer Weekly

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt allocates £230m for police technology to enhance productivity.
Investment includes facial recognition, AI, drones, and a Centre for Police Productivity. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

FTC Can Reopen Meta Privacy Case Despite $5B Fine

U.S. appeals court allows FTC to reopen probe despite Meta's objections and previous fine
FTC aims to tighten privacy settlement with Meta to protect minors and limit facial recognition technology use [ more ]
Ars Technica
3 months ago
OMG science

New compact facial-recognition system passes test on Michelangelo's David

New facial recognition system with flatter optics and less energy consumption developed
Prototype system recognized faces as well as existing smartphone facial recognition [ more ]
3 months ago
Digital life

A sleeker facial recognition technology tested on Michelangelo's David

Researchers have developed a sleeker 3D surface imaging system for facial recognition.
The new system is compact, flat, and requires less energy to operate. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

23andMe Failed to Detect Account Intrusions for Months

Police used DNA evidence to generate a suspect's face for facial recognition.
NSO Group plans a comeback by lobbying in Washington and exploiting global security fears. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Facial recognition cameras in supermarkets targeted at poor areas' in England

Facial recognition cameras used by Southern Co-op disproportionately target poorer areas.
Privacy rights groups raise concerns about the targeting of marginalized communities.
Surveillance is more intensely focused on minorities and disadvantaged individuals. [ more ]
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

French MPs battle over AI-assisted Olympics surveillance

While the government says such systems are needed to manage millions-strong crowds and spot potential dangers, critics see the draft law as a gift to French industry at the cost of vital civil liberties.Last week, around 40 mostly left-leaning members of the European Parliament warned in an open letter to French lawmakers that the plan creates a surveillance precedent never before seen in Europe, daily Le Monde reported.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

French MPs battle over AI video surveillance cameras at Paris Olympics

Olympic rings to celebrate the IOC official announcement that Paris won the 2024 Olympic bid are seen in front of the Eiffel Tower at the Trocadero square in Paris, France, September 16, 2017.Benoit Tessier, Reuters French government plans to trial surveillance cameras upgraded with artificial intelligence at the 2024 Olympics have opponents fuming at what they say is unnecessary and dangerous security overreach.
1 year ago
Digital life

Tech Companies Are Helping Landlords Evict Tenants

Tech companies are increasingly selling "smart home" technologies to landlords to spy on tenants in order to evict them or raise their rent."You CAN raise rents in NYC!" reads the headline of one email sent to landlords from Teman, a tech company that makes surveillance systems for apartment buildings.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

World Cup apps pose a data security, privacy nightmare

With mandated spyware downloads to tens of thousands of surveillance cameras equipped with facial-recognition technology, the World Cup in Qatar next month is looking more like a data security and privacy nightmare than a celebration of the beautiful game.Football fans and others visiting Qatar must download two apps: Ehteraz, a Covid-19 tracker, and Hayya, which allows ticket holders entry into the stadiums and access to free metro and bus transportation services.
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

VICTORY: Slack Offers Retention Settings to Free Workspaces

In a victory for users, Slack has fixed its long-standing retention problems for free workspaces.
4 months ago
East Bay food

Berkeley Wire

Law enforcement uses DNA to predict suspect's face and run facial recognition
UC Berkeley grade inflation revealed in charts [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
11 months ago

Pritzker signs bill allowing drones at parades, other events

On Friday, a few weeks short of one year since the mass shooting in Highland Park, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law a bill giving law enforcement greater leeway to use surveillance drones at events such as races, concerts and parades.Illinois Sen. Julie Morrison, who was walking in the Highland Park July Fourth parade when gunfire rained down from a rooftop, killing seven, and injuring dozens of others, said it an emailed statement that "It's simple: drones will save lives."
Chicago Tribune
1 year ago

Illinois bill would allow police to use drones at parades

Almost a year after the mass shooting in Highland Park that left seven people dead and over 30 injured, Illinois lawmakers passed a bill that would allow law enforcement to operate a surveillance drone for security purposes during special events like the Fourth of July parade where the shooting took place.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

First man wrongfully arrested because of facial recognition testifies as California weighs new bills

In 2020, Robert Williams was arrested for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars of watches.Detroit police had matched grainy surveillance footage of the crime to Williams' driver's license photo using a facial recognition service.But Williams wasn't the robber.At the time of the robbery, he was driving home from work.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Legislation to ban government use of facial recognition hits Senate for the third time | Engadget

DAVID MCNEW via Getty Images
Biometric technology may make it easy to unlock your phone, but democratic lawmakers have long cautioned against the use of facial recognition and biometrics by law enforcement.Not only have researchers documented instances of racial and gender bias in such systems, false positives have even led to real instances of wrongful arrest.
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI-powered martech releases and news: Jan. 25 | MarTech

Facial recognition algorithms perform poorly at identifying people besides white men.
AI bias in marketing has a real impact on data quality and the bottom line. [ more ]
4 months ago

Which iPhones Have Face ID? Here's The COMPLETE List [2024 Guide]

Face ID was introduced with the iPhone X in 2017 and has been included in almost all iPhones since then, except for the iPhone SE series which retains Touch ID.
Face ID is Apple's modern biometric authentication system that uses facial recognition technology to verify a person's identity and grant access to their device. [ more ]
4 months ago

NYC Students Removed From High School To Accommodate 2,000 Migrants

Nearly 2,000 migrants were relocated to a Brooklyn high school in New York City due to an anticipated storm.
Officials faced criticism for not subjecting the migrants to the same facial recognition scans as students. [ more ]
The Verge
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Why the AI Act was so hard to pass

European lawmakers reached a provisional deal on landmark artificial intelligence rules after two years of discussions and a marathon three-day debate.
The delay in reaching a deal was due to contentious issues surrounding facial recognition and powerful AI foundation models. [ more ]
5 months ago
Business intelligence

EU's AI Act: Europe's New Rules for Artificial Intelligence

The European Union has reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act, making them the first global power to pass rules on AI.
The legislation includes limitations on live facial recognition and transparency requirements for developers of foundation AI models. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU's AI Act: Europe's New Rules for Artificial Intelligence

The European Union has reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act, making them the first global power to pass rules on AI.
The legislation includes limitations on live facial recognition and transparency requirements for developers of foundation AI models. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

EU's AI Act: Europe's New Rules for Artificial Intelligence

The European Union has reached a provisional agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act, making them the first global power to pass rules on AI.
The legislation includes limitations on live facial recognition and transparency requirements for developers of foundation AI models. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

E.U. Agrees on Landmark Artificial Intelligence Rules

The European Union has agreed on a comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence, setting a global benchmark for other countries.
The law aims to protect against the risks associated with AI, such as job automation, misinformation, and national security threats. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

E.U. Agrees on Landmark Artificial Intelligence Rules

The European Union has agreed on a comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence, setting a global benchmark for other countries.
The law aims to protect against the risks associated with AI, such as job automation, misinformation, and national security threats. [ more ]
Washington Post
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

E.U. reaches deal on landmark AI bill, racing ahead of U.S.

European Union officials have reached a landmark deal on regulating artificial intelligence, solidifying their role as a global tech regulator.
The legislation establishes strict limits on AI systems, with a focus on riskier technologies and controversial applications like generative AI and facial recognition. [ more ]
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

OpenAI gives in to Italy's data privacy demands, ending ChatGPT ban

In March, an Italian privacy regulator temporarily banned OpenAI's ChatGPT, worried that the text generator had no age-verification controls or "legal basis" for gathering online user data to train the AI tool's algorithms.The regulator gave OpenAI until April 30 to fix these issues, and last Friday, OpenAI announced it had implemented many of the requested changes ahead of schedule.
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The EU's comprehensive new AI law has one big catch

The EU has finalized comprehensive AI regulations, but they will not go into effect until 2025.
The delay leaves room for other countries to implement less restrictive rules and potentially undermine the EU's standards. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

E.U. Agrees on Landmark Artificial Intelligence Rules

The European Union has agreed on a comprehensive law to regulate artificial intelligence, setting a global benchmark for other countries.
The law aims to protect against the risks associated with AI, such as job automation, misinformation, and national security threats. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

European Union reaches agreement on landmark legislation to regulate AI

EU policymakers have agreed on landmark legislation to regulate artificial intelligence (AI), setting ambitious standards to control its use.
The AI Act is considered a global benchmark for governments looking to harness AI benefits while mitigating risks. [ more ]
#facial recognition
Chicago Tribune
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Sheldon H. Jacobson: The TSA is ramping up its use of biometrics for flyers. Here's why that's important.

The Transportation Security Administration screened a record number of people on Nov. 26, highlighting the need for improved airport security checkpoints.
The TSA is investing in biometrics, specifically facial recognition, as a key tool to enhance airport security. [ more ]
5 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Can Europe actually lead the world on AI regulation?

The European Union's Artificial Intelligence Act, hailed as a pioneering rule book, faces uncertainty as time runs out for a deal during closed-door talks.
Generative AI systems like OpenAI's ChatGPT and other issues such as the ban on police use of facial recognition are causing delays in reaching a political agreement. [ more ]
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

'If you have a face, you have a place in the conversation about AI,' expert says

AI facial recognition software often has biases, particularly against people with darker skin.
These biases can perpetuate stereotypes and harm marginalized communities.
Computer scientist Joy Buolamwini calls for more accountability and regulation to address these issues. [ more ]
morefacial recognition
6 months ago
Privacy professionals

The EU should make facial recognition history for the right reasons

EU lawmakers are debating how much leeway to give police to use public facial recognition
The AI Act could be an opportunity for EU lawmakers to claim they are protecting human rights while doing the opposite [ more ]
Mission Local
11 months ago
Mission District

Uber drivers, fearing for safety, drive armed with scissors and BB guns

The scissors are six inches long, with blue plastic handles, just like a pair Target might sell for $9.99.They can easily go unnoticed by passengers.But for the driver who keeps them tucked in her car door, they also have an ominous use."They're sturdy," she said."Like they wouldn't bend if I poked somebody hard with them."
1 year ago

Storage unit helped me get rid of an abusive ex-husband | Brief letters

After decades of domestic abuse, I finally got my ex-husband out of the house.I never wanted to see him again.So I put all his remaining possessions into a storage unit, paid for one month and took the key to his solicitor.I love storage units (Housing crisis drives 1bn-a-year boom in UK self-storage, 17 May).
1 year ago
Real estate

How to optimize leasing ROI with smart home automation

As proptech evolves, so does the ability to automate processes within the real estate industry.Automation can lead to some serious ROI for property managers and operators, but it's important to automate the right processes - otherwise, it may feel like you're throwing money and technology at a problem without solving anything.
1 year ago
Tech industry

The first smart gun with facial and fingerprint recognition is now for sale

Biofire founder Kai Kloepfer says his goal in creating this 9mm smart gun is to "have an incremental positive impact on sort of the uniquely American challenge of gun deaths."Biofire In the 2012 film Skyfall, Q presents James Bond with a special handgun for his latest mission a Walther PPK 9mm short fitted with a sensor encoded to Bond's palm print so only he can fire it.
1 year ago
New York City

Several Face Charges in Killings of Gay Men Who Were Drugged and Robbed

Several defendants face charges in connection with murders and robberies at Manhattan bars that terrorized the city's gay community, according to three people with knowledge of the matter.The homicides last spring drew wide attention to a danger that has long stalked New York's nightlife: the use of easily obtainable drugs to incapacitate, rob and sometimes kill.
1 year ago
New York Knicks

Knicks superfan won't be allowed into MSG for playoffs under appeals court ruling

The Knicks may have their best playoff shot in a decade, but one superfan - and corporate attorney - won't be getting a piece of the action.Madison Square Garden Entertainment Corp. can continue its much-criticized policy of using facial recognition to bar people from entering the venue, under a ruling from a panel of five appeals court judges published on Tuesday.
For those who rely on @PrivacyPros up-to-the-week tracker of U.S. state comprehensive (cross-sector) privacy proposals, check out our U.S. Federal Privacy Legislation Tracker, which also includes sector-specific proposals, thanks to @mugefz! https://t.co/XAvS0SG3Y2
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

US Federal Privacy Legislation Tracker

1. US federal privacy legislation is an ever-evolving landscape with new laws and amendments constantly being introduced. 2. Companies should remain aware of the changing regulations and take proactive steps to ensure they remain compliant. 3. The International Association of Privacy Professionals provides a comprehensive tracker of US federal privacy legislation
1 year ago
UK news

Police to use controversial facial recognition software at Beyonce's first UK concert

Police will use live facial recognition software to scan crowds attending Beyonce's first UK tour date in Cardiff.The global star kicks off the UK leg of her Renaissance World Tour at the city's Principality Stadium her first tour in seven years.South Wales Police confirmed on Tuesday that live facial recognition technology will be used to support policing of the concert.
1 year ago
Digital life

The mobile phones reported stolen in Greenwich since 2018

Greenwich mobile phone thefts reported to police (Image: PA) Mobile phone thefts are rife in London and we all know someone who has had theirs snatched at some point while being here.According to police, criminals often use bikes and mopeds to snatch mobile phones from people, particularly at busy locations such as outside stations, shopping centres or concert venues.
1 year ago
UK news

Lower tolerance' for disruptive protests in Windsor during coronation police

Disruptive protests in Windsor will be treated with a lower tolerance level during the coronation weekend, police have said.Assistant Chief Constable Christian Bunt, of Thames Valley Police, said just a bit fewer than 1,000 officers will be deployed as part of their operation during the bank holiday weekend.
1 year ago
Information security

Google adds passkey option to replace passwords on Gmail and other account services

Storing passkeys directly on devices will cut down on successful phishing, Google suggests.Is it the beginning of the end for passwords?Google Account holders can now use passkeys instead of passwords to log in, Google announced in a security blog post on Wednesday.It's a potential sign that the tech industry is moving away from passwords as the most common way to sign in.
1 year ago
Digital life

The mobile phones reported stolen in Bexley since 2018 as numbers decrease

The mobile phones reported stolen in Bexley since 2018 as numbers decrease (Image: PA) Mobile phone thefts are rife in London and we all know someone who has had theirs snatched at some point while being here.According to police, criminals often use bikes and mopeds to snatch mobile phones from people, particularly at busy locations such as outside stations, shopping centres or concert venues.
1 year ago
Data science

US Police Have Used Clearview AI for Facial Recognition For Nearly 1 Million Searches

The CEO and Founder of Clearview AI have revealed police have run nearly a million searches in the United States using its facial recognition software.According to founder Hoan Ton-That, the company has over 30 billion images of users thanks to efforts to scrap image data from social media platforms such as Facebook without user permission, according to the BBC.
1 year ago

Police to use facial recognition technology during Coronation

F acial recognition technology will be used by police as part of its security operation for King Charles' Coronation.Ahead of events on Saturday a ring of steel was being put in place around Westminster Abbey on Wednesday, with roads closed off, to counter any threat from protesters or terror groups.
1 year ago
US news

Here Are YourFavorite Places to See Art in California

Image The di Rosa Center for Contemporary Art in Napa features many Northern Californian artists, including Mark di Suvero and his sculpture For Veronica.Credit...Grace Hendricks NAPA There's a popular stop in Wine Country, along a winding highway with acres of vineyards unfurling on either side.But it isn't a place to taste chardonnay or cabernet sauvignon, nor is it a new Michelin-starred restaurant.
Creative Bloq
1 year ago
Graphic design

Microsoft Modern Webcam review: tiny HD webcam comes up just short

The Microsoft Modern Webcam is the first webcam Microsoft has brought out in quite a few years, and clearly it's less of a headline-grabbing flagship model than a tentative testing of the waters.Offering 1080p HD video with a mic and a small range of image-enhancement features, it's a new addition to the Microsoft webcam family, boasting an ultra-slim design and modern features.
1 year ago
Information security

How to secure your iOS device to prevent unwanted access

Leaving your iOS device unattended can pose a security risk as more iOS users are carrying personal information on their devices.Keep it secure with these handy tips.You might not think about it, but securing your iOS device can help protect your personal information if you lose your device or leave it unattended.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

Eufy publicly acknowledges some parts of its "No clouds" controversy

Eufy, the Anker brand that positioned its security cameras as prioritizing "local storage" and "No clouds," has issued a statement in response to recent findings by security researchers and tech news sites.Eufy admits it could do better but also leaves some issues unaddressed.In a thread titled "Re: Recent security claims against eufy Security," "eufy_official" writes to its "Security Cutomers and Partners."
1 year ago
UK news

Senior Tory calls on Government to ban cotton from Xinjiang

The Government has been urged to look at banning the import of all cotton products produced in the Xinjiang region of China by senior Tory MP Tom Tugendhat as a response to the country's treatment of Uyghur Muslims.
1 year ago
Europe news

Video Reveals How Russian Mercenaries Recruit Inmates for Ukraine War

In a video posted on social media on Tuesday, the de facto leader of a Russian mercenary group explained to Russian convicts how they could earn their freedom by fighting in Ukraine.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Netflix, Leaving So Soon?; Not Exactly Recognizable As Privacy | AdExchanger

Here's today's AdExchanger.comnews round-up... Want it by email?Sign up 'Flix It Or Nix It here.Is Netflix getting tired of Microsoft already?Just nine months after naming Microsoft its exclusive ad sales partner , Netflix has a wandering eye, reports.According to inside sources, Netflix is exploring the possibility of building its own ad server, which would limit its uses for Microsoft.
1 year ago
Data science

China Tightens Control Over Online Content, Bans Use of OpenAI's ChatGPT by Big Tech Companies

In another move to monitor the rise of AI within China, the Chinese government has ordered large technology companies in the country to refrain from providing services related to ChatGPT.According to NikkeiAsia, this directive is part of a broader effort to tighten control over online content and prevent the spread of what the government deems as harmful information.
1 year ago
Marketing tech

Adludio Strengthens UK Operations With the Appointment of Laura Holmes as Head of Sales

Adludio, the global AI-powered platform delivering attention-led and data-driven mobile advertising, today (February 14th, 2023) announces the appointment of Laura Holmes as head of sales UK.Laura will be responsible for the expansion of UK sales and revenue, developing new partnerships and business opportunities, as well as strengthening Adludio's existing customer relationships.
1 year ago
Digital life

Facial Recognition Technology Scans Your Ear

University of Georgia (UGA) scientists have created an ear recognition system that can authenticate individuals with up to 97.25% accuracy.The researchers said ear shapes are unique to an individual, and for the most part they remain unchanged by age.UGA's Thirimachos Bourlai said the ear recognition software operates similarly to facial recognition, capturing and saving multiple ear scans for authentication.
1 year ago
Privacy professionals

How to protect against SMS mobile security weakness

This code will also be prompted when the phone is restarted and needs to reconnect with your phone network provider.That phone will take the phone number of the previous phone.You may well now be thinking that someone's biometrics (fingerprint or facial recognition) or phone PIN number will prevent a malicious actor from getting access to their text messages.Before heading to your activity, you lock your valuables away in a locker, meaning your phone and wallet are together.Indeed, security hardening measures on a user's devices usually focus on making sure the software running on the phone is up to date and free of any malware that could steal data.
1 year ago
Digital life

TSA Now Wants to Scan Your Face at Security. Here are Your Rights.

Next time you're at airport security, get ready to look straight into a camera.The TSA wants to analyze your face.The Transportation Security Administration has been quietly testing controversial facial recognition technology for passenger screening at 16 major domestic airports - from Washington to Los Angeles - and hopes to expand it across the United States as soon as next year.
1 year ago

State Workers No Longer Required To Test For COVID | KQED

With the start of the work week, many state workers who are unvaccinated will not have to undergo regular testing for COVID-19.
1 year ago
Digital life

Face Recognition for Pigs Could Improve Welfare on Farms

Wenhao Zhang and colleagues at the U.K.'s University of the West of England have developed a facial recognition system for pigs.
Ars Technica
1 year ago
Artificial intelligence

Artist finds private medical record photos in popular AI training data set

Late last week, a California-based AI artist who goes by the name Lapine discovered private medical record photos taken by her doctor in 2013 referenced in the LAION-5B image set, which is a scrape of publicly available images on the web.
1 year ago

Lawmakers press TikTok about China and user data in Senate hearing | Engadget

Top executives from Meta, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok just wrapped up a three-hour hearing in front of the Senate Homeland Security Committee.
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