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Mail Online
2 weeks ago
OMG science

New clues about how life bounced back after dinosaur extinction

The discovery of fossils in Colorado sheds light on the quick rebound of life post-dinosaur extinction, revealing the evolution of large mammals within 300,000 years. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
OMG science

Largest-ever marine reptile found with help from an 11-year-old girl

11-year-old Ruby Reynolds and her father discovered part of the largest marine reptile ever found, a giant Ichthyosaur, on a beach in southwest England. [ more ]
1 month ago

This Nearly 50-Foot Snake Was One of the Largest to Slither the Earth

The fossilized vertebrae found in an Indian coal mine belonged to a gigantic snake species named Vasuki indicus. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago

Father-daughter team helps discover giant prehistoric sea beast

The discovery of a new species of giant ichthyosaur, potentially the biggest marine reptile yet discovered, by an 11-year-old and her father during a fossil hunt. [ more ]
2 months ago
OMG science

Scientists name newly discovered ancient amphibian species after Kermit the Frog

The fossil of a 270m-year-old amphibian ancestor was named Kermitops gratus after Kermit the Frog for its resemblance to the TV icon.
Kermitops is considered a key evolutionary step as one of the first true amphibians in the transition from water to land. [ more ]
2 months ago
France news

Man reveals he stumbled upon 70-million-year-old dinosaur skeleton while walking dog

Dog-walker discovers 70-million-year-old titanosaur fossil in southern France.
Excavation of the nearly complete titanosaur skeleton kept secret for two years to protect the site. [ more ]
The New Yorker
3 weeks ago
OMG science

What the Origins of Humanity Can and Can't Tell Us

The discovery of Neanderthals led to the expansion of the concept of human prehistory. [ more ]
Mail Online
1 month ago
OMG science

Giant kangaroo twice the size of a human once roamed Australia

Three new species of ancient giant kangaroos discovered, with the largest reaching a weight of 170kg. [ more ]
1 month ago

Young Scientists Make Huge Discovery In Santa Cruz County | KQED

California is a main source of a potent greenhouse gas due to fumigation methods.
A fossilized bone from a giant creature found in Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History is at least 11,000 years old. [ more ]
Mail Online
3 months ago
OMG science

Fossilized 'dragon' bears striking resemblance to Loch Ness Monster

The fossilized remains of a 240-million-year-old water-dwelling reptile were discovered in China, named 'Chinese dragon'.
The 'Chinese dragon' had a long, snake-like appearance with a 5-meter body, 32 neck vertebrae bones, and fish in its stomach, indicating it was an aquatic predator. [ more ]
3 months ago
OMG science

Duck-billed dinosaur from 100 million years ago swam from Eurasia to Africa'

Duck-billed dinosaur may have swum hundreds of miles to Africa
Improbable but not impossible for dinosaurs to cross water [ more ]
4 months ago

Africans Discovered Dinosaur Fossils Long before the Term 'Paleontology' Existed

The first dinosaur bone may have been discovered in Africa as early as 500 years before it was discovered in England.
African indigenous knowledge of fossils has a long history, with many fossils being known to local communities for centuries. [ more ]
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