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Washington Post
1 day ago
US news

Trump suggests to oil donors he will fast-track their merger deals

Trump hinted at easing FTC scrutiny on oil industry mergers if he returns to the White House. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago

5 ways TikTok has tried to appease regulators-and why it has hasn't worked

TikTok has made extensive efforts to address concerns about links to China by implementing strict data security measures and offering solutions like a 'kill switch.' [ more ]
1 week ago

Should Australia ban children under 16 from social media and how would it actually work?

Governments in Australia consider banning social media for young people to protect from harm and excessive online time. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
2 weeks ago

California school district becomes first in nation to go all electric buses

Oakland Unified School District partners with ZÅ«m for fully electric bus fleet, reducing air pollution and benefiting student health. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
2 weeks ago
Information security

Former army surveillance specialist warms there is a rise in corporate spying

Organizations face threats of espionage from both internal and external sources; firms should prioritize security measures and consider changing compromised systems like CCTV. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

London's Airbnb Wild West: Party pads and 'brothels' uncovered by probes into holiday lets

Short-term lets erode private rental market in London, impacting housing stock and hotel industry. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Trans activists flood Utah tip line with thousands of hoax reports

Transgender activists flood Utah tip line with hoax reports to protect trans residents from bathroom law complaints. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

Despite legislation dying during 2024 session, Idaho policy limits remote work for state employees

Idaho state government agencies are required to limit remote work to 20% of the workforce, promoting in-office collaboration while allowing flexibility for rural employees. [ more ]
1 month ago

Crypto Was One of the Biggest Money Laundering Risks in 2022-2023: UK Govt. Report

Crypto firms are high-risk for money laundering, with increased scrutiny and supervision by the U.K. government. [ more ]
1 month ago

International students will be allowed to work 24 hours a week starting in September | CBC News

International students in Canada will have a 24-hour per week off-campus work limit starting September to balance labor needs and study purposes. [ more ]
High Country News
1 month ago
Black Lives Matter

Meet the tree-sitters who occupied a ponderosa pine - High Country News

Direct action by activists successfully halted road construction endangering an old-growth tree in Oregon. [ more ]
1 month ago
Canada news

Ottawa to force banks to use carbon rebate label for direct deposits | CBC News

Canadian banks must identify carbon rebates accurately in deposits; government amending laws to enforce this. [ more ]
Inside Higher Ed | Higher Education News, Events and Jobs
1 month ago

FAFSA errors, corrections pile up as deadlines near

Up to 16% of FASFA forms have student errors, a drastic increase. Completing FASFA is crucial for accurate financial aid information for students. [ more ]
Electronic Frontier Foundation
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

EFF Submits Comments on FRT to Commission on Civil Rights

Governments and businesses are increasingly using facial recognition technology to track individuals, posing threats to privacy and security. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy professionals

Government needs to regulate facial recognition tech, says National Academies

The US government lacks authoritative guidance, regulations, or laws to adequately address facial recognition technology.
The report recommends the development of technology standards and regulations to mitigate potential harms around equity, privacy, civil liberties, and surveillance. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

AI datacenters might consume 25% of US electricity by 2030

AI datacenters could consume significant electricity by 2030, driven by popular language models like ChatGPT.
Efficiency improvements are crucial for managing the increasing power consumption of AI datacenters. [ more ]
1 month ago
UK news

Airport security liquid rule change delayed again as scanners aren't ready

New security scanners delayed due to airport backlog.
Extensions granted to airports missing the installation deadline. [ more ]
Privacy International
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Key highlights of our results from 2023

Privacy International challenges companies to change business practices
PI contributed to significant impact through challenging governments and corporations. [ more ]
TNW | Data-Security
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

New call to ban ransomware payments divides cybersecurity sector

Ransomware expert urges banning ransom payments due to the significant threat it poses to businesses.
Industry professionals express concerns about enforcing a ban on ransom payments, citing potential unintended consequences. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

From Reaction to Robots: Riding the AI Wave in 2024 - DevOps.com

Government regulations around AI will turn the industry upside down
AI in cybersecurity will face challenges with contextual security awareness [ more ]
6 months ago

US coal power plants killed at least 460,000 people in past 20 years report

Coal-fired power plants have caused twice as many premature deaths as previously believed, killing at least 460,000 Americans in the past two decades.
Fine particulate matter (PM2.5) from coal plants is twice as deadly as PM2.5 from other sources, and previous studies underestimated the dangers of coal pollution.
Strong government regulations are necessary to reduce the health risks associated with coal pollution and implement cost-effective solutions like emissions controls and renewables. [ more ]
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