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3 weeks ago
Black Lives Matter

Campus protest crackdowns claim to be about antisemitism but they're part of a rightwing plan

The growing protest movement in solidarity with Palestine is seen as a threat to American liberal democracy by some commentators. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy technologies

Catching up on IAPP GPS 2024 keynote speeches

Key takeaway: Analysis of digital regulatory models in China, EU, and U.S. and their impact on liberal democracy. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 months ago
US Elections

The Dangers of a Second Trump Term Go Far Beyond the White House

Donald Trump wins U.S. presidential election, shocks liberals
Trump's victory speech hints at future actions
Biden's flaws could obscure the threat of a second Trump term [ more ]
The American Conservative
4 months ago
Right-wing politics

Heritage's Roberts: What Davos Can Expect From a Republican Admin

The next conservative administration will focus on destroying the grasp of political elites and giving power back to the American people.
The new President Trump will take on the power of the elites and challenge the notion of liberal democracy at Davos. [ more ]
4 months ago

Daring to Create Art Freely Behind the Iron Curtain

Liberal democracy is facing challenges in the 21st century
Artists and writers are forgetting the importance of free expression [ more ]
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