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Amazon Web Services
4 months ago

AWS CodePipeline adds support for Branch-based development and Monorepos | Amazon Web Services

AWS CodePipeline has added triggers and new execution modes to support teams with various delivery strategies.
Customers can use triggers and execution modes to create different pipeline designs for GitFlow, running on pull requests, or within a monorepo. [ more ]
5 months ago

The Concept of Workspaces: Bit vs NPM vs NX

Workspaces are an extension of the development environment with robust tooling integration.
Bit is a build system for composable software that offers a Bit Workspace for developing Bit components. [ more ]
6 months ago

Monorepo, Poly-repo, or No Repo at all?

Bit can be used to implement any architecture and transform 'fatal' decisions into decisions that are easy to make and change.
Bit provides intelligent and efficient dependency management, insight into our codebase, efficient incremental builds, and an easy way to publish packages. [ more ]
6 months ago

Is it safe to share code between Microservices?

Code sharing between microservices can be challenging in both monorepo and multirepo approaches.
Using packages or modules can provide a more manageable solution for code reuse, but has limitations.
The use of shared libraries or APIs can offer a more flexible and scalable approach to code sharing. [ more ]
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