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1 month ago
UX design

Design modeling canvas: what is

Designers should immerse themselves in reality by observing and talking to real people to gather detailed information and avoid generalizations. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Rethinking Personas: Empathy and Inclusion in UX Design

User-centered design involves setting aside personal biases and listening to users' experiences to uncover real insights.
The concept of personas in the 'Define' phase of design can be confusing as it involves generalizing and stereotyping users, but it is justified as a tool for empathy and problem refinement. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Rethinking Personas: Empathy and Inclusion in UX Design

User-centered design emphasizes setting aside personal biases and listening to users.
The use of personas in design processes may initially seem counterintuitive but can help in focusing and refining problems. [ more ]
1 month ago
UX design

Top 10 Mistakes When Creating User Journey Maps

User journeys need clear objectives: SMART criteria crucial
User research key: Qualitative and quantitative methods important [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Persona: User-Centric Product Design

User personas provide a human face to data, helping teams empathize and design with real user needs in mind.
User journey maps visualize the user experience, identifying opportunities to improve and enhance each touchpoint. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

Tension modeling as a UX research and strategy tool

Creating personas can get tricky when users have conflicting needs.
In/Tension modeling helps visualize stakeholder priorities and tradeoffs for better design understanding. [ more ]
4 months ago

MarTechBot update: Personas, image generation and new prompts | MarTech

MarTechBot has been widely used by marketers, with over 2,100 engagements since its launch.
MarTechBot has released several updates, including pre-loaded personas and a DALL-E 3-powered image generation tool. [ more ]
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