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3 days ago
US Elections

Marco Rubio Sold Out': Senator Called Out for Wild Flip-Flops as a Trump Enabler' in Brutal Column

Sen. Marco Rubio has shifted his stance in defending Donald Trump, facing criticism for his support amidst Trump's trial. [ more ]
1 week ago
US news

Fetterman, Flashing a Sharper Edge, Keeps Picking Fights With the Left

Senator Fetterman's significant shift in political persona has led to controversy and criticism within his party. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
EU data protection

The Guardian view on MPs crossing the floor: a triumph of political theatre over substance | Editorial

Some Conservatives are shifting towards radical Conservatism with a focus on tax cuts, reduced spending, and immigration control. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
London politics

Labour hail victory in Rishi Sunak's electoral backyard

Labour's historic victory in Rishi Sunak's backyard showcases a significant shift in political dynamics, signaling potential challenges for the Conservatives in future elections. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

Morally bankrupt': Tories may pay price for ignoring farmers

Farmers feel ignored by politicians despite recent efforts to gain their support during the general election campaign.
Conservatives are experiencing a decline in rural support, with farmers defecting to Labour. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Democrats, Sensing Shift on Abortion Rights Among Latinas, Push for More Gains

Latinx voters increasingly support abortion rights, challenging previous assumptions and impacting electoral strategies. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
London politics

Britain's Conservatives trounced in local elections

Britain's ruling Conservative Party suffers significant losses in local elections, indicating a potential power shift in upcoming general elections. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Europe politics

Local elections wipeout appears to be harbinger of doom for Rishi Sunak

Conservatives are losing power in England after 14 years, with Labour making significant gains in local elections. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
4 weeks ago
Los Angeles

Column: Watch your step, Democrats. O.C.'s purple shine hides a red underbelly

Orange County, traditionally known for its conservative politics, has shifted towards Democrats in recent years, embracing a purple political color. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

California's Orange county was once a conservative bastion. Can it swing the balance of the US House in 2024?

Orange County, California's political landscape has shifted dramatically from a conservative Republican stronghold to a diverse purple county with competitive congressional races.
Asian Americans and Latino voters are significant factors in the competitive races in Orange County, potentially serving as swing voters. [ more ]
The Nation
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

It Just Might Be That Democrats Know How to Win Michigan

Michigan experienced a significant political shift from right-leaning to Democratic dominance within a decade. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Can Biden Keep the Black Vote?

Black support for Trump increasing from 2020, now at 17% to 23%
Reasons for Black voter shift towards Trump: frustration with political class, pocketbook impact [ more ]
2 months ago
San Francisco

San Francisco Chronicle Declares Its City Can No Longer' Be Called Progressive' After Voters Reject Agenda

The San Francisco Chronicle declared the city no longer progressive after passing ballot measures loosening restrictions on police and welfare screening.
Voters backed moderates shifting the local Democratic leadership away from progressives. [ more ]
3 months ago
New York City

Democrats Hope the Road to House Control Starts in Long Island

Democrats optimistic after Tom Suozzi's victory in House special election in New York.
Suozzi's focus on economy and moderate stances seen as key to Democrats' potential future gains. [ more ]
New York Post
1 month ago
NYC politics

NYC GOP energized by record number of Asian-American candidates 'stepping up' for statehouse runs

Asian-American candidates are running as Republicans in NYC.
Asian voters are leaning towards the Republican party for conservative values. [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
France politics

Europe's farmers are in revolt and the far right is trying to make hay

Agricultural workers in Europe are protesting against high costs, low prices, free trade deals, and climate regulations.
The farmer uprising is reshaping European policy and may indicate a right shift in upcoming elections. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Portugal Votes in a Tight Race With a Hard-Right Surge

Antonio Costa's resignation amid corruption investigation could lead to Socialist Party loss in Portugal's election.
Rise of hard-right populist party signifies significant change in election landscape. [ more ]
2 months ago
Left-wing politics

The Left Needs a Positive Vision for How Immigration Policy Should Actually Work

Militarized borders have become the norm worldwide while historically, countries like the United States had no federal immigration laws.
The Case for Open Borders challenges the misconceptions around free movement, security, and economic growth. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK politics

What is Labour's new position on Gaza ceasefire and will it unite the party?

Labour calls for humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, seeking agreement from both sides and emphasizing aid provision.
Starmer's shift in position influenced by international calls for immediate ceasefire and pressure from Scottish Labour conference. [ more ]
The Nation
3 months ago
France politics

The Rise of Authoritarian Journalism in France

The French government and mainstream media have expelled the left-wing La France Insoumise (LFI) while embracing the far-right Rassemblement National (RN).
The RN has been rehabilitated due to its alliance with the Israeli government and is no longer considered beyond the pale. [ more ]
4 months ago
EU data protection

Uncertainty Is the Biggest Challenge to Australia's Cyber Security Strategy

The Australian government announced the 2023-2030 Australian Cyber Security Strategy.
Businesses will need to make investments and adjust their approach to regulation and risk management to meet the government's requirements.
Political shifts could lead to changes in Australia's cyber security strategy. [ more ]
5 months ago
Europe politics

Poland: Morawiecki loses crucial confidence vote DW 12/11/2023

Acting Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki lost a pivotal confidence vote, signaling a major political shift in Poland.
The vote paves the way for the return of Donald Tusk and the formation of a pro-EU alliance government. [ more ]
Washington Post
6 months ago
World news

The Taiwan party toughest on China has a strong lead as election nears

Taiwan's independence-leaning Democratic Progressive Party is on track to secure an unprecedented third term in the upcoming elections.
China's hopes for political turnover in Taiwan that would favor Beijing are likely to be dashed.
The volatile issue of Taiwan's fate remains a major point of contention between Beijing and Washington, potentially derailing efforts to stabilize relations. [ more ]
6 months ago

Moms for Liberty-Supporting Superintendent Quits and Gets $700K Severance

Central Bucks School District in Pennsylvania approved a six-figure severance package for outgoing superintendent Abram Lucabaugh, sparking community backlash.
The decision comes after a political shift in the district and the recent takeover of the school board by the Democratic Party. [ more ]
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