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LogRocket Blog
1 week ago
UX design

A guide to product-led marketing - LogRocket Blog

Product-led marketing focuses on the product as the primary driver of customer acquisition, emphasizing user experience, growth-driven design, and value over features. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
UX design

Product Strategy: How to Create a Great Strategy (+ Examples) (2024) - Shopify

Product strategy is crucial for guiding design processes, ensuring alignment, and increasing the likelihood of successful product launches. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
UX design

Leader Spotlight: The importance of being a good storyteller, with David Bloom - LogRocket Blog

The concept of being global in the product universe is often a fallacy. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
3 months ago
UX design

How to design a successful product strategy - LogRocket Blog

Product strategy aligns teams towards desired outcomes and helps prioritize activities effectively.
Clear product strategies create a shared vision and make prioritization easier for teams. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
UX design

Leader Spotlight: The importance of challenging assumptions, with Alex Swain - LogRocket Blog

Challenging assumptions is key to avoiding building unwanted products.
Failing fast, cheaply, and encouraging culture of healthy dissent are crucial for finding big successes. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
2 months ago

Leader Spotlight: Simplifying the complexity of product strategy, with Nadya Boone - LogRocket Blog

Nadya Boone simplifies product strategy complexity by creating different product roadmap versions for stakeholders.
She emphasizes the importance of looking at product strategy from multiple lenses like market trends, customer needs, and financial goals. [ more ]
2 months ago
UX design

UX Strategy: What is it and How to Create One

Introduction to lightweight product strategy tools for innovative digital solutions
Explanation of common Business Model patterns and service design thinking principles [ more ]
2 months ago
Startup companies

AI fraud detection software maker Inscribe.ai lays off 40% of staff | TechCrunch

AI-powered fraud detection provider Inscribe laid off nearly 40% of its staff due to missing revenue goals.
CEO Ronan Burke cites market changes and AI advancements in fintech industry as reasons for the layoffs. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy technologies

Mozilla downsizes as it refocuses on Firefox and AI: Read the memo | TechCrunch

Mozilla is making major changes to its product strategy, including scaling back investment in products like its VPN and Online Footprint Scrubber.
The company will also shut down its Hubs platform and scale back investment in its mozilla.social Mastodon instance. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Your users aren't your friends: An unconventional approach to product design

Designers should consider product strategy, balance sheet, and revenue when building a product.
Confirmation bias can lead to wasted time and effort in pursuing product success. [ more ]
4 months ago
Growth hacking

Unlocking Product Success: The Product Strategy Formula

The Product Strategy Formula consists of five key components: Product Vision, Insights, Challenges, Approaches, and Accountability.
Product Vision is the long-term goal that articulates the problem the product aims to solve for the target market.
Insights delve into the target users, market data, and metrics, while Challenges encompass the blockers and impediments the product might face.
Approaches outline the high-level plans for navigating and overcoming challenges, and Accountability involves tracking success and effective communication. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

How to build a strategy, not a roadmap

A design system is a product that solves concrete tasks.
Creating a design system requires a strategy that treats it as a product from the beginning. [ more ]
4 months ago
UX design

Crafting an effective design system strategy

A design system is a product that solves concrete tasks
Creating a design system requires a strategy that treats it as a product [ more ]
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