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LogRocket Blog
1 month ago
UX design

Tips for creating a top-tier UX design portfolio in 2024 - LogRocket Blog

Portfolio is crucial in job search, but must be unique and well-organized to stand out in a competitive market. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

50 UX UI portfolio intros you can "borrow" from Google, Apple, Facebook & Uber hires

Having a strong design portfolio introduction is crucial for making a good first impression on potential recruiters.
Designers should effectively sell their skills, passion, and personality through their portfolio introduction. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

The ultimate guide to getting a job in AI

AI startups raised close to $50 billion in funding last year. Job-seekers in AI-related roles can earn significantly higher salaries.
Recruiters hiring for AI-focused roles look for a variety of positions including research scientists, engineers, product managers, and hardware engineers. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

To get interviewers to engage with your design portfolio, tell a story

The design portfolio should answer the audience's questions
Recruiters focus on specific skills rather than the design process [ more ]
3 months ago

Communicate Your Value On LinkedIn To Nail Your Job Search

Start your job search with an optimized LinkedIn profile
Recruiters use keyword searches on LinkedIn to find candidates [ more ]
4 months ago

An Effective Way To Get Recruiters To Notice You On LinkedIn

A complete and impressive LinkedIn profile is essential for a successful job search.
Actively reaching out to recruiters on LinkedIn can be an effective strategy to get their attention. [ more ]
5 months ago
Privacy professionals

Proofpoint Exposes Sophisticated Social Engineering Attack on Recruiters That Infects Their Computers With Malware

Recruiters are being targeted in a new social engineering attack campaign by threat actor TA4557.
The campaign involves sending benign emails and tricking recruiters into visiting fake resume websites and downloading malware. [ more ]
Above the Law
5 months ago

Lateral Search Dos And Don'ts: Tips From Both Sides Of The Lateral Coin

Using a legal recruiter can greatly benefit lateral moves in the legal field.
A good legal recruiter acts as an agent, providing practical advice and advancing career goals. [ more ]
6 months ago
Social media marketing

6 AI-Powered Features on LinkedIn You Should Know About

LinkedIn uses AI features to enhance user experience and provide job recommendations based on skills and interests.
AI-assisted messages on LinkedIn help recruiters reach out to potential candidates and create engaging outreach emails. [ more ]
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