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1 month ago

Hainault attack: school praises Daniel Anjorin's positive and gentle' character

Daniel Anjorin, a 14-year-old victim of the north-east London sword attacks, was praised as a dedicated scholar by his school, leaving a profound impact on the community. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Herbert Bronstein, former senior rabbi of Glencoe's North Shore Congregation Israel, has died

Rabbi Herbert Bronstein was a scholar, dedicated to his congregation, and a social justice advocate.
Bronstein believed in racial equality and actively participated in civil rights initiatives. [ more ]
The Nation
6 months ago

Reconsidering the Indelible Legacy of the "Feminist-Critical Mother of Us All"

Carolyn Heilbrun was a pioneering feminist scholar who made significant contributions to women's literature and feminist criticism.
Heilbrun's death by suicide shocked and saddened many, but her impact on the world of academia and women's empowerment continues to reverberate.
Heilbrun's writing was both scholarly and accessible, making her a role model and inspiration to women of all kinds. [ more ]
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