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1 month ago

Media Buying Briefing: Agencies debate biggest questions over TikTok's future

Agencies are adjusting strategies and preparing plans amid uncertainty about TikTok's future in the U.S. [ more ]
1 month ago

Virtual event: Preparing data for the AI, sponsored by Salesforce

Marketers should heed anime's rise as a marketing channel, akin to gaming for brands.
Executives remain steadfast in their social media strategies despite TikTok ban concerns. [ more ]
3 months ago
Social media marketing

How To Make (Substantial) Money On Social Media

The size of your audience does not always correlate with profitability, focusing on audience value is crucial.
Factors impacting money-making on social media include niche selection, monetization methods choice, and audience trust and size. [ more ]
Daily Kos
4 months ago
Social media marketing

Boosting Biden Outreach: Demcast USA Social Media Kits

Automate social and content postings efficiently with tools like IFTTT.com
Utilize the Demcast USA Toolkit to share customizable messages and content on multiple social media platforms. [ more ]
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