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2 weeks ago
France politics

France Issues Scratch-and-Sniff Baguette Postage Stamps

French cultural heritage celebrated with baguette scratch-and-sniff stamp. [ more ]
designboom | architecture & design magazine
2 months ago
Berlin music

berlin techno gets UNESCO world heritage status, rising from underground to iconic

Berlin Techno awarded UNESCO status
UNESCO recognizes Berlin Techno's cultural importance [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Living in Germany: Berlin techno, John Cena's Birkies and swimming

Berlin's techno scene recognized by UNESCO as intangible cultural heritage.
Techno culture in Berlin linked to Detroit origins and significant economic impact on the city. [ more ]
The Verge
4 weeks ago
Media industry

Environmental journalism is under attack

Attacks against environmental journalists have significantly increased globally, with over 70% of reporters facing threats while covering various environmental stories. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Media industry

World Press Freedom Day: Gaza conflict deadliest for journalists

Press freedom is under threat globally, especially in conflict zones like Gaza. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Vidar Helgesen, assistant director-general of UNESCO: We need to save the oceans to save the planet'

The oceans are crucial in the climate crisis, facing challenges like rising temperatures, overfishing, and pollution, discussed at the Oceans Decade Conference by UNESCO in Barcelona. [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Berlin's techno clubs, from euphoria after the fall of the Wall to today's cultural heritage

Berlin club culture's inclusion in UNESCO's intangible cultural heritage list.
Unique features of Berlin club culture: no time restrictions, freedom of expression, and historical context. [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Berlin techno on Germany's intangible cultural heritage list DW 03/13/2024

Berlin techno added to German cultural heritage list
UNESCO recognizes intangible cultural heritage [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Berlin techno listed as Intangible Cultural Heritage DW 03/13/2024

UNESCO adds Berlin's techno scene to Intangible Cultural Heritage list
Designation aims to preserve cultural traditions [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Berlin techno added to UNESCO cultural heritage list DW 03/13/2024

UNESCO adds Berlin techno scene to intangible cultural heritage list
Intangible cultural heritage includes cultural forms passed through generations [ more ]
2 months ago
Berlin music

Dank Rave The Planet: Die Berliner Technokultur ist nun UNESCO-Kulturerbe!

Die Berliner Technokultur wurde in das immaterielle Kulturerbe der UNESCO aufgenommen.
Die Technokultur in Berlin wird als wichtiger Gegenentwurf zu klassischen Musikhörpraktiken angesehen. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Act now on AI before it's too late, says UNESCO's AI lead

The second Global Forum on the Ethics of AI organized by UNESCO is focused on broadening the conversation around AI risks and considering AI's impacts beyond those discussed by first-world countries and business leaders.
UNESCO aims to move away from just having principles on AI ethics and focus on practical implementation through the Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM) to measure countries' commitments. [ more ]
4 months ago

Australia on track' with climate targets needed to protect Great Barrier Reef, Labor tells Unesco

The Albanese government is claiming to be on track to have national climate targets that align with keeping global heating to 1.5C.
Australia is trying to convince Unesco not to recommend the Great Barrier Reef be placed on the list of world heritage sites in danger. [ more ]
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