How to Create a Sortable and Filterable Table in React - SitePoint

Dynamic tables are often used in web applications to represent data in a structured format. Sorting and filtering the dataset can speed up processes when working with large sets of data. In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to create a sortable and filterable table component in React.
Setting Up The Project For this project, we'll use Vite, a robust and popular frontend tool. If you don't already have an existing React application, you can bootstrap a new project in Vite using one of the following commands inside your terminal: Once you're ready, set up a new folder for the Table component within the React project with the following structure: src ├─ components │ ├─ Table │ │ ├─ index.ts │ │ ├─ table.css │ │ ├─ Table.tsx ├─ App.tsx
Generating the mock data Of course, to work on the table, we'll need some mock data first. For this tutorial, we can use JSONPlaceholder API to generate the mock data. JSONPlaceholder provides a set of placeholder JSON data that can be used for testing and prototyping. For this tutorial, we'll fetch a list of users and use that as our mock data.
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