The secret ingredient in these meaty tacos makes Whittier your next taqueria destination

The defining addition to Sinoloa-style chorreadas at Tacos La Carreta is asiento, a rendered paste made from pork remnants, enhancing the nutty, caramelized cheese with a porky punch.
The combination of smoky sirloin, raw vegetables, salsas, and silky guacamole in the tacos would stand out on their own, but asiento in chorreadas adds intrigue and elevates the flavors.
Morales' Sinoloa-style taquerias in Long Island and Whittier offer these specific and exquisite tacos, with the unique chorreadas highlighted by the asiento paste, creating a distinct culinary experience.
Despite not being a secret, Morales' two locations are yet to be discovered by many Angelenos, offering a chance to experience the sensation of Sinoloa-style tacos defined by unique chorreadas.
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