Instagram Is Updating Its Ranking System to Support Smaller, Original Content Creators - Lindsey Gamble

An updated ranking on Instagram will give smaller creators more distribution, replace reposted content in recommendations with original content, add labels linking reposted content to the original creator, and remove content aggregators from recommendations.
Instagram's new method for ranking recommendations starts by showing content to a smaller audience, then expands to larger audiences based on resonation, ensuring all creators have a chance to reach broader audiences.
These updates address the frustrations of smaller creators on Instagram, providing attribution and wider distribution, which is expected to boost their performance, while aggregators and reposters may see a decline in performance due to exclusion from recommendations.
Brands utilizing influencer marketing and user-generated content on Instagram may need to adjust strategies, focusing on collaborating with creators through features like Collabs and having creators create content for brand accounts instead of sharing it themselves to adapt to the changes.
Read at Lindsey Gamble