Sheldon Keefe on Tyler Bertuzzi stepping up in the Maple Leafs' 3-0 win over LA: "If there was ever a guy who was going to make a play looking odd with one glove on, he would be my pick"

I thought the guys played incredibly hard on offense and defense. LA demands that you work and compete at a very high level. Right from the drop of the puck in the first period, our guys really showed that they were on a bit of a mission tonight. That is what we are capable of. It is a terrific effort.
That said, there was a pass out to Moore in the first period where he made an incredible save for us. That is a game-changing save. Even though it is early in the game, if you get down against this team with the way they defend, it changes the game dramatically.
We are going to have the discussion. The plan was to get through the game and have the discussions. We want to give Hildeby an opportunity to get up to speed and get comfortable. You want to give him an opportunity to gain experience in the league. At the same time, Jones has played a lot of back-to-backs in his career. As far as back-to-backs go, this is as easy as it gets with the travel and two days off upcoming. We have lots to talk about that way. Certainly, with the way that it went tonight, it is a lot better than us having to have a stressful night for the goalies.'
Read at Maple Leafs Hotstove