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2 days ago

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #555

Curated roundup of popular development and design resources including JavaScript libraries, tools, and web dev news for Week 22, 2024. [ more ]
Chase McCoy
1 week ago

New magic for animations in CSS | Chase McCoy

CSS is introducing new features to animate elements to and from display: none and intrinsic sizes, reducing the need for JavaScript in animations. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
3 days ago
Web development

In Praise Of The Basics - Smashing Magazine

Learning the basics of front-end web development, like HTML and CSS, is still essential despite the availability of frameworks and tools. [ more ]
1 week ago
Web development

Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 195

Safari Technology Preview Release 195 available for download for macOS Sonoma and macOS Ventura. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
1 week ago

Modern CSS Layouts: You Might Not Need A Framework For That - Smashing Magazine

Modern CSS features provide simpler and more flexible layout options without the need for frameworks or libraries. [ more ]
1 week ago

The Cascade

Developers can now easily track upcoming web features through 'Baseline', aiding in decision making for implementation and compatibility. [ more ]
4 days ago

Counter Style 283

Utilizing various advanced web development techniques and features can enhance user experience and functionality in digital projects. [ more ]
1 week ago

Link Hover Style 266

The article discusses how to create a 3D slider using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Understanding @scope Support in CSS

@scope is a new CSS at-rule that decouples HTML and CSS.
Writing one CSS class per HTML element can result in excessive code. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
4 months ago
Web design

Weekly News for Designers 726 - Font Pairing Secrets, Developer Experience Free eBook, CSS Gradients Collection

The CSS border-image property can create interesting effects.
CSS scroll() and view() can be used to create scroll animations. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web development

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #536

React Marquee is a marquee component for React.
ThumbmarkJS is a JavaScript library for creating browser fingerprint hashes. [ more ]
4 months ago
Web design

Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #535

css-inline is a high-performance library for inlining CSS into HTML 'style' attributes.
og-img is a framework agnostic package for generating Open Graph images using Satori and resvg. [ more ]
5 months ago

Container Queries and Units

Container queries allow you to set styles based on an element's current size, giving flexibility to the layout.
With container queries, you can tightly couple the styling of a component's content with the size of the component itself, increasing isolation and reducing complexity. [ more ]
Stephanie Walter - Senior UX Designer, Mobile Expert, Conference Speaker, Blog writer and Teacher.
5 months ago
Web design

Pixels of the Week - December 17, 2023 by Stephanie Walter - UX Researcher & Designer.

Curated articles and resources about UX Design, User Research, UI and mobile design, HTML, CSS, and the web industry
Currently reading and prefacing Geoffrey Crofte's book 'Formulaire Web - Les erreurs à éviter qui vous coûtent cher'
Experimenting with a foil quill for the Cameo 4 and creating metallic gel pen Winter solstice cards [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web design

Designing advanced layouts with CSS Subgrid - LogRocket Blog

CSS Subgrid is a new feature in CSS that enhances the capabilities of grid layouts.
It allows nested grid items to align with the tracks of the parent grid, creating more flexible layouts. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
5 months ago
Web design

Using CSS prefers-reduced-transparency and light-dark() - LogRocket Blog

Developers can now optimize websites based on user preferences
CSS features like prefers-reduced-transparency and light-dark() help optimize for light or dark themes [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

Fine, I'll Use a Super Basic CSS Processing Setup.

Using just native CSS has become more feasible thanks to improvements over the years.
Sass and PostCSS were once popular tools for CSS processing, but now it's possible to rely solely on CSS. [ more ]
The JetBrains Blog
5 months ago

WebStorm 2023.3: Improvements for Angular, Vue, and Svelte, AI Assistant, New Testing Functionality, and More | The WebStorm Blog

WebStorm 2023.3 includes improvements for Angular, Vue, and Svelte
New features and improvements for JavaScript, TypeScript, and CSS [ more ]
5 months ago
Web design

CSS are back, played Primavera Sao Paulo (full video), announce first US show in 11 years

CSS, a band popular in the mid-2000s, has made a comeback after disbanding in 2013.
CSS released their fourth album in 2013 before calling it quits. [ more ]
CSS { In Real Life } | Oh No, Overflow!
6 months ago
Web design

CSS { In Real Life } | Oh No, Overflow!

The overflow CSS property controls what happens when content is larger than its container.
The behavior of scrollbars can be inconsistent, with Mac and Windows displaying them differently. [ more ]
Paolo Melchiorre
6 months ago
Web design

Paolo Melchiorre - Pelican 4.9: classless Simple theme with semantic HTML

The updated version of the "Simple" theme in Pelican 4.9 is now semantic and classless
The theme includes cleaner HTML code, accessible web pages, responsive design, and improved navigation for screen readers [ more ]
Chris Coyier
6 months ago
Web development

The `hanging-punctuation property` in CSS

The hanging-punctuation property in CSS allows for better alignment of punctuation marks in blockquotes.
If supported, hanging-punctuation can be used to create a more visually appealing design element in CSS.
If hanging-punctuation is not supported, a negative text-indent can be used instead. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web design

Scoping CSS inline styles with css-scope-inline - LogRocket Blog

Inline style tags in HTML have scoping issues, affecting the entire HTML page by default.
There are workarounds like using unique DOM identifiers or frontend frameworks, but css-scope-inline offers a simple solution using a JavaScript code snippet.
Inline style tag scoping can be useful for keeping both element structures and styling definitions in the same place for better readability. [ more ]
Speckyboy Design Magazine
6 months ago
Web development

8 CSS & JavaScript Snippets for Creating Complex Gradients

Gradients are a versatile tool in web design, able to make bold statements or add subtle accents.
Modern CSS and JavaScript allow for the use of gradients in text styling, enhancing headlines and calls to action.
CodePen showcases eight great examples of gradients, including grainy text, conic gradient patterns, and animated radial gradients. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
6 months ago
Web development

A Few Ways CSS Is Easier To Write In 2023 - Smashing Magazine

Modern CSS features have made writing CSS easier.
New CSS features work together to make styles more succinct, resilient, and defensive. [ more ]
#web design
CSS { In Real Life } | Drawing Raindrops with CSS Gradients and Masks
6 months ago
Web development

CSS { In Real Life } | Drawing Raindrops with CSS Gradients and Masks

Creating a rainy background with CSS can be achieved using background properties and masks.
Using viewport units can make raindrops scale.
Staggering raindrops can improve the overall visual effect. [ more ]
Smashing Magazine
6 months ago
Web design

CSS Responsive Multi-Line Ribbon Shapes (Part 1) - Smashing Magazine

CSS has evolved to allow for more advanced ribbon designs using features like calc(), color-mix(), and trigonometric functions.
Ribbons are a popular design element that can add depth and visual interest to web designs.
Creating responsive multi-line ribbon shapes in CSS can be achieved by using a single HTML element and adjusting CSS variables. [ more ]
moreweb design
6 months ago
Web development

Shadow DOM is for hiding your shame

The CSS Zen Garden promotes clean markup and using CSS to achieve desired designs.
Shadow DOM allows for separate styling to keep markup clean.
An example of using shadow DOM is creating an image carousel with scroll snapping and flexbox. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

Width and Height in CSS

Width in CSS looks up the tree to determine its value, while height looks down the tree.
Height: 100% in CSS means the height is determined by the elements inside of it, not the elements it is inside of. [ more ]
6 months ago
Web development

An Interactive Guide to CSS Grid

CSS Grid is a powerful tool for creating sophisticated and fluid layouts in CSS.
CSS Grid is supported by all major browsers since 2017 and has a browser support of 97.8%.
CSS Grid allows us to define the grid structure, including rows and columns, purely in CSS. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
6 months ago
Web development

How to use CSS anchor positioning - LogRocket Blog

The 2023 State of CSS survey revealed that anchor positioning was the feature most added to reading lists by respondents.
Anchor positioning is a new layout technique in CSS that allows for more flexible element tethering without the need for JavaScript.
Browser support for anchor positioning is still limited, but there are polyfills available to use it. [ more ]
Stephanie Stimac's Blog
6 months ago
Web design

When to use CSS text-wrap: balance; vs text-wrap: pretty; - Stephanie Stimac's Blog

Taking breaks and addressing burnout is important for creativity and productivity.
text-wrap: balance; applies to less than six lines and should be used on headlines, headings, and subheadings.
text-wrap: pretty; can be used on entire blocks of text and primarily affects the last four lines. [ more ]
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