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2 days ago

Alzheimer's Takes a Financial Toll Long Before Diagnosis, Study Finds

Changes in financial behavior can signal cognitive decline long before a dementia diagnosis. [ more ]
Alternative Medicine Magazine
2 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Tips for Detecting Early Signs of Alzheimer's Disease

Elderly are more susceptible to dementia, mainly Alzheimer's, affecting millions globally, predominantly women. [ more ]
Harvard Gazette
1 month ago

Trials reveal even internet-based chats help sustain brain function - Harvard Gazette

Conversation, even online, can help prevent cognitive decline and dementia. [ more ]
2 months ago
Mental health

Doctors Say Trump Is Displaying Clear Signs of Cognitive Issues

Concerns over Trump's cognitive decline worsen compared to Biden's aging brain.
Experts express worries about Trump's cognitive issues, including speech disturbances and confusion. [ more ]
3 months ago

A Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis Can Be Scary. Here's What Comes Next.

Mild cognitive impairment (M.C.I) can be a precursor to dementia, but catching it early can offer several advantages.
Treating M.C.I can help prolong independence and potentially reverse cognitive decline. [ more ]
London Business News | Londonlovesbusiness.com
6 months ago

Midlife high cholesterol levels increase the risk of elderly dementia by up to 40%

High cholesterol levels in middle age can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease and dementia later in life by up to 40%.
A leading medical expert is calling for cholesterol level testing for everyone aged 40-60 to help reduce the chances of developing dementia or Alzheimer's in the future. [ more ]
3 days ago

New Study Suggests Mediterranean Diet May Slow Cognitive Decline

Mediterranean diet linked to slowing cognitive decline. [ more ]
Natural Health News
3 weeks ago
Alternative medicine

Pumping iron for a fitter brain: Weight training has surprising cognitive rewards

Weightlifting is crucial for brain and overall health, improving brain function, reducing cognitive decline, and lowering the risk of brain disorders and depressive symptoms. [ more ]
3 months ago

How 25 minutes of moderate exercise a week may help prevent cognitive decline

Moderate exercise for 25 minutes a week can improve brain health and prevent cognitive decline.
Age-related brain volume loss can be mitigated with minimal moderate physical activity. [ more ]
5 days ago

Lawrence Whalley obituary

Research on older individuals' childhood IQ linked to cognitive decline and health outcomes was groundbreaking. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
2 weeks ago
US Elections

Lauren Boebert gushes over "pretty" Donald Trump: He's not sleeping, he's praying! - LGBTQ Nation

Rep. Boebert defends Trump during hush money trial, opposing claims of his sleepiness. [ more ]
1 month ago
Mental health

Mentally stimulating work plays key role in staving off dementia, study finds

Engaging in mentally demanding work can protect against cognitive decline in older age, based on a study of 7,000 Norwegians in 305 occupations. [ more ]
2 months ago

The Perimenopause Symptom We Don't Talk About Nearly Enough

Perimenopause can have unpredictable symptoms like mood swings and cognitive decline.
Hormonal fluctuations during perimenopause can lead to mental health challenges. [ more ]
2 months ago

New Twin Study Reveals A Potential Brain-Gut Connection

Fiber supplement improved brain function in aging population.
Gut microbiome's influence on cognitive health. [ more ]
3 months ago

New studies reveal what COVID-19 can do to your brain

COVID-19 recovery duration linked to cognitive decline.
Severity of COVID-19 illness impacts cognitive abilities. [ more ]
3 months ago

Long Covid May Lead to Measurable Cognitive Decline, Study Finds

Long Covid may lead to measurable cognitive decline, with those with persistent symptoms scoring lower on cognitive tests.
Even those who had recovered from Covid and no longer had symptoms scored slightly lower on cognitive tests compared to those who had never been infected. [ more ]
Yoga Journal
3 months ago
Mental health

The Week in Yoga, February 25-March 2: A Celebration of Women

The role of women in yoga traditions is discussed on the Let's Talk Yoga podcast
Mindfulness meditation and cognitive behavioral therapy can help relieve menopausal symptoms [ more ]
The American Conservative
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Michelle Obama: September Savior or 'Suicide Mission'?

Joe Biden's declining cognitive abilities are becoming more evident, raising concerns about his fitness to lead.
The public's perception is shifting due to concerns about Biden's age and cognitive decline, highlighting potential issues about his ability to govern effectively. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Douthat: Biden should step aside and accept the party drama

Joe Biden's decline in cognitive abilities is evident and has raised concerns about his ability to serve as president for another term.
Despite his decline, the Biden administration has managed foreign crises fairly well so far, but there are doubts about whether this can continue for a full term. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Jill Biden and Dems committed elder abuse on Joe - now they must force him to step aside

Joe Biden's cognitive decline was not new and was not a secret.
Biden's aides and the Democratic establishment knew about his cognitive decline but propped him up as a candidate. [ more ]
The Atlantic
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden's Age Is Now Unavoidable

Joe Biden's age and potential cognitive decline is becoming a concern.
Biden's handling of classified documents is under scrutiny. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden insists he does remember things after scathing DOJ report ripped his memory: 'I've been around awhile'

President Biden tried to laugh off questions about his mental stamina after being described as an elderly man with a poor memory.
Biden's attempt to make light of his age comes after special counsel Robert Hur determined that Biden shouldn't face charges for mishandling classified documents due to his apparent cognitive decline. [ more ]
4 months ago
Mental health

Can Pet Ownership Ward Off Cognitive Decline?

Owning a pet is associated with slower decline in verbal memory and fluency for older adults who live alone. [ more ]
4 months ago

Multivitamins Are Linked to Slower Brain Aging

Taking a multivitamin can slow cognitive decline associated with aging by as much as two years.
Three separate placebo-controlled studies showed consistent benefits of a daily multivitamin in slowing cognitive brain aging by two years. [ more ]
#cognitive decline
5 months ago
Mental health

Crossword Puzzles Are Better for Improving Memory, Study Finds

Crossword puzzles can help slow cognitive decline and lower the risk of dementia in those with mild cognitive impairment.
Participants in a study who did crossword puzzles experienced less cognitive decline compared to those who played other brain games. [ more ]
New York Post
5 months ago

Fasting could reduce signs of Alzheimer's disease: studies

Intermittent fasting could reduce the risk of cognitive decline in Alzheimer's disease.
Feeding within a specific time window can improve memory, sleep, and reduce amyloid buildup in the brain. [ more ]
6 months ago

Hippocampal Atrophy May Indicate Diseases Other Than AD

Hippocampal atrophy is associated with cognitive decline in older adults.
Neurological disorders other than Alzheimer's disease may contribute to cognitive decline.
Measuring hippocampal volume changes can help predict cognitive decline and response to AD drugs. [ more ]
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