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2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

GitLab Readies Enterprise Edition of AI Tools for DevOps - DevOps.com

GitLab introducing AI enterprise edition with enhanced capabilities for security, collaboration, and privacy controls. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

GitLab and Google Cloud Join Forces to Streamline Development and Enhance Security

GitLab announced integrations with Google Cloud to enhance developer experience and streamline workflows through pre-built components and infrastructure as code practices. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Information security

Patch GitLab vuln without delay, users warned | Computer Weekly

Prompt patching of CVE-2023-7028 vulnerability in GitLab is essential to prevent account takeover and potential cyber threats. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Information security

Hackers are exploiting critical GitLab password reset vulnerability - here's what you need to know

CISA warns of actively exploited GitLab vulnerability CVE-2023-7028, urging swift remediation to prevent potential account hijacking. [ more ]
1 month ago
Information security

Federal frenzy to patch gaping security hole in GitLab

CISA mandates federal agencies to patch critical GitLab vulnerability under active exploitation. [ more ]
Developer Tech News
1 month ago
Information security

CISA sounds alarm on critical GitLab flaw under active exploit

Organizations should promptly apply security updates in response to active exploitation attempts. [ more ]
Ars Technica
1 month ago
Information security

0-click GitLab hijacking flaw under active exploit, with thousands still unpatched

A maximum severity vulnerability in GitLab allows account hijacking without user interaction. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Diffblue Integrates Generative AI-Based Testing Platform With GitLab - DevOps.com

Diffblue has integrated its automated unit testing platform for Java with GitLab's DevSecOps platform to streamline regression testing and improve application quality and security.
Diffblue's AI-based platform can update tests 250 times faster than manual testing, reducing friction and bottlenecks in DevSecOps teams. [ more ]
4 months ago

Combine Portainer & GitLab to solve tech and business challenges around containers - Amazic

Portainer is a container management platform that supports Docker Swarm as an alternative to Kubernetes.
Portainer has a built-in Continuous Delivery (CD) functionality and can be integrated with GitLab for automating app deployments and management. [ more ]
LogRocket Blog
4 months ago

Using semantic-release to automate releases and changelogs - LogRocket Blog

semantic-release automates the process of increasing version numbers and syncing them with release notes based on commit messages and software engineering patterns.
The article provides a step-by-step guide on setting up semantic-release with GitLab and configuring it to execute in a pipeline step when a new commit is pushed to a branch. [ more ]
4 months ago
Information security

2FA-less GitLab users vulnerable to account takeovers

GitLab admins should apply the latest security patches to address a critical account-bypass vulnerability.
The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-7028, allows attackers to send password reset emails to an attacker-controlled email address. [ more ]
4 months ago

CloudBees co-founder buzzes about AI and open source drama

Interview "It's the experiment that went too far," says CloudBees' Sacha Labourey of HashiCorp's licensing change.
6 months ago
Artificial intelligence

GitLab Continues AI Momentum with Enhanced AI-Powered DevSecOps Workflows - Amazic

GitLab announces updates to GitLab Duo, including the beta of GitLab Duo Chat and the general availability of GitLab Duo Code Suggestions.
GitLab Duo Chat provides users with real-time guidance and suggestions for analyzing code, troubleshooting, and more.
GitLab Duo reduces toolchain sprawl, leading to faster cycle times and improved developer productivity. [ more ]
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