Paul Murray on why he almost gave up writing: 'There was no escape... It felt like I had been shamed'

Paul Murray is a private person. This comes up a few times over the course of our conversation. His books take years to write and he is happiest in that space; working away quietly, just the words and him.
Because Murray's latest novel, The Bee Sting, is in contention for one of the world's biggest literary prizes, the Booker, and he's a man in demand.
When we meet for coffee, he is jet-lagged. He's back from a whirlwind trip to New York where he did a reading in Brooklyn and an event at New York University. When you read this, he will have just attended the Irish Book Awards on Wednesday night - where he won Novel of the Year - before flying to London early on Thursday. There are three days of Booker events before the big dinner tomorrow, when the winner will be announced.
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