Help! I'm a Rebel Fighter for Space on Airplanes. My Girlfriend Just Threatened to Turn Me In.

Dear Prudence, Last week I told my girlfriend that my usual tactic for dealing with recliners on airplanes is to just put my knees up against the seat until the person stops trying to recline. I value the space in front much more than other people do, and almost never recline my seat. She told me that if she saw me doing that while I was sitting with her on a flight, that she would report me to the flight attendant! Obviously the situation is the fault of the airlines, but is it really so rude to just as silently say, "No, I don't want you to recline" to someone who is practically putting their seat in my face without asking?
While it may be tempting to silently communicate your discomfort with a reclining seat, it is often best to engage in open communication. Discuss your preferences with the person in front before boarding the flight, and try to find a compromise. Being respectful and understanding of others' needs can help create a more pleasant experience for everyone involved.
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