F5: Nik Bentel Shares Big Love for Other Creatives + More

In 2017, when I graduated from undergrad, I dreamed of running my own studio. This switch was more forced upon me when I abruptly quit my design job at the time and hoped for the best, trial by fire! A lot of mistakes were made along the way, but I am still here.
I use a small sketchbook a lot, so much so that we designed the perfect quick-notation sketchbook that fits in your pocket. If I can't sketch an idea down in under a minute or two, it's probably an idea that is too confusing.
If he were to step away from product and performance design, Bentel divulges that sculpture would be next on his list of interests. It would be a blessing to have a career where I don't have to stare at a screen to practice. But not only that, it's something my father did, and he passed down his love of sculpting to me.
Read at Design Milk