New LSAC Metric Tries To Capture What Applicants Overcame To Get To Law School

The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is developing a new 'environmental context' metric pertaining to colleges and universities based on factors such as institutional student spending, graduation rates, and the percentage of undergraduates who received federal need-based Pell Grants.
The aim of the new college metric-along with the existing neighborhood and high school ratings-is to help law schools better understand the advantages or hurdles their applicants have encountered and to offer a fuller picture of their potential beyond undergraduate grades and standardized test scores, council research director Elizabeth Bodamer said.
Someone in admissions could see a well-performing applicant from a 'high-challenge college' and make inferences about the skillsets the student developed to get there. Be on the lookout for challenge assessments!
Read at Above the Law