Central line: 'Packed trains and delays - welcome to the misery line'

Mr Johns adds that TfL has been working to find solutions, including "a number of bus routes to provide shuttles across to locations at the east of the line, where there are fewer alternatives", as well as the interim timetable. This, he says, "will hopefully provide a more even service".
Engineers could not have foreseen the failures of the motors, he says: " We geared-up to see an increase in the level of failures but not to the degree we have seen. We would have liked to have replaced the whole fleet but obviously government uncertainty over captial funding has meant we have had to introduce the upgrade programme to the existing trains." He says Central line trains are "unique". " There's no other fleet that's typically like them, so we don't expect this kind of problem to occur on other fleets but, clearly, when we have older trains they are more at risk of failure."
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