Fan Chant: LEO Unpacks the "Team Effort" Behind His Debut EP

"Creating great music really is a team effort - my team gave me the support I needed and was patient with how we framed the songs. We wanted a good-flowing vibe for the story, and a wide variety of sounds sonically. Overall I'm very pleased with how it came out!"
"As soon as I first heard the track, it just felt like my song. The color of the cover art is light blue, and when you listen to the song it's almost like you can picture the color light blue. It just goes together perfectly."
"B.I wanted my first EP to be special, and when I thought about who I wanted to collaborate with, B.I was a name that first came to mind. He has a real ‘music genius’ aura to him, and he has very nice mannerisms as well."
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