'Let's have a little bit of fun' - Warnock on Aberdeen

When you get to my age, you think twice about a job - but I got a good feeling about this one. In the last three weeks I could have got three times my salary, but it's not the salary - you don't come back at my age if something doesn't tick the boxes, and Aberdeen does. And as I said to Dave, 'let's have a little but of fun between now and the end of the season'. It sounds silly at my age, but I am excited.
I want to pit my wits against the teams we come up against - and I want to win a cup. I've never won a cup. It's a big club and I relate to the type of fans the club have, as I did at QPR and Crystal Palace. When I say they are hostile, I don't mean that in a nasty way - it's lovely to have fans really behind the team. A one-club city.
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