Speaking to Your Soul: 5.9.24 - San Francisco Bay Times

Where have we refused to change our ways? The fear that wakes up with us at 3 am is a signal to pay attention. We are called to awaken our future self now. There is potent planetary support for breaking out of our self-constructed molds and rescuing our attention away from its captors.
When we forget that each moment is fresh and new, we grow dull and rigid. Dane Rudhyar wrote that, 'Fate is the refusal to be born again.' Do not let nature take its course. Rise. The planets supply you an electric current with which to charge the greatest good you can imagine.
Though usually content with the comforts of home life, the veil is torn open and a powerful light source shines from above, drawing you to it. Catch a vision of a brighter future, beyond the limits of space and time, and take us to it.
Read at San Francisco Bay Times