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LogRocket Blog
2 days ago

A guide to JavaScript parser generators - LogRocket Blog

Parsers convert unstructured data to structured data, ensuring syntactic correctness in code writing. [ more ]
2 days ago
Data science

Redpanda acquires Benthos to expand its end-to-end streaming data platform | TechCrunch

Redpanda acquires Benthos to enhance their streaming platform, providing end-to-end streaming capabilities for data-intensive applications. [ more ]
4 days ago
Information security

Quick Glossary: Edge Computing | TechRepublic

Edge computing is crucial for enhancing data processing efficiency by moving tasks closer to the data source. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

IBM brings Power 10 servers to bear on AI edge deployments

IBM unveiled Power 10 servers for AI processing at the network edge, emphasizing high-threaded workloads and reduced latency by processing data on-site. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Securing the edge: A new battleground in mobile network security | Computer Weekly

The global edge computing market is growing rapidly, promising to revolutionize mobile networks across industries by enabling faster response times and more efficient data processing. [ more ]
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Edge Computing Requires DevOps at Scale - DevOps.com

Edge computing drives IT convergence
Data processing at edge requires new storage approach
Multi-protocol storage enables modernization [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

AI drives explosion in edge computing

AI driving demand for edge computing infra
Edge computing bridges 5G and cloud services [ more ]
3 months ago

Akka Edge: Shaping the Future of Industry with Edge Computing | @lightbend

Akka Edge is an enhancement to the Akka ecosystem specifically designed for edge computing.
Akka Edge enables developers to leverage Akka's capabilities in diverse environments without adding complexities typically associated with brokered systems. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

AI PCs? Here's what to know

AI PCs promise faster data processing and training AI models directly on devices without relying on cloud centers, transforming the industry. [ more ]
1 week ago
Artificial intelligence

Podcast: AI and its impact on data storage | Computer Weekly

AI turns enterprise data into valuable insights, but challenges include complexity, data portability, rapid storage access, and cloud extension. [ more ]
2 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

AI Lexicon Q DW 05/17/2024

Quantum computers have the potential to solve highly complex problems that digital and supercomputers struggle with due to their advanced computing capabilities. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

A regulatory roadmap to AI and privacy

AI technologies are enhancements of existing technologies; privacy issues in AI are extensions of traditional privacy concerns, requiring a holistic approach to regulation. [ more ]
Fast Company
2 weeks ago
Data science

Elon Musk advances plans to power Tesla AI with Chinese data

Tesla is leveraging data from China to advance its self-driving system, with a shift in strategy by Elon Musk. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Readable and informative AI safety guide

Understanding AI mechanics is vital due to potential safety concerns as AI systems get more pervasive in everyday life. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Lawmakers seek to probe AI's environmental impacts

Democratic lawmakers have introduced a new bill that aims to assess and mitigate the environmental impacts of AI technologies.
The bill would require the EPA to conduct an assessment on the environmental impacts caused by AI, while NIST would convene a consortium and create a reporting system.
Lawmakers are concerned that the demand for data processing centers to train AI algorithms will contribute to pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Data science

Strategies to ensure compliance with global data minimization requirements

Enforcement of data minimization requirements is increasing globally. [ more ]
3 weeks ago

Flattening a List of Lists in Python - Real Python

Flattening nested lists in Python is a common operation when working with multidimensional data. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

Microsoft readies new AI model to compete with Google, ChatGPT owner OpenAI: report

Microsoft is developing a new AI language model, MAI-1, to compete with Google and OpenAI. [ more ]
1 month ago
EU data protection

ChatGPT's 'hallucination' issue hit with privacy complaint

OpenAI ChatGPT AI chatbot disseminated inaccurate information, leading to an EU privacy complaint by NOYB against OpenAI's data processing practices. [ more ]
2 months ago
Privacy professionals

Worldcoin hit with temporary ban in Spain over privacy concerns | TechCrunch

Spanish data protection authority orders Worldcoin to stop processing personal data in Spain due to GDPR violations.
The GDPR empowers data protection authorities to stop unlawful data processing if people's rights are at risk. [ more ]
3 months ago
EU data protection

EDPB kicks off right of access coordinated enforcement action

Review of compliance with access rights under GDPR by European Data Protection Board
Thirty-one data protection authorities participating in EDPB's enforcement action. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

85 million cells - and counting - at your fingertips

Biologists struggle with integrating single-cell gene-expression data from various sources for analysis. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Murky Consent: An Approach to the Fictions of Consent in Privacy Law - FINAL VERSION

Privacy consent in law is often fictitious, and focusing on acknowledging and managing these fictions is more beneficial than trying to turn them into truths. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

AI firm saves a million in shift to Pure FlashBlade shared storage | Computer Weekly

Crater AI consultancy saved CAN$1.5m with FlashBlade array, reducing time configuring storage for AI projects. [ more ]
1 month ago
Data science

Optimizing Resource Allocation and Parallel Processing for 20GB Spark Jobs

Optimizing resource allocation based on data volume and processing speed is crucial for efficient job completion. [ more ]
1 month ago

What does 'Real-Time Marketing' really mean? | MarTech

Real-time marketing is about delivering information when the end user needs it, not necessarily immediately. [ more ]
1 month ago

how to fill null values and drop null values in pyspark,sql and scala

Handling null values involves filling specified values and dropping rows/columns with null values in PySpark, SQL, and Scala. [ more ]
1 month ago

Efficient Scala BiqQuery Data Retrieval: A Comprehensive Guide

You can use the spark-bigquery connector to read data from BigQuery tables directly into Spark DataFrames.
It is essential to set GCP credentials, specify the table path correctly, and include necessary dependencies to connect with BigQuery. [ more ]
2 months ago
EU data protection

Finland's DPA issues guidance on the positive credit information register

The Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman in Finland issued guidance on the positive credit information register.
Residents in Finland cannot refuse the processing of their data or request its deletion in the positive credit information register. [ more ]
2 months ago
Data science

Sorting and Removing Elements from the Structure of Arrays (SOA) in C++

Storing coordinates as a Structure of Arrays (SOA) is efficient for GPU computing due to optimal memory throughput.
When dealing with large amounts of data in SOA format, rearranging data can be inefficient, leading to challenges in processing on CPUs. [ more ]
3 months ago
Web design

How To Implement The Pipeline Design Pattern in C#

The pipeline design pattern in C# optimizes data processing by breaking it down into stages executed in parallel, reducing processing time.
It simplifies complex operations, enhances scalability, and makes it easier to handle large datasets by breaking down data processing into source, stages, and sink components. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago

As colleges receive FAFSA records, some ask: 'How do we trust this data?'

Colleges facing technical problems with FAFSA data processing
Concerns about accuracy and delays in financial aid processing [ more ]
2 months ago
Business intelligence

New geospatial data startup streamlines satellite imagery visualization | TechCrunch

Geospatial data processing requires significant engineering prowess
Fused platform offers fast data processing and visualization capabilities [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Facebook parent Meta targeted in privacy complaints by EU consumer groups

Meta Platforms faced privacy complaints from EU consumer groups on data collection breaches.
Consumer groups in eight countries cited GDPR violations related to data processing by Meta. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Mobile OS maker Jolla is back and building an AI device | TechCrunch

Private cloud and AI router for adaptive digital assistant
Focus on privacy and security in AI device development [ more ]
3 months ago
Startup companies

Artie helps companies put data to work faster with real time syncing | TechCrunch

Artie wants to solve the problem of lag in using data by efficiently moving it from databases to data warehouses.
Artie uses Change Data Capture (CDC) and stream processing to perform data syncs in a reliable and efficient way, resulting in low latency and optimized compute costs. [ more ]
3 months ago
UX design

Streamlining chaos: Redesign of a complex Workflow canvas

Understanding the concept of a workflow and its role in organizing tasks and achieving goals.
The ETL workflow focuses on extracting, transforming, and loading data for efficient analysis and use. [ more ]
4 months ago

Cardiff University expands HPC cluster with Lenovo | Computer Weekly

Cardiff University has deployed Lenovo ThinkSystem servers to support high-performance computing (HPC) research.
Lenovo ThinkSystem servers provide a significant performance boost for gravitational wave detection and data processing. [ more ]
4 months ago

Unlocking Spark's Hidden Power: The Secret Weapon of Caching Revealed in a Tale of Bug Hunting and...

Caching in Apache Spark is essential for improving performance by storing intermediary results in memory and reusing them instead of recalculating them from scratch.
Caching can also prevent inconsistencies caused by non-deterministic functions, such as the UUID function, by ensuring that the same results are used consistently across different operations. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Belgium's DPA fines data management company

Belgium's Data Protection Authority has fined Black Tiger Belgium 174,640 euros for violating data protection regulations.
Black Tiger Belgium was found to not be transparent about its data processing of personal data. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

EDPB publishes GDPR one-stop-shop digest

The European Data Protection Board has published a guide to EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) one-stop-shop cases.
The guide covers enforcement actions under Articles 32, 33, and 34 of the GDPR, providing insights into how DPAs have interpreted and applied GDPR provisions in various scenarios. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Netflix Creates Incremental Processing Solution Using Maestro and Apache Iceberg

Netflix created a new solution for incremental processing in its data platform using Maestro and Apache Iceberg.
The solution reduces cost and execution time by avoiding processing complete datasets and capturing change ranges for specified data fields. [ more ]
4 months ago

Streamlining Java: A Practical Guide to findFirst() and findAny()

Java Streams offer a modern approach to processing sequences of data in Java programming.
Streams facilitate declarative programming and enable developers to express complex data processing queries without getting bogged down in the mechanics of iteration. [ more ]
4 months ago
Business intelligence

Blog: Data processing concerns with ChatGPT

OpenAI's ChatGPT data processing standards are the subject of a GDPR complaint
The complaint alleges that ChatGPT ignores GDPR provisions regarding data processing [ more ]
Cloud Pro
6 months ago
Business intelligence

Google Cloud unveils UK data residency options for Vertex AI customers

Vertex AI customers can now keep their data closer to home
6 months ago

Spark Tutorial: Master the Essential Skills for Data Engineering and Data Science

Spark has become the defacto tool for big data processing.
Understanding and mastering Spark is crucial for data engineering and data science job interviews. [ more ]
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