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Fast Company
2 days ago
Remote teams

Managers: Here's how to support a grieving employee

Loss creates a rip in life's fabric, leading to a slow grieving process. Employers must understand and support grieving employees to navigate through loss effectively. [ more ]
3 days ago

Microsoft's top AI tips for managers: The Return podcast, season 3, episode 6

Generative AI like ChatGPT and Microsoft's CoPilot revolutionize middle managers' workflow, saving time for other tasks. [ more ]
Kansas City Star
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

Workplace flexibility is the most used, wanted benefit among caregivers: AARP

Flexible work schedules are crucial for family caregivers balancing job responsibilities with caregiving duties. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
2 weeks ago
Remote teams

10 Employee Reboarding Activities To Welcome Back Your Team

Reboarding is crucial for returning employees, offering support, ensuring productivity, and showcasing value. [ more ]
Black Enterprise
1 month ago
Remote teams

10 Ways Employers Can Support Remote Employee's Mental Health Needs

Supporting the mental health of remote employees is crucial for businesses, especially amidst the challenges of loneliness and a global pandemic. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Manager lists out what she does and doesn't care about employees and it's striking a chord

The pandemic reshaped work culture, emphasizing the importance of companies supporting employees' personal situations and mental health struggles. [ more ]
Nieman Lab
4 months ago
Media industry

Journalists are burned out. Some newsrooms are fighting back.

EducationNC provides ample support for its employees' mental health, including paid company-wide breaks, paid leave for physical or mental wellness, and paid sabbaticals.
These mental health policies at EducationNC were instrumental in retaining staff members and fostering a positive work environment. [ more ]
2 months ago

16 London Papa John's to shut down- Full list of London restaurant closing down

Papa John's is closing 43 restaurants in the UK, with 16 in London
The closures are part of a strategic move to improve profitability and free up investment [ more ]
3 months ago
Video games

EA lays off 5% of staff, cancels Star Wars FPS

EA announced layoffs, studio closure, game cancellations, and shift away from certain licensed IPs.
EA aims to provide support and opportunities for impacted employees during the restructuring. [ more ]
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Pega launches new AI buddy | MarTech

Pega has launched GenAI Knowledge Buddy to help employees and customers find and synthesize information from scattered knowledge bases.
Knowledge Buddy responds to natural language prompts and can generate new content based on existing libraries. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

Supportive workplace key to recovery after tragedies like parade shooting, expert says; 'Crises like these can create a huge sense of loss'

After critical incidents, a caring and supportive workplace culture should be continuous and long-lasting.
Employers should provide ongoing support and resources to employees affected by critical incidents. [ more ]
6 months ago

Boost Employee Success with These 3 Proven Strategies | Entrepreneur

Supporting employees in both their professional and personal lives is crucial for their success and the success of the company.
Employees who have less stress and burdens are more likely to be productive, innovative, and stay with their employers.
Creating a psychologically safe workplace environment and providing mental health support can greatly benefit employees. [ more ]
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