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1 month ago

Monday Briefing

Ukrainian prisoners of war face physical and psychological challenges after returning from captivity. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Ukraine war briefing: Russian forces occupying Ukraine use torture as policy', says UN expert

Russian armed forces in Ukraine systematically use torture, according to UN expert.
Turkey offers to host Ukraine-Russia peace summit. [ more ]
2 months ago
Black Lives Matter

Anti-Assad Syrians lead protests against prison torture by rebel group

People in northwestern Syria protest against Hay'et Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), former al-Qaeda affiliate, for alleged torture of prisoners to death.
Protests across Idlib reflect opposition to HTS, calling attention to the group's brutality and advocating for justice and freedom. [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Welcome to Hell': U.N. Panel Says Russian War Crimes Are Widespread

Systematic torture of Ukrainian prisoners by Russian security forces
United Nations Commission of Inquiry findings include war crimes like summary executions and sexual violence [ more ]
2 months ago
Europe news

Human rights experts decry new evidence of torture of Ukrainian POWs

New evidence reveals horrific torture of Ukrainian prisoners by Russian jailers.
Commission suggests that the mistreatment could potentially amount to war crimes. [ more ]
3 months ago

Life sentences for three who tortured and murdered vulnerable west London woman

The defendants received life sentences for the prolonged torture and murder of Shakira Spencer, a vulnerable woman from west London.
The judge described the murder as marked by extreme, calculated, and brutal violence, with the perpetrators displaying no remorse. [ more ]
3 months ago
UK news

Cruel trio who murdered mother they fed only sachets of ketchup are jailed

The killers tortured Shakira Spencer, fed her ketchup sachets, and controlled her completely.
The trio received life sentences with a minimum term of 34 years for murder and preventing lawful burial of Shakira Spencer. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Los Angeles

L.A. model found dead in refrigerator allowed suspected killer to stay in her apartment before brutal slaying

Maleesa Mooney was found dead in her downtown L.A. apartment, believed to have been killed on Sept. 7.
Suspect Magnus Daniel Humphrey, who was staying with Mooney, has been arrested and charged with murder and torture. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Torture by U.S. Was Key Issue in Bali Bombing Plea Deal

The U.S. government made a plea deal with two Malaysian prisoners involved in the Bali bombings to disentangle the legacy of torture from the trial of the accused mastermind.
The two Malaysians provided secret testimony that could be used against the Indonesian prisoner accused of being the mastermind, in order to avoid lengthy litigation over the evidence obtained. [ more ]
New York Post
3 months ago
Europe news

Putin must think he's winning the propaganda war after listening to Musk and his pals on Twitter

Ukrainian journalist shares his experience of torture and imprisonment in Russian-occupied Donetsk.
Elon Musk and Republican senators discuss an alternative perspective on US assistance to Ukraine. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Military Judge to Rule on C.I.A. Torture Program in Sept. 11 Case

Defense lawyer asks for dismissal of charges against Saudi prisoner tortured in C.I.A. custody
Lawyer argues that the secret overseas prison network was part of a criminal international enterprise that trafficked in torture [ more ]
4 months ago
UK news

British Airways pilot kidnapped during South Africa stopover

A British Airways pilot was kidnapped and tortured during a stopover in South Africa.
Kidnappings have been on the rise in South Africa in recent years. [ more ]
5 months ago
New York City

New York City Moves to Ban Solitary Confinement, Defying Mayor Adams

The New York City Council is expected to approve a bill banning solitary confinement in most cases, making it the largest American city to do so.
The bill's sponsors and supporters believe there are enough votes to override Mayor Eric Adams if he vetoes it. [ more ]
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