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2 weeks ago

Partner talks in their sleep? Here's how to slumber soundly

Parasomnia impacts sleep quality and can be a symptom of other sleep disorders. [ more ]
1 month ago

My insomnia hell: sleeplessness is a curse but I think I finally have the answer

Sleep studies can reveal crucial information about sleep quality and potential issues like sleep apnea. [ more ]
3 months ago

Sleep expert on why people should prioritize sleep quality over quantity

The quality of sleep is crucial for heart health.
Strategies for improving sleep quality are essential for overall well-being. [ more ]
2 months ago

Neurologist Alejandro Iranzo: Sleeping is like a recycling bin with memories that you store or throw away'

Good sleep is crucial for physical and mental well-being.
REM sleep behavior disorder can be an early indicator of Parkinson's disease or dementia. [ more ]
Mail Online
2 months ago

Doctor warns lack of sleep in young women can lead to infertility

Lack of sleep for young women can lead to various health issues like strokes, Alzheimer's, and infertility.
Causes of poor sleep can include excessive screen time, stress, and a bad diet. [ more ]
2 months ago

A lack of sleep affects our emotions, we become less positive and more anxious

Many Spanish adults struggle with sleep quality and quantity.
Chronic sleep deficit is linked to various diseases and emotional alterations. [ more ]
3 months ago

Taye Diggs on Sleep

Insomnia can have a significant impact on daily life and well-being.
Many people with insomnia do not seek medical help, but discussing the issue with a doctor can lead to effective treatment options. [ more ]
London On The Inside
3 months ago

How to Get a Better Night's Sleep in London

Londoners are among the worst sleepers in the UK
Factors such as light pollution, noise, and stress contribute to poor sleep in Londoners [ more ]
3 months ago

TikTok's "Paradoxical Intention" Sleep Hack Is Actually Pretty Genius

Embracing the fact that you're awake can help trick your brain into falling asleep.
Paradoxical intention is a therapeutic approach used to treat sleep disorders. [ more ]
Mail Online
4 months ago

Bizarre activities people carry out while asleep - including DRIVING

Sleep disorders can lead to bizarre behaviors while asleep, including talking, walking, laughing, eating, handling sharp objects, having sex, and even driving.
Sexsomnia, the unintentional initiation of sex during sleep, is gaining public awareness and mostly affects men. [ more ]
4 months ago

Patients with narcolepsy face a dual nightmare of medication shortages and stigma

Narcolepsy patients are facing a national Adderall shortage, leaving them without their prescribed medication and scrambling for alternative treatment options.
The shortage has not only impacted people with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but also those with sleep disorders, like narcolepsy. [ more ]
#sleep disorders
6 months ago

The Truth About Sleep Trackers

Consumer sleep-tracking technology, such as wearable devices and phone-based apps, is growing rapidly in popularity.
Sleep trackers can provide valuable sleep insights but should not be relied upon as a cure for sleep disorders.
Sleep trackers use data such as heart rate, movement, and body temperature to estimate sleep quality. [ more ]
Calm Sage - Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being
6 months ago

Late to Bed, Late to Rise: Could It Be Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome?

Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder that causes a delay in sleep and wake times.
DSPS can affect teens and younger adults, causing them to struggle with falling asleep at a reasonable hour and waking up in the morning.
The causes of DSPS are believed to be a combination of genetics and an imbalance in the internal body clock. [ more ]
moresleep disorders
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