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1 week ago

Most US TikTok Creators Don't Think a Ban Will Happen

Majority of US TikTok creators don't believe platform will be banned within a year. [ more ]
Marketing Dive
3 weeks ago

Sociable: TikTok Launches Legal Challenge Against US Sell-Off Bill

Congress is targeting TikTok with a law that could lead to a shutdown by 2025. [ more ]
Above the Law
3 weeks ago

TikTok Plans To Fight Censorship, Mouthy Politicians Make It Very Easy For Them

Congress targeted TikTok for divestment instead of addressing data privacy concerns from other tech giants. ByteDance claims divestment violates free speech. [ more ]
New York Post
3 weeks ago

Ad execs tout TikTok's benefits for businesses in cringeworthy video: 'So oblivious'

Advertising executives face backlash for praising TikTok after bill threatening ban or sale passed in Congress. [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok ban signed into law by President Biden: How we got here, and what comes next | TechCrunch

Pressure rises on Bytedance to divest due to new TikTok ban cleared by Congress and approved by the White House. [ more ]
1 month ago

TikTok Bill Is Now Law, as Reality of Potential Ban Sinks In

TikTok bill signed into law after swift Congressional process, giving app 9 months to find new American owners to stay in U.S. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Three yards and a cloud of dust

Legislative proposals for housing affordability face challenges in Congress, with incremental steps by federal agencies proving more effective. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Artificial intelligence

The US Congress is taking on AI -this computer scientist is helping

Regulation of AI is growing in the US, leading to AI scientists providing technical advice for proposed laws on AI in Congress. [ more ]
1 month ago
Artificial intelligence

Education will be key to good AI regulation: A view from the USA | Computer Weekly

Government regulation and control of AI technology, progress in Congress may face challenges. [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Analysis | Silicon Valley's Khanna: Top scholars being 'ignored' in AI debate

Academics studying AI feel that their expertise is being ignored in Washington
Rep. Ro Khanna is hosting a roundtable with academics to explore the impact of AI and ways for Congress to step in [ more ]
3 weeks ago
Europe politics

House kills motion to vacate Johnson from speakership

House Speaker Mike Johnson emphasizes the importance of a functioning Congress and fighting for conservative agenda.
Johnson seeks to move past distractions and focus on passing important issues for the country, despite criticism from his right flank. [ more ]
1 month ago

Schumer Says Foreign Aid Victory Shows Congress Isn't Broken

Senator Schumer believes Congress isn't broken, just hindered by extreme elements that need to be sidelined for bipartisanship to prevail. [ more ]
3 months ago
New York City

Tom Suozzi Returns to Congress With 2 Words for House: Wake Up'

Tom Suozzi emphasizes a need for bipartisanship in Congress.
Suozzi holds a powerful position in a closely divided House. [ more ]
3 weeks ago
US news

Clock ticking to fix Social Security, retirees face automatic cut in nine years

Social Security trust fund projected to be depleted by November 2033, risking 21% benefit cut unless Congress intervenes. [ more ]
1 month ago
US Elections

Delay, Delay, Delay

Donald Trump may run for president without facing legal penalties despite believed crimes [ more ]
2 months ago
New York City

George Santos Says He's Running for Congress Again

George Santos intends to run for Congress again despite being expelled and facing criminal charges.
Mr. Santos plans to challenge Representative Nick LaLota in New York's First Congressional District in the Republican primary in June. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Ron Wyden Fears Congress Is About to Enable a Spying Dragnet

The fight in Congress over FISA's Section 702 could lead to expanded surveillance powers, potentially intruding on Americans' civil liberties. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

Surveillance Fight Pits the White House Opposite Reproductive Rights

Most House members remain confused about when 702 surveillance would end if Congress fails to take action.
The administration is using scare tactics and disinformation campaigns to sway lawmakers in support of preserving the spy program. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
1 month ago

Californians were hoping for two big tax breaks. Why aren't they getting them?

Expanded child tax credit and SALT deduction have faced delays in Congress, impacting potential savings for Californian residents. [ more ]
1 month ago
Left-wing politics

Iranian drone attack on Israel spurs bipartisan calls in Congress for swift U.S. action

Lawmakers in the U.S. are emphasizing support for Israel and considering concrete actions against Iran in response to recent attacks. [ more ]
3 months ago
Privacy professionals

End-run around warrantless snooping reforms? Or biz as usual

Renewal of controversial warrantless surveillance powers sought by the Biden Administration through court rather than Congress.
US Senator Ron Wyden criticizes DOJ for seeking a year-long extension of Section 702 without reforms. [ more ]
3 months ago
Left-wing politics

Trump Couldn't Shut Down the Border. Can Biden?

President Biden is pleading with Congress for new authority to address the overwhelmed southern border.
The proposed legislation would give Biden explicit new authority to deny asylum claims and enforce immigration policies. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

For People Fleeing War, U.S. Immigration Fight Has Real-Life Consequences

The Biden administration has allowed over a million people into the United States under humanitarian parole, which allows people without visas to temporarily live and work in the country.
The program is now a point of contention in Congress with Republicans demanding a crackdown on immigration in exchange for approving military aid for Ukraine and Israel. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

What is Fisa, and what does it mean for no-warrant spying?

The US Congress passed a two-year reauthorization of the controversial section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, allowing warrantless surveillance on communications, sparking debates on privacy vs. security. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

Webinar - Another Privacy Bill on Capitol Hill: The American Privacy Rights Act

The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) is a new comprehensive privacy law bill in the U.S. Congress.
Experts will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and likelihood of passing the APRA in a webinar. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Los Angeles

Mayorkas interview: DHS head talks about impeachment, border and growing up in L.A.

The legislation provides tools and resources to address the broken immigration system
Congress should focus on fixing the system instead of pursuing baseless allegations [ more ]
Washington Post
1 month ago
Europe news

General warns House on Ukraine: 'The side that can't shoot back loses'

The war in Ukraine is at a critical juncture, with an urgent need for additional U.S. military support to prevent Russia's imminent advantage in artillery shells.
Failure to provide aid to Ukraine may result in dire consequences, including significant casualties and the collapse of Ukrainian front lines. [ more ]
Washington Post
2 months ago
Europe news

U.S. anticipates grim course for Ukraine if aid bill dies in Congress

U.S. officials foresee bleak scenarios in Ukraine without military aid from President Biden.
CIA Director warns of significant territorial losses in Ukraine without U.S. aid. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Biden Administration Blames Congress for Fall of Ukrainian City

Ukraine's military withdrawal from Avdiivka linked to lack of congressional funding support.
Urgent need for House approval of additional military aid package for Ukraine. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Biden and German Leader Meet at White House and Push for Ukraine Aid

President Biden and Chancellor Olaf Scholz of Germany urged Congress to pass additional aid for Ukraine.
The failure of Congress to support Ukraine is seen as criminal neglect by President Biden. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Schumer Plans Vote Next Week on Border and Ukraine Deal, but Prospects Are in Doubt

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer plans to set up a test vote next week on an immigration crackdown paired with military aid to Ukraine and Israel.
Republican resistance in both chambers may pose challenges for the immigration package. [ more ]
1 month ago
Privacy professionals

A Breakthrough Online Privacy Proposal Hits Congress

The American Privacy Rights Act (APRA) aims to limit data collection and create user rights.
Congress shows progress towards passing a comprehensive data privacy framework. [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

The History Behind Netflix's Shirley Chisholm Biopic

Shirley Chisholm's groundbreaking story is being brought to the forefront through a Netflix biopic starring Regina King.
Chisholm, the first Black woman to serve in Congress, had a significant impact on American politics and paved the way for future generations. [ more ]
3 months ago

Feb 22: Brooklyn Black History Maker, Shirley Chisholm

Shirley Chisholm was a trailblazing figure in American politics.
Chisholm's upbringing and early life experiences shaped her into a determined and accomplished individual. [ more ]
Cornell Chronicle
2 months ago
OMG science

Mars Sample Return a top scientific priority, Lunine testifies | Cornell Chronicle

Mars Sample Return mission is crucial for understanding Mars' evolution.
Funding is necessary to bring back samples from Mars. [ more ]
2 months ago

TikTokers against Washington: If they ban TikTok in the US, they will destroy the American dream'

TikTokers protested against TikTok ban at the Capitol
House of Representatives took a step to force ByteDance to sell TikTok to an American company [ more ]
Slate Magazine
2 months ago

Biden's State of the Union vs Hur's Testimony

President Biden's State of the Union address and Special Counsel Robert Hur's testimony were discussed.
Congress is moving to ban the Chinese government from TikTok. [ more ]
Washingtonian - The website that Washington lives by.
2 months ago

The Sneaker Divide Among Congress - Washingtonian

Younger members in Congress wear sneakers due to practical reasons like walking to work.
Female politicians wearing sneakers make a political statement, with more Dems opting for this style. [ more ]
2 months ago
US politics

The State of the Union Was Rowdy for Biden's Election-Year Speech

President Biden's State of the Union speech was characterized by rowdiness with Republicans jeering and Democrats cheering loudly.
Former Representative George Santos made a splashy return to the House floor and announced plans to run for Congress again during Biden's speech. [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden hit from all sides in Congress on Middle East strikes

President Biden is being criticized by both interventionists and isolationists in Congress over his recent strikes in Yemen and the Middle East.
Dovish lawmakers argue the president lacks the authority to carry out the strikes, while hawks say he isn't going far enough. [ more ]
2 months ago
Video games

Former Bungie Composer Marty O'Donnell Announces Nevada Congressional Run

Marty O'Donnell running for Congress in Nevada's third district as a Republican against incumbent Susie Lee.
O'Donnell is a supporter of Trump and had successful careers in the music industry before entering politics. [ more ]
3 months ago
Europe news

Russia-Ukraine war live: Two reportedly killed in Russian drone attack on Odesa apartment block

Congress avoided a shutdown with a last-minute compromise.
Deadlock over military assistance for Ukraine and Israel, immigration laws. [ more ]
3 months ago
Artificial intelligence

House punts on AI with directionless new task force | TechCrunch

The House of Representatives has established a Task Force on artificial intelligence to maintain America's leadership in the field.
Congress is perceived as being late to address the issues surrounding AI, with partisanship potentially hindering the effectiveness of the task force. [ more ]
3 months ago
Business intelligence

As Congress lags, states have taken the lead in regulating the emerging AI industry

States are taking the lead in regulating the artificial intelligence industry
Congress has been slow to pass laws regarding AI regulation [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

On Capitol Hill, Republicans Use Bigoted Attacks Against Political Foes

Members of Congress have made discriminatory and offensive remarks towards their colleagues based on their race, ethnicity, and religion.
These incidents highlight the need for improved diversity, inclusion, and cultural sensitivity training in Congress. [ more ]
Los Angeles Times
3 months ago
Los Angeles

From working with Black Panthers to calling for cease-fire, Barbara Lee stands by her beliefs

Barbara Lee's time at Mills College shaped her political activism and career.
Lee's lone vote against the Authorization for the Use of Military Force and her support for Medicare for all highlight her prescience. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Mayorkas Says He's Undeterred by Republicans' Impeachment Drive

Alejandro Mayorkas, the homeland security secretary, is not distracted by congressional Republicans' efforts to impeach him over his handling of the southern border.
Mayorkas denies the allegations and emphasizes that it is up to Congress to fix the broken immigration system. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

Mayorkas undaunted by prospect of second impeachment vote

House Republicans are expected to vote again on impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas.
Congress is the only one who can fix the broken immigration system. [ more ]
3 months ago

Opinion | How to Be Smarter Than a Member of Congress

Isolationist wing of Congress blocking aid to Ukraine due to Republican politics and cluelessness.
Lack of familiarity with the world leads to self-destructive foreign policies and potential mistakes in the future. [ more ]
The Nation
3 months ago
Social justice

Bernie Sanders: "The International Billionaire Class Is Making Out Like Bandits"

Lack of serious debate on important issues in Congress
Criticism of US foreign policy consensus [ more ]
3 months ago
Public health

Gen Z and millennials want to have a chat about mental health. With politicians

Maryland House Delegate Joe Vogel introduced legislation to relieve student debt for mental health professionals working in public schools.
Vogel, a member of Generation Z, is running for Congress and prioritizing addressing the mental health crisis facing young people today. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

The Republican revolt has completely broken Congress

Republican lawmakers revolted against their own party's agenda in Congress this week.
The dysfunction and infighting in Congress reached new levels of chaos and dysfunction. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

Former GOP representative mulling comeback bid in Montana

Former Montana Congressman Denny Rehberg is considering running for Congress again in 2022.
Rehberg is motivated by his desire to make a difference and concerns over inflation and immigration. [ more ]
3 months ago
US Elections

Donald Trump's long shadow exposes Republicans' internal division on Capitol Hill

Republican lawmakers faced a series of defeats in Congress, highlighting the influence of former President Donald Trump.
Democrats plan to bring up a vote on $118 billion in aid to Ukraine, Israel, and the Indo-Pacific without contributions for border control. [ more ]
Chicago Tribune
4 months ago

No help: The federal immigration deal won't fix the migrant crisis in Chicago - and it's unlikely to pass Congress anyway

Congressional Republicans are refusing to provide aid for Ukraine without major U.S. border policy changes.
Even if legislation passes, it will not greatly improve Chicago's situation regarding newly arrived migrants. [ more ]
3 months ago

Feb 6: Brooklyn Black History Maker, Hakeem Jeffries

Hakeem Jeffries is the first African American to lead a party caucus in Congress.
Jeffries has a background in law and worked in various positions before entering politics. [ more ]
3 months ago

The Government's Former UFO Hunter Found Something More Concerning than Aliens

Former defense officials have made claims and released videos of UFO sightings made by military pilots.
Congress demanded answers on these objects and tasked the Pentagon office with investigating contemporary sightings and exploring historical records. [ more ]
3 months ago
US politics

Senators Release Border Deal to Unlock Ukraine Aid, but Fate Remains Uncertain

Senate Republicans and Democrats have reached a compromise plan to crack down on unlawful migration across the U.S.-Mexico border
The plan faces challenges in Congress due to deep divisions and opposition from both Republicans and former President Donald Trump [ more ]
4 months ago
US Elections

How Donald Trump Divided Republicans on Immigration

Donald Trump's opposition to a compromise on border security threatens the chances of a deal in Congress.
Trump's growing influence is dividing Republicans on an issue that once united the party. [ more ]
LGBTQ Nation
3 months ago

Republicans think that their anti-trans crusade will help them win in the fall

Republicans have introduced a record number of anti-trans bills in state legislatures, with the ACLU tracking 387 bills.
Republicans in Congress have also pushed for anti-trans measures, including targeting trans health care in the defense spending bill. [ more ]
Ars Technica
4 months ago
Artificial intelligence

Cops bogged down by flood of fake AI child sex images, report says

Law enforcement is facing challenges in investigating real crimes against children due to the prevalence of AI-generated fake child sex images.
Congress has been slow to address the problem, with only a few states banning AI-generated non-consensual intimate imagery. [ more ]
4 months ago
Privacy technologies

FBI director to warn Congress of dangers Chinese hackers pose to American infrastructure, innovation

Hackers backed by the Chinese government are targeting U.S. critical infrastructure systems, including water treatment plants and electrical grids.
FBI Director Christopher Wray will warn Congress about the risk these cyberattacks pose to American citizens and communities. [ more ]
4 months ago
US politics

Congress ruptures on growing Middle East conflict

Congress is clashing over the degree of American involvement in Middle East conflicts
Lawmakers are pushing back against the idea of a direct strike on Iran [ more ]
4 months ago
Left-wing politics

Biden Says He Would Shut Down Border Right Now' if Congress Sends Him a Deal

President Biden is willing to close the US-Mexico border if Congress passes a proposed deal that would unlock money for Ukraine.
The proposed deal in Congress would require the border to be closed if 5,000 migrants cross illegally in a day. [ more ]
Slate Magazine
4 months ago
US Elections

It's Trump's Congress Again

Trump's ability to influence the legislative process has been resurrected now that he has the Republican presidential nomination in his grasp.
Failure to pass an immigration law deal could have historically damning consequences. [ more ]
Sacramento Bee
4 months ago

2.8 million Californians could lose federal funding for internet access. Here's why and when

The Affordable Connectivity Program, which provided internet access subsidies to millions of households, is ending without additional funding from Congress.
California received $1.3 billion in funding through the program, helping about 1-in-5 households in the state. [ more ]
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