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Berlin Startup Jobs
3 days ago

Job Vacancy: Social Media Intern (Content creation) // Ironhack | Internships Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Ironhack empowers students to transition into tech careers through bootcamps and industry partnerships. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Remote teams

Why more and more organizations are adopting the slow work movement

The slow work movement emphasizes a shift towards a more deliberate pace of work to enhance well-being and productivity in the business world. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
3 weeks ago
Remote teams

How To Measure Your Remote Team's Engagement

Effectively measuring remote team engagement is crucial for productivity and fostering a positive work culture. [ more ]
Miami Herald
3 months ago
Remote teams

Are return-to-office mandates the new generational divide?

Remote work has seen significant growth post-pandemic with a substantial increase in the number of people working from home.
Generational differences are emerging about the preferred mode of work - remote, hybrid, or fully back in the office. [ more ]
The Hill
3 months ago
Remote teams

Are return-to-office mandates the new generational divide?

The Covid-19 pandemic drastically changed the work landscape, with a significant increase in remote and hybrid work.
Generational differences are emerging over the preference for remote, hybrid, or fully in-office work. [ more ]
3 months ago

Employee explains why companies are opposing work from home and they have a point

The opposition to remote work comes from the fear of shifting power from employer to worker.
Companies prioritize control and demoralization over actual productivity. [ more ]
4 months ago

Rest Takes Hard Work

Regular rest is essential for productivity and well-being.
Rest has historically been recognized as valuable, but it is often neglected in today's work-obsessed culture. [ more ]
1 week ago
Remote teams

How to Attract Freelancers Back to Traditional Roles | Entrepreneur

The 'Great Resignation' is driven by a desire for fulfillment and autonomy, leading individuals to favor freelancing over traditional employment. [ more ]
Fast Company
1 week ago
Remote teams

Your employees are afraid to take PTO, but a third are playing hooky from work anyway

Employees struggle with burnout, often resorting to work-arounds instead of taking time off due to cultural norms and fear of asking for leave. [ more ]
1 month ago
Software development

Crunch culture is a detriment to developers - here's how businesses can prevent it

Burnout and 'crunch' periods in tech businesses impact mental health and code quality, necessitating a reevaluation of work practices. [ more ]
2 weeks ago

Tesla Is Reportedly Rehiring Laid Off Supercharger Employees | Entrepreneur

Some executives and team members asked to return after Tesla supercharger team was initially fired. [ more ]
4 months ago

Viral layoff videos reflect a sea change in work culture

Workers are publicly sharing their experiences of being laid off or fired on social media platforms like TikTok, LinkedIn, and X.
This trend marks a shift in work culture, with job loss losing its stigma and workers seeking support and new opportunities by going public. [ more ]
4 weeks ago
Remote teams

Pleasure to Work With? You'll Never Get Promoted, Per TikTok | Entrepreneur

Being too pleasant at work may hinder career advancement. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

Manager lists out what she does and doesn't care about employees and it's striking a chord

The pandemic reshaped work culture, emphasizing the importance of companies supporting employees' personal situations and mental health struggles. [ more ]
Berlin Startup Jobs
2 months ago
UX design

Job Vacancy: Senior UI/UX Designer (f/m/d) // 7Mind GmbH | Design / UX Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Emphasis on mental and personal well-being in the workplace
Innovative benefits and work culture promoting well-being [ more ]
1 year ago
Canada news

Bell scraps plan to donate 5 cents per text on Let's Talk Day, will give lump sum of $10M instead | CBC News

Bell Canada is overhauling its charitable initiative that supports mental health, replacing a program that saw the company donate five cents every time Canadians used the phrase "Bell Lets Talk" with a lump-sum donation of $10 million.Since its founding in 2010, the Bell Let's Talk initiative has seen the telecom giant donate five cents every time Canadians used the BellLetsTalk hashtag on social media or in a text.
1 month ago
Remote teams

How Empathy-Based Leadership Can Transform Your Team | Entrepreneur

The 'new normal' requires a shift in strategic frameworks to navigate business challenges effectively. [ more ]
1 month ago
Remote teams

For the first time since the pandemic, Americans prefer hybrid over remote work-and it's not the free lunches driving the shift

Employees prefer hybrid work over fully remote or in-person work.
Hybrid work leads to better engagement among employees compared to fully remote or in-person work. [ more ]
eLearning Industry
1 month ago
Remote teams

35 Creative Employee Engagement Activities And Ideas

Employee engagement is closely linked to motivation through autonomy and determination.
Creating clear job descriptions, providing autonomy, open communication, and acknowledgment can sustain employee engagement. [ more ]
Star Tribune
2 months ago
Remote teams

Work from home working for you? Feel free to keep doing that, 3M says

3M allows remote work for eligible employees
Corporate America shifting towards return-to-office policies [ more ]
HR Brew
2 months ago
Remote teams

The future of work is hybrid, urges one author

Remote and in-person work can be combined for a hybrid model.
Flexibility in work location, schedule, and methods is crucial. [ more ]
Myrtle Beach Sun News
2 months ago

$100K job openings for SC folks to work remotely. Take a look at these jobs

Unique job title in cybersecurity field
Work culture and benefits at YNAB [ more ]
Washington Post
3 months ago
Remote teams

Companies' hard-line stance on returning to the office is backfiring

Thousands of employees at SAP are unhappy with the company's shift back to in-person work and threaten to leave rather than comply.
SAP's CEO expressed frustration with remote work's effects on the company's culture and believes remote work hinders employees' ability to do their job best. [ more ]
2023 years ago

Work-from-home parents watched kids more in COVID's first year

A dramatic shift toward remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic caused telecommuting parents in the United States to spend significantly more time "parenting" their children in the first year of the pandemic than they did before, according to a new study.In the study in the Journal of Marriage and Family, the researchers found that parents working remotely, particularly mothers, significantly increased the amount of time they spent on supervisory parenting-or "watching" their children as they did other activities, such as their job-related duties, not focused on childcare.
Berlin Startup Jobs
2 months ago

Job Vacancy: Founder's Associate (German) // skillto.eu | Internships Jobs | Berlin Startup Jobs

Opportunity for growth in a startup-like environment
Emphasis on core skills and qualifications for success [ more ]
3 months ago

Rants, AI and other notes from Upfront Summit | TechCrunch

The Upfront Summit in LA featured notable VC discussions and high-profile speakers.
Challenges faced by venture capital and startups were acknowledged, including talent acquisition and work culture issues in San Francisco. [ more ]
3 months ago
Remote teams

Fully Remote and Hybrid Jobs at Walmart Hiring in February 2024

Walmart offers well-paid fully remote jobs.
Candidates can search 'remote' on Walmart jobs page for remote-friendly positions. [ more ]
3 months ago

Manager lists out what she does and doesn't care about employees and it's striking a chord

The pandemic has forced companies to reevaluate their approach to work culture and prioritize employee well-being.
Companies should be flexible and understanding of employees' personal situations and support them accordingly. [ more ]
3 months ago

Breaking Corporate Mold with Lessons from a 90's Movie Prop | Entrepreneur

Taking a risk and building a collaborative environment can be more effective than implementing a monotonous, bureaucratic office culture.
Leadership qualities that successful small business owners share include taking risks and creating a positive work environment. [ more ]
6 months ago

4 Ways to Maintain Culture Among Constant Change | Entrepreneur

Leaders must set the tone for handling industry changes and create a healthy work culture in times of rapid technological innovation.
Transparent communication and leveraging expertise are key in successfully implementing changes within an organization. [ more ]
#work culture
5 months ago

The most diverse generation in the workplace can agree on this one career-builder

Gen Z sees mentorship as crucial for their professional development and desires fulfilling work and workplace relationships.
Despite their desire for mentorship, only 52% of Gen Z respondents in a survey reported having a mentor. [ more ]
6 months ago

Working in Amazon offices was like slowly killing yourself': Life in the tech giant, according to a former executive

Kristi Coulter's book, Exit Interview, provides a hard-hitting review of the unbearable conditions at Amazon.
The work culture at Amazon is described as one of the worst in the tech industry.
Amazon declined to comment on the claims made in Coulter's book. [ more ]
morework culture
Business Insider
1 year ago

A 'Diet Coke break' is the latest example of Gen Zs and Millennials insisting on work-life balance

Some young workers are opting for "Diet Coke breaks" and filming them on TikTok.The trend romanticizes work breaks and Diet Coke - and highlights the value of work-life balance.The company hasn't had a hand in the TikTok trend, a Coca-Cola spokesperson told Insider.Gone are the days of milling around a water cooler, waiting for a machine to spit out a cup of coffee, or stepping out for a smoke.
Eater LA
1 year ago
LA food

Two Big Westside Names Are Opening a Wood-Fired Seafood Spot in Santa Monica

Isla has found its forever home.After a month of pop-ups, the new restaurant from Crudo e Nudo chef Brian Bornemann and designer Leena Culhane will move into the Santa Monica space currently occupied by Little Prince, located just a few blocks north on Main Street.With a focus on wood-fired seafood and fowl, Isla will operate with a different service model than Crudo e Nudo, the tiny sidewalk raw bar that first put Bornemann and Culhane on the map.
San Jose Spotlight
1 year ago
Public health

'They don't care about us:' Future doctors are fleeing Santa Clara County - San Jose Spotlight

Doctors in training are fleeing Santa Clara County, and they blame ongoing workload issues and dismissive leadership at Valley Medical Center.Their complaints about being overworked and undervalued, along with numerous issues brought up by other health care workers at VMC, are raising concerns for some elected officials-with one vowing to get to the root of the problem.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Top 10 office furniture designs that your co-workers and you will love - Yanko Design

We often underestimate the importance of great office furniture!When in reality we really shouldn't.We spend the majority of our day sitting on our office chairs or typing away on our desks whether we're working in our home office or a corporate one.Hence, these pieces of furniture need to be not only comfortable but ergonomic, and aesthetic as well.
Social Media Explorer
1 year ago
Online marketing

Human Resources Professionals Don't Want To Work For Twitter - Social Media Explorer

Last week, billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk cut close to 3,700 jobs at Twitter - roughly half of the social media platform's workforce.Musk, who paid a reported $44 billion for the service has been looking to find ways to reduce expenditures, while at the same time has begun to implement the "24/7" work culture that he is famous for - including calling upon employees to work around the clock to make the changes he'd like to see.
1 year ago

33 Women With Well-Paying, Low-Stress Jobs Are Revealing What They Do For A Living

I work in a doctor's office with kids.
I work four days a week and get paid $85,000 a year."
1 year ago
Mental health

The dawn of the four-day week

Organisers of the world's largest trial of the four-day working week have proclaimed it a success and have launched a drive to persuade more companies to try the idea.Of the 61 companies in the UK that entered the six-month trial, 56 have extended the four-day-week policy, including 18 that have already made it permanent.
2 years ago
Left-wing politics

Trader Joe's Workers Announce New Union Effort in Letter to CEO

Trader Joe's workers in Massachusetts are forming their own union in order to combat what they describe as a toxic work culture cultivated by the supposedly progressive company.
1 year ago
UX design

Things You Should Know Before Joining a Design Agency or Studio

Joining a design agency can be a great way for junior designers to gain valuable experience in their career journey.Working in an agency allows designers to work on a variety of projects with different clients, giving them the opportunity to learn and grow in different areas of design.Additionally, working in an agency can provide designers with access to experienced mentors and a supportive team environment.
Speckyboy Design Magazine
1 year ago
Graphic design

Managing the 24/7 Work Culture of Web Designers

One of the great aspects of the web is that it's always there.Want to buy a pair of socks at 2 AM? Searching for the title of a song you haven't heard in years?It's all there, all the time.Indeed, if New York is the city that never sleeps, the web is the medium that likewise refuses a nap.24-hour convenience has a hidden cost, though.
1 year ago

The Year of the Cat by Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett review kitten heals

During lockdown, Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett, like many others, got a cat, and her memoir recounts the first year of feline ownership, interlaced with excavations of the author's past.At first, the premise seems twee.Only cat people will be onboard with descriptions of little Mackerel the kitten's cuteness.
Eater Chicago
1 year ago

Starbucks Alleged Union-Busting Tactics Inspires a Tabletop Game Maker

Over the course of its centuries-long history, the American labor movement has evoked strong responses - some supportive, some less so - from writers, artists, musicians, and creative types who seek to comment upon, endorse, or criticize labor organizing.The movement has seen a significant resurgence in recent years and has even made progress at restaurants and bars, places where organizers have historically failed to dent.
1 year ago
Remote teams

The Evolution Of Modern Workforce

The work culture has evolved over time varying from decade to decade, place to place, job to job.
Yanko Design - Modern Industrial Design News
1 year ago

Top 10 multifunctional furniture designs for tiny home setups - Yanko Design

There's just something about a multifunctional piece of furniture that ticks all the checkboxes for me!Imagine a product that's been designed to work as a clothing rack and a treadmill?!
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